

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,071 Member
    edited October 2017
    Beth she is way to young for cereal. She already has colic. How will adding cereal help? I too think time for a second opinion. When a baby is that upset it is hard for the new mom to comfort her because she is upset too. Getting to the reason for her distress is what is needed. I did just read that unfortunately when a baby cries it increases the chance the baby swallows air that makes her even more gassy and more upset.

    Prayers for her because it is scary when your baby is not gaining weight. There are many reasons why this can happen and her doctor needs to help find out what it is or send her to a specialist who can.

  • wildhorsewendy
    wildhorsewendy Posts: 563 Member
    Beth my only suggestion is that the mother gets a good pump and pumps breastmilk for her daughter rather than feeding her formula. Worth a try. <3 Wendy
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    BETH never had that problem agree with Wendy about breast milk. I've read about baby massage I'm sure there must be stuff on internet might be worth a try. Definitely insist on doc doing more as mothers instinct is best.

    Kate UK
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Beth I’m in agreement about another doc for the baby. In the meantime, the mother needs more assistance holding, walking, and being with the baby when she’s distressed. My DD needed to rest on a warmed towel on her belly (across my lap) to help with gas pain. I also strapped her in to her carrier and placed on the dryer with it running-the humming and vibration helped. A lactation specialist has tips about feeding in smaller amounts and in an upright position. A new doc should listen with empathy and suggestions! Make sure the mother gets breaks as well cause the distress will wear on her as well. Colic isn’t for ever but sure feels like it when you’re going through it.

  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,384 Member
    edited October 2017
    Wendy – the Summer Day poem is exquisite. Thank you for sharing it with us.

    Love the wedding pix from the 30’s and 40’s. Amazing to think they look so grown up but were so young, really. My parents were old when they got married… in their early 30’s! Funny, today that seems young as well.

    When we had the farm, we were surrounded by horse owners. Many of them would saddle up and go hunting. They’d often bring their horses down by the little road next to the pasture where our llama hung out – he would “whinny” and run over to see them. More than once we saw riders bucked off as the llama scared their mounts. We learned that with so many llamas used as pack animals in the forest, the riders wanted their horses to be exposed to these strange looking beasts so they’d ride by our farm on purpose. Anyhow, our neighbor had a Tennessee Walker. Can’t recall how big it was but often though if we ever bought a horse, how nice it would be to have one smooth-gaited.

    Hope everyone’s DH’s are recovering from their surgeries OK. Sorry to hear about little one not thriving.

    Hopefully am caught up on reading, not a lot of time to post. Puppy home from her spay yesterday and we are dealing with the challenge of keeping her activity to a minimum for 2 weeks. I should have gotten some sedatives for her and for us as well, lol. She won’t like it but will have to spend some time in the crate so I can get something done.

    Wishing everyone a happy, peaceful Sunday. Hugs where needed!

    Time to check and see if Puppy is up!

    SW WA State
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,618 Member
  • mikesmom1983
    mikesmom1983 Posts: 582 Member
    Good morning Ladies!

    Beth, so sorry to hear about the problems your niece is having with her daughter, I can't imagine how distressing it is for her, especially when she is caring for another infant, no matter how much easier he is, it is still a full time job taking care of 1 infant, never mind 2. My son was a screamer also so I remember how distressing that was, especially the lack of sleep. I can't offer any suggestions, but can only send prayers that the find relief for this little one soon.

    I have no idea what is going on with me. I took a couple of Tylenol PM last night before bed and it had the opposite effect, I was up until well after 2:30 am. I had a craving for food, ate a handful of almonds and then when that didn't work ate 1/2 bar of chocolate. I haven't eaten in the middle of the night for years. I feel awful this morning, physically because my back hurts and mentally because I'm no longer in control of my eating. I've probably gained about 5-6 lbs. since last month and too,afraid to get on the scale. I suspect I'm feeding depression. Gotta stop before this spirals out of control and I gain all the weight back. HELP!

