Feeling disgusting



  • ecjim
    ecjim Posts: 1,001 Member
    orangegato wrote: »
    ecjim wrote: »
    Why would you only eat 1/2 of a flan ??? seriously - don't worry about the extra food just move on - Eastcoast Jim
    @ecjim because my friend ate the other half of the flan (and the other half of the Cuban sandwich). That's what I meant by splitting it. With all that food and drink in me, I could not eat more........

    Just teasing - flan is the best desert ever - except for maybe cheese cake - Eastcoast Jim
  • mktom29
    mktom29 Posts: 57 Member
    We all slip up! Sounds like an emotionally draining conversation, which means you body is using more energy. Plan for what you'll do next time and move on. It happens.
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    Remember how you physically felt. Learn from that. Try to stop before you get that way next time.

    But try to let go of the guilt and just move on.
  • EatingAndKnitting
    EatingAndKnitting Posts: 531 Member
    Yesterday I ate an entire bag of tater tots. It was so good, but I felt terrible at the end. So overly full and bloated. I logged it, didn't eat dinner, and moved on with today. I'm on track to come in just under my calories today. I've had several days like that over the last year, and I've still lost 45 pounds.

    I figure it's like this. It took me 37 years to get to my highest weight. It's taken roughly one year to lose 45 pounds. That's 37 years of habits, beliefs, and thought patterns to overcome versus one year of mostly better behavior. Of course it's going to be hard.

    But I try to be patient and gentle with myself. I wouldn't yell at my best friend or think she was gross for eating a bag of tater tots if she was trying to lose weight. Is think she was human and slipped. Why should I treat myself any different?

    I will try to remember that feeling of over fullness next time I want a bag of tater tots so I can say no. I'm getting better at saying no to myself, and eventually I'll get to the point where proper portion control is the rule rather than the exception.
  • CynthiasChoice
    CynthiasChoice Posts: 1,047 Member
    Seems like my advice to mull it over later and devise strategies for next time is not the most popular. I hope you'll conceder it though. If you felt "disgusting" and "guilty", your conscience is telling you that your overeating went beyond what is acceptable to you. Shutting down your conscience and glossing over it probably won't lead to better behavior next time. I still say take it seriously, but be gentle with yourself in the process.