Ghost Stories - I Want To Hear Your Best!



  • cee134
    cee134 Posts: 33,711 Member
  • cee134
    cee134 Posts: 33,711 Member
    Any more stories?

  • BoosDimples
    BoosDimples Posts: 2,826 Member
    In my old home I woke up during the night to find a blue, glowing nun/ward sister, standing over me. Not the first unusual thing that's happened to me.

    My niece, who was staying over that night, confessed several days later, that she'd seen a blue woman at the end of the bed, that night. I'd not said a word about it before then. *shrug*
  • nolan44219
    nolan44219 Posts: 1,221 Member
    nolan44219 wrote: »
    I was driving home one night around midnight when I still lived at home with my mom about 22 years ago. I saw a kid around 8 years old chasing a basketball across the road. I slammed on breaks locking my tires up and sliding to a stop. After I stopped I couldn't see the kid anywhere. I even got out of my truck to look. My heart was beating really fast because I thought I almost hit this kid. I finally got myself together and drove the rest of the way home. I told my mom about it the next day and described the location. She said that's about the spot where a little boy got ran over about a year before.

    I actually was serious about this one
  • mnalsa83
    mnalsa83 Posts: 181 Member
    We recently moved in with hubbies grandfather (family home). There have been a few nights ive been awoken by sounds.

    One night i got up because i thought i heard someone outside. Now ive had my car broken into so i figured if i turned on house lights it would scare them away. Well first it sounded like someone was at my front door messing with the screen door. No one. Then sounds from the basement. Thought the dog. Nope. Then the garage, but again nothing.

    There's been to occassions where both myself and my daughter have heard voices. The first time i thought my daughter was calling out for help, so i headed to her room in the basement (partialky finshed with livingroom, bedroom, bathroom). Wasnt her. She looked at me like i was crazy. A few days later she comes running up the stairs looking for my youngest, claiming she heard her cry our "daddy help me". Mind you my youngest was passed out in bed. The other voice i was waiting for hubby to come home to leave for a long weekend trip. He was running late from work. I swore i heard the garage door open & heard someone having a conversation, like they were on the phone (which he normally does). A few minutes go by, no hubby. No one in the garage. Hes still at work.

    My bestie and i have seen shadows in the house. At times i think someone is on our porch because the shadow goes by the window. Guess what. No one is there.
  • wrknonmedaily
    wrknonmedaily Posts: 203 Member
    Not so much a story but an experience.
    I woke up and fell back down to the bed as if I had been levitating that was the most freakiest thing ever and it happened over 7 years ago and I remember it vividly to this day. I am still trying to figure out what was going on? What was happening? Was I actually levitating a few feet above the bed?
  • Svanel
    Svanel Posts: 6,255 Member
    (recylcing from last year cuz i'm too lazy to retype the whole thing)
    Here's one of mine.
    sleep paralysis - I've experienced many of these over the years. Of course, the medicine men in my tribe would say otherwise, you know, superstitions/tribal beliefs, etc. I used to have these often when I lived on the reservation, so much so that some nights I did not want to fall asleep because I was fearful that this night visitor would once again appear. When I moved into the city, they disappeared and I was so relieved. I told no one I was moving but eventually, of course, word gets around. One night, after an argument with my then boyfriend, I went to sleep in a different room. I was angry with him and did not want to be near him. He went to sleep in our room. I slept in the spare room. I had drifted off when I felt the room grow cold, freezing. I heard that familiar creak on the stair, You know, when someone walks up from downstairs or goes down to the first level. I heard the door to our room open, the sound of the tv for a brief moment drifted through the open door, then the creak of the door being shut and the noise from the television set faded. I sleepily thought it was bf getting a midnight snack. Then, my door opened. I opened my eyes. The faint light from the hallway night light depicted a hooded, cloaked figure standing at the foot of my bed. I was instantly frozen. I could not move, could not speak, it felt like my jaw had become unhinged. I wanted to scream, but I couldn't for the life of me make a sound. I stared, horrified, the fear was ridiculously unreal. My heart would not stop pounding. He, this hooded figure, stood there, looking at me, not moving. Then, he raised his left arm, pushed the hood back off his head. I saw his silhouette against the light that drifted in from the hallway, short hair, slicked up on top to a short mohawk. Then, a voice..he said my name, twice and I felt his right hand grab my left foot. I freaked out. Then, was I finally able to scream out my boyfriend's name. He turned and disappeared. My bf came running into the room and I yelled that there was someone in the house. He ran downstairs, all the doors were locked, no sign of entry. He ran outside, saw a couple walking down the street, but nothing else.
    In past instances, I have seen this same figure - always either at the foot of my bed, kneeling next to me, and once as a black cat with red eyes that sat on my chest.
    My father, being superstitious and believing all of the traditions/customs of the native people, used to tell me that it was a witchcraft, someone dream-walking and wishing me harm. I haven't had any recently, thank god.
  • MinuitMinuet
    MinuitMinuet Posts: 156 Member

    I use to live here. Went into the attic once when I was 9 and saw a lady dressed in old fashioned clothing and hat but ethereal of course. Freaked me out. She kept smiling. Saw same lady out back when I went to feed my dog, who happened to be all white so we named him Ghost.. I threw the dog food bucket at her and ran back inside. After that we couldn't find our dog.

