Massive Bellies



  • MyaPapaya75
    MyaPapaya75 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Let me start out by saying I am in no way here to judge or condemn. This is strictly curiosity on my part as an almost 50 year old woman. Yesterday in the mall I was sitting in the food court with my 18 year old. A group of young adults who I am going to guess were between the ages of 18 and 25 walked by. One of the girls had a belly that hung down below her shirt and rested on the tops of her thighs. I have lived a lot of years and seen a lot of things. But for the life of me I can not figure out how a body does that at such a young age. I know right after I had my daughter I had a big belly but it never hung down below my waist so much it came out of the bottom of my clothes.

    Even now. With my belly fat it does not present itself like that. She was not an obese person, a little overweight yes. But the belly thing has really bothered me. Maybe I shouldn't care at all, but it totally took me aback. You mostly see bellies like that on your pot bellied grand daddy.. What are our kids eating that makes the body react like that? And it wasn't a case of drastic weight loss as the rest of her body wasn't like that. Just her belly. Just had to get this off my chest..
    Your not passing judgment yet your asking such an insane question at 50? Also stating how your body never did that and mentioning pot bellied grand daddy? How rude...
  • NovemberJune
    NovemberJune Posts: 2,525 Member
    "ChgingMe has deactivated their account."

    lol of course
  • Janice2Shakira
    Well...that went well.
  • cleotherio
    cleotherio Posts: 712 Member
    girls back then had "puffy, big hair" that may have made their bellies look smaller.

    I'm not going to comment on anything else in the thread, but this just made me choke on my coffee.
  • broox80
    broox80 Posts: 1,195 Member
    My stomach is a major issue with me and losing weight and it is due to my C section. I didnt have trouble losing my belly with my first child, who was born natural. But with this one, it has been miserable. I do planks and am fairly active. I am losing my belly little by litte, but it is taking much more time.
  • 42hockeymom
    42hockeymom Posts: 521 Member
    Let me start out by saying I am in no way here to judge or condemn. This is strictly curiosity on my part as an almost 50 year old woman. Yesterday in the mall I was sitting in the food court with my 18 year old. A group of young adults who I am going to guess were between the ages of 18 and 25 walked by. One of the girls had a belly that hung down below her shirt and rested on the tops of her thighs. I have lived a lot of years and seen a lot of things. But for the life of me I can not figure out how a body does that at such a young age. I know right after I had my daughter I had a big belly but it never hung down below my waist so much it came out of the bottom of my clothes.

    Even now. With my belly fat it does not present itself like that. She was not an obese person, a little overweight yes. But the belly thing has really bothered me. Maybe I shouldn't care at all, but it totally took me aback. You mostly see bellies like that on your pot bellied grand daddy.. What are our kids eating that makes the body react like that? And it wasn't a case of drastic weight loss as the rest of her body wasn't like that. Just her belly. Just had to get this off my chest..

    Should have read all the responses before answering, and rather kindly and un-objective, too, I might add.

    Cr@p :grumble:
  • tonyams
    tonyams Posts: 5 Member
    I was once tht young girl...with having a baby at a very young age I to had a belly tht hung down maybe not tht far but it did..i had a C-section not by choice but to save my baby's life and after tht was never able to have a vaginal birth but in 2008 I had a tummy tuck and having this surgery will kill your stomach muscles if you've never had one you have no idea wht its like to struggle with trying to loose weight and tucking your belly in a griddle to make it look smooth its sad tht ppl only look at the outside appearance of others and not the good....your not nice at all....I hope your daughter never has a c-sect youll probably be mean to her have a massive mouth
  • donyellemoniquex3
    donyellemoniquex3 Posts: 2,384 Member
    As a 22 year old woman who's a victim of PCOS and needed to have a double oopherectemy, I take offense to this thread !
  • MelsAuntie
    MelsAuntie Posts: 2,833 Member
    "trying to loose weight and tucking your belly in a griddle " made me choke on my coffee. I pictured trying to fit excess belly skin into one of those waffle makers....
  • Hexahedra
    Hexahedra Posts: 894 Member
    Geez louise people are sensitive! She asks a question and somebody with a blue man icon jumps all over her being offended...

