Scared to up Calorie intake - 196lbs/88.6kg



  • sky_northern
    sky_northern Posts: 119 Member
    TLB86 wrote: »
    Thank you everyone. I just feel like a bit of a 'wet lettuce' at the moment.

    Everyone keeps telling me I look good and don't need to lose any more but the loss happened a couple of years ago and I so feel pathetic. I sit here now with a bloated gut making me feel conscious! I thought a UK 14 was the size I wanted to be until I got down to it. My waist is fine it's just my belly and hips!! Again I know we can't pin point hence why I think more weight loss will help.

    I know this is all MY fault, MY responsibility and My battle. I don't mean to come across feeling sorry for myself asking for a magic pill as I know everything in life comes with it's own challenge. I've battled a few :/

    My weekly log is pretty much spot on, I use food scales, don't drink (nor crave it) and swap what ever sweets my Mr is eating for nuts or yogurt, which I enjoy.

    Starting this weekend I will log EVERYTHING I eat & drink! I don't binge like I say I just perhaps the wrong types of food, too much of it and unaware of the calories. Like a pathetic Mcdonalds floppy cheeseburger that fills a gap til dinner but at a cost of 300 calories!!

    I've just taken a look back at my diaries and honestly can see that 80% of my weekends aren't logged. The couple that are round up to 2100 - 2200 calories daily on average over the week. HELLO DESTROYER! HELLO SOLUTION!

    Also I have worked out calories required from using 3-5hrs moderate exercise, which I think my routine above is. Would you agree?
    Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) - 1672
    Daily calories to maintain weight (TDEE) - 2592
    Daily calories based on goal in step 6 (20% calorie reduction) - 2073

    Sorry for the long responses, I just feel this is the only place people can relate as colleagues aren't into working out and friends think 'I'm fine!' xx

    The un-tracked weekends can be an issue. Don't beat yourself up about what you eat, as long as it satisfies you. I fit chocolate and ice cream into my week, but log it.
    I think around 2000 calories is a totally reasonable calorie goal, and gives you lots of room for nuts and chocolate. Just honestly track (including weekends) at that goal and see how it goes!
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member
    edited September 2017
    I eat chocolate every day. However, I no longer have chocolate bars - the ones I liked were 480 calories a bar and it's hard for me to not finish a bar once I open it.

    Now I have a Ghirardelli squares for 70 calories or 8 grams of Ghirardelli semi-sweet chocolate chips for 37 calories. I eat these v e r y s l o w l y.

    I still have pizza, but I have less pizza and more salad.

  • TLB86
    TLB86 Posts: 275 Member
    I thank everyone for their responses and for not getting too frustrated with me :-)
  • ZoneFive
    ZoneFive Posts: 570 Member
    edited September 2017
    Commenters won't get frustrated if it seems like the OP is actually reading comments and taking them seriously. It's the "no no you don't understand, it's different for me" woo-believers who think that biophysics doesn't apply to them that bring the frustration on these boards.

    Nobody likes having their beliefs or routines challenged, but that's how you learn and change. Best of luck to you!
  • not_a_runner
    not_a_runner Posts: 1,343 Member
    As others have mentioned, there's really no reason to be scared to eat "more", when you're not really eating at 1600-1700 calories anyhow..

    I'm very similar to you OP, I started at 215 lbs (5'1''), lift a few days a week, and usually kept my calories around 2000 to lose a pound per week. I've been around 180 lbs for a while now and would like to lose more, but I'm currently taking an extended maintenance break.
    My weight has gone up and down a lot, and I'm constantly dieting, just to go off the rails and gain the weight back quickly. (I actually was down to 135 lbs a few years ago dieting very aggressively, and I gained all of that weight back plus another 20 lbs.. leading to my heaviest of 215.)
    What's been helping me is to focus on a realistic/long term way of eating for me to maintain my weight, even if it means staying at a weight higher than I'd like for now. It's not worth dieting again and again if I just keep gaining it right back. After I have a good handle on maintenance at this weight, I plan to do a moderate cut (maybe 10 lbs) and then take an extended period of maintenance again. (I'm currently eating over 2800 cals per day and weight stable btw)

    I can't say this is necessarily going to work for me long term, or be right for you. Maybe it sounds like "woo".. But I do know that this approach feels like the best way I've gone about it yet. I had to break that cycle of constantly dieting/over eating. I hope you find an approach that works for you!
  • TLB86
    TLB86 Posts: 275 Member
    edited October 2017
    OK so these were my past 2 statuses and I'm feeling pretty positive about the change.

    *OK so it's a slow start at controlling my weekends. I didn't have any wine this evening and had chicken kebab for dinner but NO CHIPS! My stomach was eating 'hey where's my chips' but my head was saying 'did you die?'

    *So Saturdays logging was also a success! I didn't eliminate alcohol or chocolate and managed to stay under my calories. Deffo liking this one day at a time malarkey. Let's see what today brings! Let's smash it peeps ♥

    I understand that it's takes time, patience and hard work to get what we want but I have every intention of doing this. I also understand there might not be a loss after just one good weekend/week!

    I've even asked my Mr to move date night on the tiles to a couple of weeks away just so I can gain control of this and see if it's working. We've not been on the tiles since forever but he understands and the tiles will still be waiting to be abused another night lol.
  • tess5036
    tess5036 Posts: 942 Member
    That's exactly how I got control of my calories, small changes and one day at a time!
  • lynn_glenmont
    lynn_glenmont Posts: 10,020 Member
    TLB86 wrote: »
    OK so these were my past 2 statuses and I'm feeling pretty positive about the change.

    *OK so it's a slow start at controlling my weekends. I didn't have any wine this evening and had chicken kebab for dinner but NO CHIPS! My stomach was eating 'hey where's my chips' but my head was saying 'did you die?'

    *So Saturdays logging was also a success! I didn't eliminate alcohol or chocolate and managed to stay under my calories. Deffo liking this one day at a time malarkey. Let's see what today brings! Let's smash it peeps ♥

    I understand that it's takes time, patience and hard work to get what we want but I have every intention of doing this. I also understand there might not be a loss after just one good weekend/week!

    I've even asked my Mr to move date night on the tiles to a couple of weeks away just so I can gain control of this and see if it's working. We've not been on the tiles since forever but he understands and the tiles will still be waiting to be abused another night lol.

    "The tiles"?
    Is this a U.K. expression? What does it mean?