    My sister (8 years old) and brother (4 years old) liked to climb onto the roof. There was a pecan tree out back that my dad tied a rope to for us to swing on..He tied it to one of the highest limbs ABOVE our home. We would jump from the attic window or climb out the window onto the roof and jump for the rope and slide down.

    While up there I saw something white in the bushes so told my sister who had just slid down to check it out. She went to look, screamed, then ran inside. I made my brother jump next because we weren't suppose to have him on the roof, then I followed after. He went to see what made our sister scream and he to screamed and ran inside. I went to investigate and found our dog ghost thoroughly dead with maggots pouring from his mouth and eye sockets. All I could do was stand there and stare until my parents came out and pulled me away from him.

    The owner is lying about the original furniture. There was some old furniture in the attic when we moved in but not enough to fill the place.

    As for the near by baker hotel.. My aunt had a salon in it and we'd play upstairs in the upper levels. It felt like a void. That place creeped me out.

    Consequently, I don't believe in ghosts. I don't know what I saw, but everything has an explanation. Bad pizza?
  • RunHardBeStrong
    RunHardBeStrong Posts: 33,069 Member
    We had ghosts in my public school. Very public ghosts in my very public school.

    That wouldn't have happened if your mom had loved you enough to home school you.
  • DWBalboa
    DWBalboa Posts: 37,259 Member
    So one time while I was in the Navy I was in one of the refers which are these hug series of refrigerated rooms. They are really deep in the ship on my ship which was an Aircraft carrier from the 50’s it was 7 decks below the main deck and the entrance was a ladder that went straight down. There was an elevator for supplies only and as I found out later the deceased as well.
    While I was working in the fuse panel for the lights in the main p-way of the refers my assistant says to me, “I thought we were the only ones down here?” I replied yes, no one had logged in before us and no one has come down since. He asks then who is that, and the points the flashlight down the p-way to reveal a man in khakis standing by the last room. He looks into the room, looks back, turns and walks into the room without saying a word. I finish up working in just a few more minutes and then we go down to the end to check on the guy as we are thinking he’s been in here longer than us and we are about to freeze to death. FYI, we has jackets and he did not. So we get to the last room, now the lights are working, so we turn them on in that room and there’s no one in there just a bunch of frozen food.
    We both look at each other and question if we saw anything or if it was just in our minds. When we get back to the office to get the trouble ticket signed, we report what we saw thinking maybe the guy walked into one of the other rooms when we weren’t looking and didn’t want someone down there freezing to death because we were complacent. We are asked to describe what the guy looked like, after describing him the SK1 tells us that he was a chief that died while the ship was underway back in the 60’s and that space was the ships temporary morgue. He is seen quite often by the SK’s that have to work down there we were told.

    True story. But not even my creepiest experience.
  • DWBalboa
    DWBalboa Posts: 37,259 Member
    DWBalboa wrote: »
    So one time while I was in the Navy I was in one of the refers which are these hug series of refrigerated rooms. They are really deep in the ship on my ship which was an Aircraft carrier from the 50’s it was 7 decks below the main deck and the entrance was a ladder that went straight down. There was an elevator for supplies only and as I found out later the deceased as well.
    While I was working in the fuse panel for the lights in the main p-way of the refers my assistant says to me, “I thought we were the only ones down here?” I replied yes, no one had logged in before us and no one has come down since. He asks then who is that, and the points the flashlight down the p-way to reveal a man in khakis standing by the last room. He looks into the room, looks back, turns and walks into the room without saying a word. I finish up working in just a few more minutes and then we go down to the end to check on the guy as we are thinking he’s been in here longer than us and we are about to freeze to death. FYI, we has jackets and he did not. So we get to the last room, now the lights are working, so we turn them on in that room and there’s no one in there just a bunch of frozen food.
    We both look at each other and question if we saw anything or if it was just in our minds. When we get back to the office to get the trouble ticket signed, we report what we saw thinking maybe the guy walked into one of the other rooms when we weren’t looking and didn’t want someone down there freezing to death because we were complacent. We are asked to describe what the guy looked like, after describing him the SK1 tells us that he was a chief that died while the ship was underway back in the 60’s and that space was the ships temporary morgue. He is seen quite often by the SK’s that have to work down there we were told.

    True story. But not even my creepiest experience.

    Did the ghost chief yell at you to get back to work then fill up his coffee cup?

    No! That was the scariest part of the whole thing!
  • JillianRumrill
    JillianRumrill Posts: 335 Member
    I used to work in a haunted funeral home....
    This is copy/pasted from my post over at faygoluvers b/c I'm lazy.

    Here's my pic and story:

    This was back when I was working in a funeral home (side note: funeral directors are cool *kitten* folks, one of the guys became my best friend). anytitties, the pic is of the office I was working in at the time. The guy on the computer is one of the funeral directors (Kevin), the one taking the picture of my beautiful *kitten* (illuminattied in green btw) is my homie Dan. He had just gotten a digital camera and this was back in the 00s, like 05 I wanna say...and this was his first camera so he was dickin around with it. So this is one of the pictures he took. I circled what I think looks like a misty arm coming out of the wall. The thing is, on the other side of that wall is the embalming room...and that's the wall bodies would be put up against when they were worked on. I also think that funeral home was haunted....just based off of experience from working there.


  • cee134
    cee134 Posts: 33,711 Member
    @SabotageinStilettos man I miss the October ghost thread. I've seen more lately too