Maintainers weekly Check-in October 2017



  • nichell88
    nichell88 Posts: 364 Member
    Name: Nichell
    Age: 29
    Height: 5'6
    Total Weight lost: ~50lbs
    Time it took to lose: 5.5 months
    How long in maintenance: about 21 weeks
    Maintenance weight range: 148-153lbs

    Average weight recorded from February: 182.4
    Average weight recorded from March: 173.5
    Average weight recorded from April: 164.5
    Average weight recorded from May: 156.4
    Average weight recorded from June: 152.3
    Average weight recorded from July: 150.35
    Average weight recorded from August: 150.1
    Average weight recorded from September: 149.5

    Week of...
    2nd of October-149.9, trend 151.6
    9th of October-150.2, trend 150.8
    16th of October-150.8, trend 151.7

    Successes/struggles- I find myself finding more and more excuses to binge/indulge/fall off my diet. I had a particularly bad day at work today, which caused me to miss my lunch (not by choice) and build up enough stress due to hunger combined with a stressful day and ended up stuffing my face with Chinese food; mind you, it wasn’t even good Chinese food! At least that’d have been worth it. Anyway, I need to develop coping skills outside of eating. Or just stop harping on every single opportunity that comes up to ear poorly. I need to stop making excuses and get serious
  • CoachJen71
    CoachJen71 Posts: 1,200 Member
    nichell88 wrote: »
    Name: Nichell

    Successes/struggles- I find myself finding more and more excuses to binge/indulge/fall off my diet. I had a particularly bad day at work today, which caused me to miss my lunch (not by choice) and build up enough stress due to hunger combined with a stressful day and ended up stuffing my face with Chinese food; mind you, it wasn’t even good Chinese food! At least that’d have been worth it. Anyway, I need to develop coping skills outside of eating. Or just stop harping on every single opportunity that comes up to ear poorly. I need to stop making excuses and get serious

    I am in the same boat. Stupid snatch and grabs after work.

  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    nichell88 wrote: »
    Name: Nichell
    Age: 29
    Height: 5'6
    Total Weight lost: ~50lbs
    Time it took to lose: 5.5 months
    How long in maintenance: about 21 weeks
    Maintenance weight range: 148-153lbs

    Average weight recorded from February: 182.4
    Average weight recorded from March: 173.5
    Average weight recorded from April: 164.5
    Average weight recorded from May: 156.4
    Average weight recorded from June: 152.3
    Average weight recorded from July: 150.35
    Average weight recorded from August: 150.1
    Average weight recorded from September: 149.5

    Week of...
    2nd of October-149.9, trend 151.6
    9th of October-150.2, trend 150.8
    16th of October-150.8, trend 151.7

    Successes/struggles- I find myself finding more and more excuses to binge/indulge/fall off my diet. I had a particularly bad day at work today, which caused me to miss my lunch (not by choice) and build up enough stress due to hunger combined with a stressful day and ended up stuffing my face with Chinese food; mind you, it wasn’t even good Chinese food! At least that’d have been worth it. Anyway, I need to develop coping skills outside of eating. Or just stop harping on every single opportunity that comes up to ear poorly. I need to stop making excuses and get serious

    @nichell88 You have great before and after pics in your avatar! I encourage you to post them someplace where you see them all the time. It might give you just the oomph you need to make decisions you're happy with.
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    icemom011 wrote: »
    Name: Irina
    Age : 47
    Height : 5'7
    Total Weight lost: 75ish lbs
    Time it took to lose: about 10 months
    How long in maintenance 11 months
    Maintenance weight range, adjusted: 145 - 150 lbs

    Average weight recorded from January: 152.3
    Average weight recorded from February: 152.2
    Average weight recorded from March: 151.4
    Range of weight recorded from April 146.6- 150.4
    Range of weight recorded from May 144.6- 151.2
    Range of weight from June 143.6- 153.2
    Range of weight from July 143.0 - 149.6
    Range of weight from August 145.8- 151.0
    Range of weight from September 143.8 - 147.6

