When will I see results?



  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I'm 34, and I know it is much more difficult to lose it after 25! I guess I am just starting and so need to be more patient. I just feel so awful at the weight gain and how it has crept up on me. I've been reading up on metabolic enhancing foods and the 'right fats', so might try to make a few changes there.

    I'm 41. When I tried losing weight in my early/mid 30s, and tried cutting calories below 1000, weight loss was REALLY hard. Painfully slow, and I felt like crap.

    When I joined here at 38, I ate at a reasonable deficit (usually between 1800-2000 or more total calories a day) and while I wasn't dropping tons of weight quickly, I was losing at the right rate and didn't feel deprived at all. It actually felt... easy.

    I think of it like trying to fell a tree. You can push and push and push with all your might, and you're working really hard, but that tree isn't going to come down. If you're using the right tools and using them correctly, taking it down is a snap.
  • It absolutely does matter if you eat all that starch. Just because MY Fit Pal recommends it doesnt mean it is right for your specific metabolism. We need to stop treating the body like a simple math equation (calories in, calories out) and start realizing the complex biochemistry that is the metabolism. Clearly what you are doing is not working,

    Unless she has a medical condition it doesn't matter. She is governed by the same laws of thermodynamics as everyone else. She does not have to give up pasta to lose weight. She's been at this for TWO WEEKS and you're suggesting she give up food she loves. That's sounds healthy and sustainable :noway:

    Funny I actually didn't suggest her to give up anything. I just stated if she is not seeing results, then something is not working for her and maybe she should play around with her macro nutrients a little . And if you actually believe the laws of thermodynamics are all that dictate metabolism and body fat then you know nothing about hormones. Maybe you should take biochemistry. :)
  • Jules190179
    Jules190179 Posts: 57 Member
    Ah Ha! I have lost inches not weight!! I was sooooooo hot last night I found my summer nighty, which was claustrophobic and restrictive to wear, it was so tight I couldn't move in it (sorry if that's too much info for some!!) , and that was about three weeks ago. I wore it last night and was not only cool but very comfortable, able to move about without feeling restricted at all. So, I feel much better and more motivated this morning. I shall have a piece of toast for breakfast, rather than fruit, and go on my treadmill as usual!
    Thanks for everyone's support and advice. It is hard to know what is right as we are all different. But something is working somewhere. A few adjustments along the way until I get it right and I'll be there before you know it! :laugh:
  • SJLS2013
    SJLS2013 Posts: 149 Member
    Oddly, I find the inches come off before the weight and you haven't been at this long, so keep going and I'm sure you will see results

    As for the ton of advice about 'right' foods and 'wrong' foods- I find it far too time consuming and annoying to keep track of it all- I just try to stick under my calories goal and get a good workout between 4-6 times a week and it seems to be working for me
  • Iron_Feline
    Iron_Feline Posts: 10,750 Member
    It absolutely does matter if you eat all that starch. Just because MY Fit Pal recommends it doesnt mean it is right for your specific metabolism. We need to stop treating the body like a simple math equation (calories in, calories out) and start realizing the complex biochemistry that is the metabolism. Clearly what you are doing is not working,

    Unless she has a medical condition it doesn't matter. She is governed by the same laws of thermodynamics as everyone else. She does not have to give up pasta to lose weight. She's been at this for TWO WEEKS and you're suggesting she give up food she loves. That's sounds healthy and sustainable :noway:

    Funny I actually didn't suggest her to give up anything. I just stated if she is not seeing results, then something is not working for her and maybe she should play around with her macro nutrients a little . And if you actually believe the laws of thermodynamics are all that dictate metabolism and body fat then you know nothing about hormones. Maybe you should take biochemistry. :)

    Apologies - I got you mixed up with someone who did suggest the op cut out pasta.

    We ARE all governed by the laws of thermodynamics though - but I didn't say it was all that mattered, and I have taken biochem - thanks though.

    Also no-where in your post did you suggest she "play around" with her macros.

    That said my point still stands. And since the op has lost inches - what she is doing clearly is working for her. So the starches she eats don't affect her weight loss.

    Again, unless you have a medical condition (including hormonal ones) you don't have to cut down/out starches to lose weight.


    Congrats on the inches lost - this is why everyone should take measurements and photos and not just focus on the scale :drinker:
  • Jules190179
    Jules190179 Posts: 57 Member
    Thanks, just trying to find your reply that gives me the amended % of protein etc. Mine seems to have re-set and I am way over on protein from a tin of tuna and two chicken drumsticks that I intend to have for tea!!:frown:
  • Iron_Feline
    Iron_Feline Posts: 10,750 Member
    Thanks, just trying to find your reply that gives me the amended % of protein etc. Mine seems to have re-set and I am way over on protein from a tin of tuna and two chicken drumsticks that I intend to have for tea!!:frown:

    LOL, yeah the reboot of the design seems to have screwed with a lot of peoples settings :noway:
  • kpritchard87
    kpritchard87 Posts: 6 Member
    Hey, I previously tried Atkins diet (High protein, low carb) had great results but felt ill, so switched to low calorie (1000-1200) and had no weight loss.

    When you eat that little you are loosing muscle not building it, and your metabolism slows right down to compensate for eating so little. Eventually to carry on loosing weight you have to keep lowering your calories which is unsustainable unless your happy to starve your whole life.

    Why not read up on weight training and building some muscle as oppose to loosing scale weight? A 140lb woman for example can be a size 8 or a size 14 dependant upon their body fat percentage. It is much better to have more muscle as you can also eat more.

    I would recommend reading the book called New Rules of Lifting for Women. It has great advice about exercise and nutrition. I've been doing it for 5 weeks now and saw results within 3 weeks - smaller measurements everywhere and i've been eating more than I ever have before. You would never get results that fast with cardio and low cal diet - trust me ive tried!


    read this for inspiration - weight lifting is life changing. I will never diet on low cal ever again!
  • It absolutely does matter if you eat all that starch. Just because MY Fit Pal recommends it doesnt mean it is right for your specific metabolism. We need to stop treating the body like a simple math equation (calories in, calories out) and start realizing the complex biochemistry that is the metabolism. Clearly what you are doing is not working,

    Unless she has a medical condition it doesn't matter. She is governed by the same laws of thermodynamics as everyone else. She does not have to give up pasta to lose weight. She's been at this for TWO WEEKS and you're suggesting she give up food she loves. That's sounds healthy and sustainable :noway:

    Funny I actually didn't suggest her to give up anything. I just stated if she is not seeing results, then something is not working for her and maybe she should play around with her macro nutrients a little . And if you actually believe the laws of thermodynamics are all that dictate metabolism and body fat then you know nothing about hormones. Maybe you should take biochemistry. :)

    Apologies - I got you mixed up with someone who did suggest the op cut out pasta.

    We ARE all governed by the laws of thermodynamics though - but I didn't say it was all that mattered, and I have taken biochem - thanks though.

    Also no-where in your post did you suggest she "play around" with her macros.

    That said my point still stands. And since the op has lost inches - what she is doing clearly is working for her. So the starches she eats don't affect her weight loss.

    Again, unless you have a medical condition (including hormonal ones) you don't have to cut down/out starches to lose weight.


    Congrats on the inches lost - this is why everyone should take measurements and photos and not just focus on the scale :drinker:

    I completely agree. :)