" You already blew your diet"



  • ent3rsandman
    ent3rsandman Posts: 170 Member
    Good on you, dude. That's the perfect mentality to have! Eventually you'll love the smug satisfaction you receive from telling them that you've lost weight eating fast food, haha.
  • GlassAngyl
    GlassAngyl Posts: 478 Member
    My brother was telling his wife and me the same thing if we "slipped".. Then he would get mad that we still lost weight even slipping up. I tried to explain deficients and weekly goals and over on breakfast doesn't mean over for dinner and that it's based on calories, not food types. He didn't get it at ALL. Maybe your wife will. Tell her you are watching your weekly calories, not daily.
  • dwilliamca
    dwilliamca Posts: 325 Member
    Last night we had a birthday party at Shakey's and I really slipped, even though I had "pre-logged" what I was going to eat. Once we got there and all the food and beer around, I just fell off both the food and alcohol wagon to the tune of about 500 calories! Today I'm back on track and carefully watching every bite plus I exercised, so my week should look OK. I'm lucky that I'm the cook and grocery shopper in this household, so everybody benefits when I get into really healthy cooking.
  • lynn_glenmont
    lynn_glenmont Posts: 9,994 Member
    I know it's a good thing they don't gain but it's insane to me how much they eat without gaining anything. Yes I mean they aren't gaining excess weight but with how they are eating they should of gained atleast some. I know I would of gained like crazy eating how they do lol.

    No, it's not a good thing that they don't gain anything. That's called failure to thrive. It's a bad thing for children never to gain any weight.
  • lynn_glenmont
    lynn_glenmont Posts: 9,994 Member
    OP, I know I'd be really tempted to ask my spouse why they want to be the annoying pebble in my shoe trying to keep me from walking my path successfully. Eventually one is likely to shake the pebble out of the shoe.
  • Heather4448
    Heather4448 Posts: 908 Member
    Keep on keeping on, OP. By this time next year, you'll be at least 50 lighter and you won't need to *say* a word!
  • Rebirth08
    Rebirth08 Posts: 174 Member
    That sucks! And I used to complain about my mom sabotaging my efforts by bringing chips into the home...I won't complain anymore. It's unfortunate you are experiencing this. Hope you venting a bit will help you to keep going.
  • imanibelle
    imanibelle Posts: 130 Member
    edited September 2017
    I've heard comments that aren't exactly the same, but was asked in the past why I watch my portions when eating certain meals, but then treat myself to an ice cream. I watch my portions when it comes to everything. People often don't get it and think you have to either eat only healthy food or not bother. I eat mostly healthful foods, but I still treat myself, though I do it less these days. Thats why I just try to avoid ever mentioning losing weight or efforts to do so a whole lot to others.
  • Muscleflex79
    Muscleflex79 Posts: 1,917 Member
    I know it's a good thing they don't gain but it's insane to me how much they eat without gaining anything. Yes I mean they aren't gaining excess weight but with how they are eating they should of gained atleast some. I know I would of gained like crazy eating how they do lol.

    no, it's actually not a good thing that your children aren't gaining weight...as someone said above that is called failure to thrive...
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,576 Member
    edited September 2017
    Ugh! I hate the "I thought you were on a diet" type remarks. And I'm one of those that doesn't mind the word diet. And I'm sure it's even more difficult when it comes to family because giving a sarcastic rude remark isn't a good idea.
  • carinaeletoile
    carinaeletoile Posts: 1 Member
    So, I had two pieces of taco pizza the other night. Which I budgeted my kcals for and was fine going over a bit. Then the family needed milkshakes, when asked I said no thanks. That's where the above comment came in, I wanted to say I am not dieting anymore, just being healthier. But it is a conversation I have had with them before so what is the use. I would love to blow up and say that they are not helping me by making desserts every other night, and at times it feels like they are out to see me fail, but I know in the long run learning to say no to temptations more often will help me. I just want the whole " diet " thing to stop being brought up. If I decide to get a regular McDonald's hamburger without fries, that doesn't mean I am going off the rails for the day, days or weeks anymore. It is just getting so frustrating being a father of three with a wife and mother-in-law who make zero effort to make a dinner or two a week that is not so unhealthy. They order out at least 8 times a month and I will get a burger or taco and they nag me about it. About how I have gone off my diet.. okay rant over

    It's hard reining it in. I speak from experience, but it can be done. Don't let them sway you -- you started right, but let those voices get to you. rheddmobile got it right -- have that chat with your spouse. Chances are they don't realize they're sabotaging you or making you feel bad about your healthy choices.