    Love and hugs to everyone.

    Chris in MA
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    NY K aren - good article, gave some insightful pointers to put into practice. Thank you for sharing.

    Janetr okc
  • ryenday
    ryenday Posts: 1,540 Member
    Felicia I empathize. While I have no food restrictions I have physical disabilities that mean I can not enjoy some of the simple pleasures ‘everyone’ else takes for granted. Sometimes the weight of that crashes down on me like a ton of bricks and I feel ... well I don’t think there is a single word to describe it - deprived, ashamed frustrated, longing, and crushed are all part of it. So, I ‘get’ it and it makes a lot of sense to me why you’d feel better after your treats! (Btw, you are making me want pancakes! :) ).

    My limitations- It is something I live with each and every day in the background, but something that only occasionally surfaces. I have yet to work out a graceful way to deal with it when the emotional pain of my differences - usually like a chronic ache but occasionally flaring explosively- I imagine it to be a character trait I will always working on. I also think these limitations are the basis of my drive to get fit NOW - before age and infirmity have a chance to take hold and place further limitations on me. It is highly motivating to NOT GET WORSE.

    I wish I had some inspiring words, but all I have to offer is some understanding and camaraderie.

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Lenora: Huge is a perfect description of the horse I rode. She was also obedient and willing. It was a lot of fun. :star: Sending healing thoughts to your DDIL. :flowerforyou:

    Felicia: We thought that DH was a celiac for a time and went gluten free. The food was very tasty. As time went on, we found out that DH is not a celiac and the special diet wasn't needed so we drifted back into our regular cooking. :smiley:

    Allie: It is great to see you setting up your new home and enjoying life. :bigsmile:

    Terry in VT: Walking with your daughter is a great way to get exercise. :star: I used to have a walking buddy, and now DH is getting out with me. I walk and he rides his mobility scooter. We're outdoors, exploring the neighborhood, and having fun together. Having a good companion really makes walking more fun. :star:

    Beth: When I was in college I had a Chinese roommate who was a twin. Her twin brother was nursed by their mother. She was nursed by a wet-nurse who was paid to take care of her. As a college student, she was still bitter about that situation. Perhaps the little girl is upset because things are not the same for her as her brother. She may need equal cuddle time with mom. It would be worth a try. :heart: I like Dr Katie's idea for looking for a different pediatrician. I also think the notion of a breast pump is possible. However it may be that mom doesn't have enough for both babies. There are breast milk banks. https://www.milkbank.org/milk-banking/milk-banking-faqs

    NYKaren: I followed the link and found the article interesting and encouraging. Thanks for sharing! :smile:

    (((Chris in MA)))

    Today I need to spend some time vacuuming up dog hair snowdrifts and cleaning. I want to check on my friend whose husband is in the hospital. I'll also be knitting. I need to get some good exercise into that mix, too.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    "The greatest weapon against stress is our ability to choose one thought over another." - William James

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,753 Member
    Chris~ remind yourself how absolutely stunning you looked in that red dress.. and it is not a sin to maybe see about getting on a mild antidepressant, it has helped me tremendously... My DB,SIL ,Faith, myself and my dad are going out to dinner for his birthday, so I have to stop at Family Dollar and get him a card, so I can at least bring that with me.. I might even take a nap.. did get the amazon echo up and working,I have to get the t.v. back working.. had my son fool with it and he got frustrated so I just turned it off, honestly I havent watched much..and I dont have one in the bedroom anymore so that isnt a distraction...
  • ryenday
    ryenday Posts: 1,540 Member
    edited October 2017
    Happy Thanksgiving to our Canadians!

    Michelle n NC I think the idea you have for matching style combs for the two girls is so smart! You should definitely do that.

    I was always proud of how I handled bridesmaid dresses at my own wedding. I picked out and purchased a beautiful blue satin fabric - and gave that fabric to my bridesmaids to have dresses made - whatever style they wanted. I know my sister still wears her dress today! The styles were very different, but perfect for each one - and the color tied it all together.

