Clutter and messiness - is it related to overeating?



  • timtam163
    timtam163 Posts: 500 Member
    Self care/lack thereof affects every aspect of your life. If you've stopped showing yourself care, get started again. One positive change will make others feel more possible.

    That being said my mom is a bit of a hoarder but always cooks well. It's not related, but in your mind they're related and it's meaningful to pay attention to that.
  • counting_kilojoules
    counting_kilojoules Posts: 170 Member

    One thing I do that helps me immensely is that I wear the same color (black) everyday. No thinking what should I wear, makes me look slim, not too much laundry cause I wear 5 shirts of the same color. Boring perhaps but it was good enough for Steve Jobs. I do accentuate with good simple makeup, easy care hair and a pop of color on my lips. I feel put together enough to care what I put in my mouth. Also, if it doesn't taste good I spit it out....not using my calories on crappy food.
    I try to keep things easy as well. I just wear blue jeans. All my tops go with them and are easy care. I have about ten of them all piled up in a drawer and just pick up a new one each morning. When I get to the bottom of the pile I do the washing. I don't have to think about it, it doesn't take up much space and I don't have to think about the washing- I just do it.
  • Treece68
    Treece68 Posts: 780 Member
    It is perhaps a reflection of your weight gain. You said you maintained for a few years after losing 80lbs and then you no longer tried like you are not trying to keep your house clean. Where do you start? Whit your house dedicate a day to one room to get deep cleaned. Any room you choose then you have momentum going. To lose the weight well you have joined MFP you have started.
  • Polo265
    Polo265 Posts: 287 Member
    I have used Flylady to organize and clean my clutter. It's a great site. In addition to cleaning the sink, one recommendation was to grab a garbage bag and throw away 10 things a day. After a while, I found myself having to search for 10 things - I was looking in drawers, etc.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,883 Member
    Flylady has a good & useful system.

    That whole sink thing, though - which, at least when I read it a while back, said not just "clean the sink" but also polish and dry it? That strikes me as potentially obsessive. It's a sink: They're wet. A wet sink is not a housekeeping fail. There are a few other points that strike me that way, too.

    If someone has any obsessive or compulsive inclinations, Flylady could fertilize that field, much as food weighing can become mentally unhealthy for some people . . . and I say that as a committed food-scale user (at home only ;) ).
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    Oh goodness, messiness and eating too much was never a problem for me. I am a very messy person and always have been. But I was only overweight for about 6-8 of my 55 years. I am now back at a healthy weight but still as messy as ever.
  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    bebeisfit wrote: »
    I've never been the best at housekeeping, but in the past (I'm 55 yrs old), I did maintain an ok household, not the best, but I cleaned up every week and did my dishes each night.

    Over the past few years, yes years, I've noticed that I'm a messy person. I haven't washed the floors in a few months, but I've swept. My bathroom is a mess and I am totally cluttered, I take things out, but don't return them right away. Mail goes unopened - nearly all my bills are paid automatically, but I've missed out on a few things. I clean the cat box daily and I toss out my garbage every day, so I don't have rotting food sitting around, but it can take a couple of days to do the dishes.

    I have a hard time throwing things away. We cleaned out my mom's house before selling and I came home with bags of memorabilia - old report cards, class photos and some trinkets. They sit in bags, littered throughout the house.

    I've stopped inviting people over because of the mess. And next week I have a friend coming over to look in on my kitty - and I am mortified. Of course, I won't lose friends because of it, but I'd like to be proud of my home.

    How do I even get started?? And in your opinion, does this have an adverse affect on weightloss.

    I had maintained an 80lb weight loss for a few years, and since turning 50, I let 20lbs creep back on. I lost most of it in 2016, but gained 15 back in 2017.

    Perhaps I know the answer..but thought I'd reach out and see if someone has some tips. Thanks

    All I can say is my own experience. Overeating and lack of housekeeping are both signs that depression is returning. There is a difference between clutter and dirt and I frequently have a bit of clutter around (mail I still need to look through on the table, filing I have to do on the desk, etc) but if I don't actually clean in a reasonable manner (wash dishes, do laundry, vacuum every week or so) I know I need to watch it.

    I have my own depression scale:
    1. I am floating along on an even keel
    2. My eating habits go to pot
    3. My housekeeping goes to pot
    4. My personal care (showering etc) is less frequent
    5. I spend all day in bed with food and books

    For your current situation, I would make sure that the home is clean and not worry about the clutter. Maybe make a joke to your cat sitter like "Hey, while you are here how about organizing this stuff?". I have found that some kind of deflecting joke makes a big difference. They will know it is unusual for you to have this much stuff around.

    As far as weight loss, again this is me, I have found that a disorganized home creates disorganization in my brain which causes me to not eat as I should.
  • mygrl4meee
    mygrl4meee Posts: 943 Member
    i can relate.. about a year ago, i paid my sister weekly to help me cleam my house from top to bottom.. it took most saturdays for a whole summer... now i do well for the most part.. less dishes, counters get wiped down stove too.. bathroom gets cleaned but not as often as it should.. i dont think my eating habits and housekeeping is related though. its hard to work 40 to 50 hours a week, workout and scrub the house.