    I can think of a couple of reasons, one being prior pregnancy, the other is sudden weight loss.
  • Capt_Inzane
    Capt_Inzane Posts: 733 Member
    Damn people, it's amazing that anyone stays here.

    So many people on a high horse.

    To the OP if you ever do come back here and read this add me as a friend and forget these other *kitten*.

    I wonder how many of you would act so badass in real life.

    Damn losers who have nothing more to do with their life than be an Internet Warrior...

    so cool...yep you're cool

    Now flame on me..I don't care we'll resort to kindergarteners and take it out back and punch each other in the balls/vagina till one of us pass out. It won't be me.
  • JSA17
    JSA17 Posts: 81 Member
    Damn people, it's amazing that anyone stays here.

    So many people on a high horse.

    To the OP if you ever do come back here and read this add me as a friend and forget these other *kitten*.

    I wonder how many of you would act so badass in real life.

    Damn losers who have nothing more to do with their life than be an Internet Warrior...

    so cool...yep you're cool

    Now flame on me..I don't care we'll resort to kindergarteners and take it out back and punch each other in the balls/vagina till one of us pass out. It won't be me.

    Maybe you should put your bottle of steroids down and relax tough guy.
  • Capt_Inzane
    Capt_Inzane Posts: 733 Member

    Maybe I'm just tired of certain people on MFP having nothing better to do than run other's off?

    We all joke about it but MFP is full of bullies and even though I'm not tough at all I can at least stand up for myself and perhaps others.

    Yes I realize by the definition I'm also being an Internet Warrior but I'm on the good side so it's ok o_O

    Just frustrated that people seem to think it's ok to act that way. I act the same on here as I would in real life.
  • britzzie
    britzzie Posts: 341 Member

    Maybe I'm just tired of certain people on MFP having nothing better to do than run other's off?

    We all joke about it but MFP is full of bullies and even though I'm not tough at all I can at least stand up for myself and perhaps others.

    Yes I realize by the definition I'm also being an Internet Warrior but I'm on the good side so it's ok o_O

    Just frustrated that people seem to think it's ok to act that way. I act the same on here as I would in real life.

    OP ran off on her own. She's been a member long enough and posted enough to the forums to know what she was getting herself into. I have seen some people get throttled for no good reason but this lady wasn't one of them. She asked a stupid question that she should have known was offensive then deactivated her account when people were offended. No sympathy here.
  • JSA17
    JSA17 Posts: 81 Member

    Maybe I'm just tired of certain people on MFP having nothing better to do than run other's off?

    We all joke about it but MFP is full of bullies and even though I'm not tough at all I can at least stand up for myself and perhaps others.

    Yes I realize by the definition I'm also being an Internet Warrior but I'm on the good side so it's ok o_O

    Just frustrated that people seem to think it's ok to act that way. I act the same on here as I would in real life.

    OP ran off on her own. She's been a member long enough and posted enough to the forums to know what she was getting herself into. I have seen some people get throttled for no good reason but this lady wasn't one of them. She asked a stupid question that she should have known was offensive then deactivated her account when people were offended. No sympathy here.

    Thank you, agreed.
  • Capt_Inzane
    Capt_Inzane Posts: 733 Member
    Eh I dunno maybe I'm just cranky cause I haven't eaten yet.

    I'll go grab a bite to eat and then come back and read again.

    If an apology needs to be dished out I doubt I'll do it..gotta keep the tough persona up and all...
  • JUDDDing
    JUDDDing Posts: 1,367 Member
    OP had been here since 2010 and had 500+ posts.

    I'm wondering if they were tired of logging and wanted a reason to rage quit?
  • JSA17
    JSA17 Posts: 81 Member
    This thread is becoming more and more hilarious.

    Go eat and stop being grumpy, that will fix everything.
  • JSA17
    JSA17 Posts: 81 Member
    OP had been here since 2010 and had 500+ posts.

    I'm wondering if they were tired of logging and wanted a reason to rage quit?

    It seems that anything is possible here on MFP. Lol. You could be right, but then again........I don't want to judge ;)
  • SugarBaby71
    SugarBaby71 Posts: 3,630 Member
    ... girls back then had "puffy, big hair" that may have made their bellies look smaller.

    That's the secret? I need to wear my hair bigger? If only I'd known sooner! :bigsmile: I'm off to buy some goop to make my hair big.