    Week of...
    1st October 145.2 lbs scale, 145.6 trend
    8th October: 146.5 lbs scale, 146.1 trend
    15th October: 144 lbs scale, 145,7 trend
    22nd October: 146.4 lbs scale, 146.7 trend
    29th October:

    Success / struggles of the week : I've spent pretty much whole week trying to bring my weight down, it jumped up due to too much snacking and grabbing anything and everything that looks good. And we have too many things at home that do appeal to me, so it was non stop for a few days starting last week, and the weight crept up. Add a glass of wine here and there, and that prompts more trips to the kitchen for more food. It worries me, when i have those days when i can't get enough, what it can lead to. I didn't have much time to exercise on top of that. So i had to rain myself in a little, to get the numbers to go down some. I'm comforted by the fact that i can control the damage, and get back on track after some not so good nights, because it's usually nights, when i get into trouble.

    This is exactly why a range for maintenance is a great idea, like you've done. I would count this week as a big win because you made needed adjustments. WTG!
  • icemom011
    icemom011 Posts: 999 Member
    lorrpb wrote: »
    icemom011 wrote: »
    Name: Irina
    Age : 47
    Height : 5'7
    Total Weight lost: 75ish lbs
    Time it took to lose: about 10 months
    How long in maintenance 11 months
    Maintenance weight range, adjusted: 145 - 150 lbs

    Average weight recorded from January: 152.3
    Average weight recorded from February: 152.2
    Average weight recorded from March: 151.4
    Range of weight recorded from April 146.6- 150.4
    Range of weight recorded from May 144.6- 151.2
    Range of weight from June 143.6- 153.2
    Range of weight from July 143.0 - 149.6
    Range of weight from August 145.8- 151.0
    Range of weight from September 143.8 - 147.6

    Week of...
    1st October 145.2 lbs scale, 145.6 trend
    8th October: 146.5 lbs scale, 146.1 trend
    15th October: 144 lbs scale, 145,7 trend
    22nd October: 146.4 lbs scale, 146.7 trend
    29th October:

    Success / struggles of the week : I've spent pretty much whole week trying to bring my weight down, it jumped up due to too much snacking and grabbing anything and everything that looks good. And we have too many things at home that do appeal to me, so it was non stop for a few days starting last week, and the weight crept up. Add a glass of wine here and there, and that prompts more trips to the kitchen for more food. It worries me, when i have those days when i can't get enough, what it can lead to. I didn't have much time to exercise on top of that. So i had to rain myself in a little, to get the numbers to go down some. I'm comforted by the fact that i can control the damage, and get back on track after some not so good nights, because it's usually nights, when i get into trouble.

    This is exactly why a range for maintenance is a great idea, like you've done. I would count this week as a big win because you made needed adjustments. WTG!

    Thank you, Lori!
  • JustRobby1
    JustRobby1 Posts: 674 Member
    edited October 2017
    @mk2fit I appreciate your concern. Ironically enough my actual mother is convinced that I must be anorexic or something and is worried about me. She calls and texts daily now. Its just an adjustment period, and one I am having difficulty with, but I am sure I will get my bearings soon. 3000+ is just an awful lot of calories. I got to 3200 today (ran 7 miles earlier) but I feel over full and gross as a result. Maybe it's just because it is a feeling that is so unfamiliar to me. Being full I mean.

    I am not 100% content with my body right now, but who is? It's not a weight issue, I just have stretch marks, loose skin in places, and other reminders of my former self that are annoying (and unfortunately permanent barring me winning the lotto).

    I find staying busy helps more than anything. So focus on my job at work and my running after work. I completed my first half marathon on Sept. 24th of this year and my goal is to complete a full by the end of 2018. As soon as I am comfortable that I have my weight stabilized and under control I can start training for it.