    Good luck!
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    Active growing children can eat a lot and not "gain". Can't resent them for it. Let them have their cake and eat it too.

    Dad, every time you turn down a treat you are being a good example. In the menu planning, is there ever a "dad night" on the BBQ?
  • sydneypo
    sydneypo Posts: 28 Member
    So, I had two pieces of taco pizza the other night. Which I budgeted my kcals for and was fine going over a bit. Then the family needed milkshakes, when asked I said no thanks. That's where the above comment came in, I wanted to say I am not dieting anymore, just being healthier. But it is a conversation I have had with them before so what is the use. I would love to blow up and say that they are not helping me by making desserts every other night, and at times it feels like they are out to see me fail, but I know in the long run learning to say no to temptations more often will help me. I just want the whole " diet " thing to stop being brought up. If I decide to get a regular McDonald's hamburger without fries, that doesn't mean I am going off the rails for the day, days or weeks anymore. It is just getting so frustrating being a father of three with a wife and mother-in-law who make zero effort to make a dinner or two a week that is not so unhealthy. They order out at least 8 times a month and I will get a burger or taco and they nag me about it. About how I have gone off my diet.. okay rant over

    First, good for you! That's a really challenging situation when you don't necessarily have your spouse's support but I truly hope you stick with it so you become example for your loved ones. Sometimes I think when we say "no thanks" or get something not as "fun" off the menu people tend to get self-conscious about their own food choices because they know they should be making similar choices. It's almost like they guilt you into indulging with them so they don't have to deal with their own insecurities. That "life is short, eat the cake" and "do what makes you happy today" mentality is a double-edged sword and quite possibly the reason we're all battling being overweight. :D
  • bkbirge
    bkbirge Posts: 107 Member
    Lounmoun wrote: »
    A lot of people don't understand that weight loss is about calories not type of food.


    I am of the opinion that being patient and explaining to your family no matter how many times it annoys you is a good thing in the long run, you are modeling behavior for your children that may not be apparent now but will be immensely helpful to them later in life. Just keep doing what you are doing.

  • bijarkhan
    bijarkhan Posts: 157 Member
    There are a whole range of answers. You need to choose what is best for your situation. It does sound like you have a good grasp on your situation and knowing what are your obstacles in regards to losing weight. This forum is the perfect place to vent out your frustrations and have support. I have started a group that starts on Oct. 1 called Unity-Getting Passed the Struggle. I think have a support group can get you bring you positive reinforcement. This is open for everyone to join. You don't want to ruin the relationship and even unconsciously blame the family for your success. This is your path to travel, your hand to mouth as to say what you are putting in your body, how much you are exercising, and your mental well being. Realizing that will give you inner strength to find solutions (such as preparing good foods at home, going shopping to fit your needs) and later they will understand and might join you on your journey when they start to see slowly the results.
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    This past Sunday my daughter hosted a "dinner and a movie" event at her home in honor of my birthday. It's been more than three years from my surgery and I've been living with diet restrictions longer than that, but I still get offered food and drink, sometimes more than once. It's an ingrained social custom.

    I was amused this time to see different family members explain to each other why I waited twenty minutes before accepting pie, and why I refused a drink with dinner.

    I just explain again, or just simply say "no thank you" and move on. If I make no big deal, they don't either.
  • Treece68
    Treece68 Posts: 780 Member
    This comes form the misconception that you must not eat this or that in order to lose weight. There is a lot of woo out there and when you try to explain I can eat this ice cream or pizza etc. because I have added it into my calories for the day they don't understand. Do what you do stay within your calories and you will lose weight try not to let them get to you.