    Machka I kept one pair of those late 1980 jeans that actually fit my body - unfortunately the size is probably smaller than I’ll ever get into again. The good news is when I hit goal weight I’m going to a ‘Master Tailor’ and I’m going to have him make me proper pants in that style. I have a jar of change we are saving for that very purpose. And when I lose a pound we are putting in a dollar bill. My waist is currently 13 inches smaller than my thighs. Pants that can get over my ‘thunder thighs” and hips usually gape at the waistband enough that my husband can put two fists inside the waistband with me with room to spare. I’m a big fan of “A” line skirts. Lol.

    The dizziness has passed thank heavens. I’m debating whether I should go to the gym to swim tomorrow tho.

    Cin Cin a tutti,

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,293 Member
    edited October 2017
    Hi honeys, I'm home! :D

    Beth - Definitely find a different doc. That gasterenterologist sounds crazy! Colic can be really awful, the main thing is plenty of breaks and support for the mum and dad. The baby can be taken out for long walks by anyone who can stand to listen to her. A friend of mine had a baby girl who shrieked for a year and then stopped. She is fine now, but she nearly drove them all utterly mad. The health visitor used to take it for walks. Trying the breast pump sounds like a good idea.

    Chris - So sorry about the depression. Would seeing a counsellor be an option? I have had severe depression several times in my life. Horribly horrible. Sending hugs. <3<3<3

    It's lovely to be home, but I'm missing the grandchildren already. I can hear their phantom little voices. It was a real vacation and I feel suitably exhausted. LOL.

    Going to open a can of "confit de canard" for dinner tonight. (Canned, preserved duck legs- a French delicacy) I've just steamed some small potatoes in the IP and will fry them up in the duck fat with garlic for DH. Having broccoli. The duck just needs heating through. DH cooked pears from our tree, so will have that with the remains of last week's yoghurt :o and some no calorie caramel sauce. My supermarket delivery arrives after 6 pm with whole milk and a small yoghurt to make a new big batch overnight. Can't live without my homemade yoghurt.
    I'm also soaking some black beans for making ham hock soup tomorrow.

    Got masses of recorded tv to catch up on. DH is going upstairs to watch England football in a minute so I will watch something he doesn't like watching. :D
    Treating ourselves to a pastis. :embarassed:

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,145 Member
    bwcetc wrote: »
    Need to pick your collective brains ....

    My niece gave birth to fraternal twins at the beginning of September ... a boy and a girl ... 6 weeks premature. They were both a little over 6 pounds at birth and went home the next day with no problems. The boy is being breastfed and is like a little Mr. Zen ... calm and gaining weight ... he's put on about 1-1/4 pounds in 4 weeks. The girl, however, is having problems. She would not nurse and is being bottle-fed ... now on a hypoallergenic type formula Nutramigen. She is gassy but her biggest problem is she screams for hours on end ... enough so that she gets so upset she can't eat. She does not spit or vomit and while there's been some suspicion that she has problems with her bowels (excessive crying) all is normal there. She is not gaining weight and has in fact lost weight and is back to her birthweight. So she's essentially gone no where weight wise. My niece had her to a gastroenterologist on Friday and he said her digestive system seemed fine but he thought she might have excess estrogen (her breast tissue is harder and larger than normal) and her crying was due to emotional issues. My niece has tried everything to calm this child down and she is convinced that the crying is more than normal crying. She is distressed They've tried anti-reflux medications, formula changes, calming techniques, bottles, you name it. The gastro suggested cereal in her formula and she will try that. Any thoughts? The weight loss has her greatly concerned.

    Beth near Buffalo

    Why isn't she being given breast milk in a bottle? If she's drinking from a bottle now it seems she should be able to breast feed now. They had my DH's DD with the twins pump until they were old enough to breast feed.
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member