Anxiety ever make you sick?



  • Fitkam90
    Fitkam90 Posts: 360 Member
    hellvee wrote: »
    i am monitoring this thread closely

  • Fitkam90
    Fitkam90 Posts: 360 Member

    I have been living with anxiety as far back as I can remember (age of 2 believe it or not) and and think that certain types and level of anxieties can have positive influence in our lives... provide motivation to achieve those things we wouldn’t ordinarily strive for. However, some anxiety (esp if sustained over lengthy periods of time) can be detrimental physically as well as mentally, with some cases leading to stress so bad that it results in actual damage to our brains.

    My 2 worst negative anxiety peaks was when I was at the age of 24. Anxiety in my workplace was so bad for me that it put me in a constantly high-stressed state which manifested itself as bleeding ulcers in my stomach which were so bad, I couldn’t keep water down.
    1. Got completely away from the source (my job) stress
    2. Added high-fiber cereal to my diet throughout the day to absorb increased amounts of stomach acid
    3. Added more physical fitness activities to my week

    My worst negative anxiety peak was at the age of 51. Sustained levels of anxiety in my life day and night led to sustained (about 7 years) stress levels so severe that I started to experience memory loss (long/short-term).
    1. Sought professional help from psychologist and my primary doctor
    2. Determined cause (lack of serotonin in my brain)
    3. Find the right serotonin booster and the right dosage
    4. Remove those things which cause my anxiety or remove myself from their proximity
    5. If 3 is not possible, then develop techniques to better manage my anxiety
    6. Add exercise to my daily activities

    1. Everyone is different in dealing with anxiety
    2. Nobody should ever feel the slightest bit embarrassed to seek profession help from people you trust
    3. Wish you all the best for a perfect solution for Lovely You Gurl! <3

    I'm glad you were strong enough to seek the help and guidance you needed! Thanks for your response. : )
  • Fitkam90
    Fitkam90 Posts: 360 Member
    I used to have anxiety so bad that it affected me physically. For a year I had such awful nausea and stomach distention that I couldn't eat or sleep. Had a colon/endoscopy and they found nothing. I tried CT but I don't think I was gelling with the counselor, so I stopped.

    I was prescribed Wellbutrin as an appetite suppressant but it's done wonders for my entire outlook on life. I have had a marked improvement in my mood and anxious spells. I have depression as well and even that is way way better than before.

    I'm glad you found a solution that has helped you :)
  • Sunnybrooke99
    Sunnybrooke99 Posts: 369 Member
    I used to get very nauseas w my anxiety. I’d keep around those vitamin c drops, or mints to help it. I’d panic if I didn’t have something, and I started getting nervous and nauseus tho. Sadly, it affected everything I did. I didn’t go to parties, events, etc. As an adult, I’ve managed to control it past the nauseas point by getting better control of my life and gaining more confidence. I have to really stay on top of my finances, insurance, health. I might be a bit of a control freak bc of it, but it’s better than the anxiety.
  • Treece68
    Treece68 Posts: 780 Member
    @Fitkam90 I never knew what was happening to me all throughout school, but as an adult I now know they were anxiety attacks.
    I use thoughtful breathing in through nose out through the mouth, meditation and yoga to try and calm my mind. This does not always work like when you are having an attack and start to think how does air get into a building we are all suffocating I must must must get outside.
    We can not always control our thoughts when anxiety happens and there are other factors that make it harder to control then others.
    I have used ant anxiety meds and they have worked in the times when I can not get it under control, but I would also suggest alternative like breathing, meditation etc., and talking to someone about it. Medication will not fix what is wrong only working through the issues will.
    In social situations I do a bit of visualization I set up a safe area for myself ... say at a wedding my safe area would be my table I become comfortable with it and the surroundings. Once I feel comfortable I can move around or just post up and people can come to me. I need a few days to recoup after so much social interaction and that is ok. Some people are energized by being in a group some people are energized by being alone, and that is ok.

    One thing I have found in researching this *kitten* (because I too have been having a lot of attacks lately) is that every attack depletes your Vitamin C that is why you may get a hangover like feeling even into the next day. So eat some oranges.
    If you need to chat about you can talk to me.
  • Fitkam90
    Fitkam90 Posts: 360 Member
    Treece68 wrote: »
    @Fitkam90 I never knew what was happening to me all throughout school, but as an adult I now know they were anxiety attacks.
    I use thoughtful breathing in through nose out through the mouth, meditation and yoga to try and calm my mind. This does not always work like when you are having an attack and start to think how does air get into a building we are all suffocating I must must must get outside.
    We can not always control our thoughts when anxiety happens and there are other factors that make it harder to control then others.
    I have used ant anxiety meds and they have worked in the times when I can not get it under control, but I would also suggest alternative like breathing, meditation etc., and talking to someone about it. Medication will not fix what is wrong only working through the issues will.
    In social situations I do a bit of visualization I set up a safe area for myself ... say at a wedding my safe area would be my table I become comfortable with it and the surroundings. Once I feel comfortable I can move around or just post up and people can come to me. I need a few days to recoup after so much social interaction and that is ok. Some people are energized by being in a group some people are energized by being alone, and that is ok.

    One thing I have found in researching this *kitten* (because I too have been having a lot of attacks lately) is that every attack depletes your Vitamin C that is why you may get a hangover like feeling even into the next day. So eat some oranges.
    If you need to chat about you can talk to me.