    Thanks again for your concern.
  • nikkit321
    nikkit321 Posts: 1,485 Member
    Name: Nikki
    Total weight lost: 30 pounds
    Time it took to lose: 2 years
    How long in maintenance: 6 months
    Maintenance range: 140 - 145

    Average weight recorded from January: 144.6
    Average weight recorded from February: 142.4

    Week of...
    October 2 -
    October 9 - 158.8
    October 16 - 158.0
    October 23 - 161.0
    October 30 -

    Success/struggles of the week:

    Ugh. Far above my happy place thanks to ignoring the scale for too many months. Have to get serious and go back to weight loss thinking for a while.
  • kgirlhart
    kgirlhart Posts: 5,031 Member
    Name: Kathryn
    Height: 5'3.5"
    Total Weight lost: ~74 lbs (I dropped about 14 lbs below original goal)
    Time it took to lose: 10 months (to original goal of 135)
    How long in maintenance: I called maintenance in July 2016, but I have continued to slowly lose so I'm not really sure.
    Maintenance weight range: 120 - 125 lbs

    Average weight recorded from January: 127.1
    Average weight recorded from February: 126.5
    Average weight recorded from March: 126.2
    Average weight recorded from April: 124.9
    Average weight recorded from May: 124.9
    Average weight recorded from June: 122.8
    Average weight recorded from July: 122.1
    Average weight recorded from August: 122.5
    Average weight recorded from September: 121.4

    Week of...
    2nd October: 121.2 scale/ 121.5 trend
    9th October: 121.6 scale/ 121.4 trend
    16th October: 119.4 scale/ 120.9 trend
    23rd October: 120.4 scale/ 120.6 trend
    30th October:

    Success/struggles of the week: My weight is back in my range and so far the trend has stayed in range too. I am trying to eat more calories daily, but sometimes it is difficult. I feel very satisfied on what I am eating and I feel very happy with my activity level. A few family members think I need to cut back my activity. They think I run too much and am too active but I think they are wrong. I don't think that 30 minutes of yoga 5 times per week and running 4 days (~16 miles per week) is excessive exercise. Maybe I'm wrong, but I don't think so. I feel really good. I do have some loose skin and maybe that makes me look more wrinkled than before, but I am hoping that it will tighten up some. Besides, I'm 49 years old. I don't think I look older than 49, but I certainly don't look like I'm in my 20's like the last time I was this weight.
  • icemom011
    icemom011 Posts: 999 Member
    kgirlhart wrote: »
    Name: Kathryn
    Height: 5'3.5"
    Total Weight lost: ~74 lbs (I dropped about 14 lbs below original goal)
    Time it took to lose: 10 months (to original goal of 135)
    How long in maintenance: I called maintenance in July 2016, but I have continued to slowly lose so I'm not really sure.
    Maintenance weight range: 120 - 125 lbs

    Average weight recorded from January: 127.1
    Average weight recorded from February: 126.5
    Average weight recorded from March: 126.2
    Average weight recorded from April: 124.9
    Average weight recorded from May: 124.9
    Average weight recorded from June: 122.8
    Average weight recorded from July: 122.1
    Average weight recorded from August: 122.5
    Average weight recorded from September: 121.4

    Week of...
    2nd October: 121.2 scale/ 121.5 trend
    9th October: 121.6 scale/ 121.4 trend
    16th October: 119.4 scale/ 120.9 trend
    23rd October: 120.4 scale/ 120.6 trend
    30th October:

    Success/struggles of the week: My weight is back in my range and so far the trend has stayed in range too. I am trying to eat more calories daily, but sometimes it is difficult. I feel very satisfied on what I am eating and I feel very happy with my activity level. A few family members think I need to cut back my activity. They think I run too much and am too active but I think they are wrong. I don't think that 30 minutes of yoga 5 times per week and running 4 days (~16 miles per week) is excessive exercise. Maybe I'm wrong, but I don't think so. I feel really good. I do have some loose skin and maybe that makes me look more wrinkled than before, but I am hoping that it will tighten up some. Besides, I'm 49 years old. I don't think I look older than 49, but I certainly don't look like I'm in my 20's like the last time I was this weight.

    Your exercise routine doesn't sound too excessive to me, being active is so important for our health, so if that works for you, keep it up. And who cares about few extra wrinkles, i think we've earned the right to wear them proudly. When my mom pointed mine out to me, i was shocked that she did that, it was so offensive, i thought. So i asked her if she thought that i should fill them back up with fat. Sometimes even people who love us the most could be a little insensitive, for whatever reason, probably not realizing that's the way they are coming across.