    @Sunnybrooke99 and @Treece68 Thank you for your responses and sharing your personal experiences and thanks for the tips also! You gals are helpful :).
  • Fyreside
    Fyreside Posts: 444 Member
    @Treece68 Vitamin C you say... Very interesting. Based on my (less than awesome) dietary choices, I'd be willing to bet my levels of C are quite low. Thanks for the tip.
  • harryt678
    harryt678 Posts: 130 Member
    Fitkam90, reading your original post and having suffered from anxiety and depression for as long as I can remember... are you sure we aren't twins?! Down to the detail, I am the same way, honestly and I know this sounds bad but the only time I will not be anxious at gatherings and will be chattering and just carefree is when I've had a drink.
  • Fitkam90
    Fitkam90 Posts: 360 Member
    harryt678 wrote: »
    Fitkam90, reading your original post and having suffered from anxiety and depression for as long as I can remember... are you sure we aren't twins?! Down to the detail, I am the same way, honestly and I know this sounds bad but the only time I will not be anxious at gatherings and will be chattering and just carefree is when I've had a drink.

    Lol we may be twins. That's me too! A drink or 2 will always loosen me up and give me the confidence I need. Trouble is, I don't drink often at all haha. Once in a blue moon.
  • harryt678
    harryt678 Posts: 130 Member
    Fitkam90 wrote: »
    harryt678 wrote: »
    Fitkam90, reading your original post and having suffered from anxiety and depression for as long as I can remember... are you sure we aren't twins?! Down to the detail, I am the same way, honestly and I know this sounds bad but the only time I will not be anxious at gatherings and will be chattering and just carefree is when I've had a drink.

    Lol we may be twins. That's me too! A drink or 2 will always loosen me up and give me the confidence I need. Trouble is, I don't drink often at all haha. Once in a blue moon.

    I'm the same way honestly but what's funny is that when I drink, I won't shut up.... when I'm not drinking, I have so much anxiety I'll be quiet and reserved unless I really feel comfortable with the person
  • Sunnybrooke99
    Sunnybrooke99 Posts: 369 Member
    I feel so much better when I drink, but then I get the worst hangover anxiety guilt. I’m so scared I said, or did, something to offend someone. Even if I know I didn’t do anything bad, I have the worse guilt feelings.
  • harryt678
    harryt678 Posts: 130 Member
    I feel so much better when I drink, but then I get the worst hangover anxiety guilt. I’m so scared I said, or did, something to offend someone. Even if I know I didn’t do anything bad, I have the worse guilt feelings.

    I get that way as well, honestly I'm a completely different carefree chattering person that won't stop talking when I drink... don't drink much but it's funny how it effects me
  • nolan44219
    nolan44219 Posts: 1,221 Member
    makes me want to stay home all day sometimes and not talk to anyone
  • Fitkam90
    Fitkam90 Posts: 360 Member
    harryt678 wrote: »
    Fitkam90 wrote: »
    harryt678 wrote: »
    Fitkam90, reading your original post and having suffered from anxiety and depression for as long as I can remember... are you sure we aren't twins?! Down to the detail, I am the same way, honestly and I know this sounds bad but the only time I will not be anxious at gatherings and will be chattering and just carefree is when I've had a drink.

    Lol we may be twins. That's me too! A drink or 2 will always loosen me up and give me the confidence I need. Trouble is, I don't drink often at all haha. Once in a blue moon.

    I'm the same way honestly but what's funny is that when I drink, I won't shut up.... when I'm not drinking, I have so much anxiety I'll be quiet and reserved unless I really feel comfortable with the person

    That is 100% me
  • Fitkam90
    Fitkam90 Posts: 360 Member
    I feel so much better when I drink, but then I get the worst hangover anxiety guilt. I’m so scared I said, or did, something to offend someone. Even if I know I didn’t do anything bad, I have the worse guilt feelings.

    Aww I'm sorry! Hangovers are the worst. It's been a couple years since I've had one
  • michael1976_ca
    michael1976_ca Posts: 3,488 Member
    Fitkam90 wrote: »
    I have it to. i can relate to having it in grade school. it sucks as far as geing over it. i don't have no advise except chellenge the things that give you trouble. one of mine was driving but now it seacond nature. sure it sill scary but it's not that bad. put me in a crowed room or left with strangers. heck no.. i hate with a passion christmas shopping. to many people

    Omg I hated driving too! I got my license at 16, but did not start driving until 20. I would literally have panic attacks anytime I had to get behind the wheel. Now I'm comfortable driving within my comfort zone. But anytime I have to drive somewhere outside of my usual routes, I get bad anxiety. You can forget about me ever driving out of town lol.

    I didn't get or take my driver's test until I was 20 due to anxiety. My dad harped on me for the four years in between saying that I needed a driver's license, even though I was perfectly fine and content to walk everywhere in town I needed to go or hitch rides from people I knew or their family members.

    I waited until I was 30 to get my licence. I've been driving about 11 years now. it's not bad. I still get anxious in the big city's. when I was first diagnosed with this. I couldn't go Christmas shopping because there was just too many people crowding. it was like being stuck in a packed box. I would panic and have to go outside...don't even get me started on using public washrooms it made me ill
  • Ashers783
    Ashers783 Posts: 41 Member
    I have terrible anxiety. I feel for anybody that does and appreciate any support.

    Feel free to add me as a friend