


  • ManBehindTheMask
    ManBehindTheMask Posts: 615 Member
    Same exact picture just different angle

    You look so much better here!

    You've done extremely well on your journey so far, you've no need to alter pics - be proud of what you have achieved :)

    It's the same exact picture just a different angle of how I'm standing and the door is open instead of closed

    Fair enough
  • rickiimarieee
    rickiimarieee Posts: 2,212 Member
    But I was just trying to help you tuck the hanger strap...

    Guilty conscience much

    Okay, thanks. Sorry. No guilty conscience, there's people up above saying that. So.
  • rickiimarieee
    rickiimarieee Posts: 2,212 Member
    awoodnyc wrote: »
    great transformation!!

    I have very similar stats, 5'3 158 lbs.
    What was your diet and exercise regime? And how long have you been on your journey?
    I started 4-4 1/2 months ago. I eat 1,200 calories a day because I am not active. I'm sedentary other than taking care of my kids. I did work out for a few doing core exercises and squats and all that and ate my calories back that I burned off. I currently eat whatever fits into my budget. When I go out to eat I either eat half of the meal I'm given or I check the nutritional facts for that restaurant. I don't drink anything but water.
  • FatWithFatness
    FatWithFatness Posts: 315 Member
    Same exact picture just different angle

    You look so much better here!

    You've done extremely well on your journey so far, you've no need to alter pics - be proud of what you have achieved :)

    It's the same exact picture just a different angle of how I'm standing and the door is open instead of closed

    You look great, keep up the hard work!
  • rickiimarieee
    rickiimarieee Posts: 2,212 Member


    After (This was my leanest, I'm a bit heavier now, but I have gained quiet a bit of muscle and I'm cutting back down again):




    Woah you look great!! Awesome job!! :smile:
  • rickiimarieee
    rickiimarieee Posts: 2,212 Member
    You've done an excellent job, keep up the hard work!

    Thank you I appreciate it :)
  • ManBehindTheMask
    ManBehindTheMask Posts: 615 Member


    After (This was my leanest, I'm a bit heavier now, but I have gained quiet a bit of muscle and I'm cutting back down again):




    That's amazing, you should be proud of yourself. Keep up the good work mate!
  • rickiimarieee
    rickiimarieee Posts: 2,212 Member
    maura_tasi wrote: »
    You look awesome girl! Keep it up, weight loss after a baby is so difficult but you're doing great! And for anyone who felt the need to comment negatively on this post. Were you never taught if you don't have something nice to say don't say anything? MFP community is supposed to be a place of support and encouragement, not negativity. Do you have nothing better to do than criticize others achievements? There's a big difference between helpful/constructive criticism and just being plain mean. Learn a little bit of sensitivity.

    I feel like I definitely fall on the constructive criticism side of the argument TBH
    Nah you don't.
  • rickiimarieee
    rickiimarieee Posts: 2,212 Member
    maura_tasi wrote: »
    You look awesome girl! Keep it up, weight loss after a baby is so difficult but you're doing great! And for anyone who felt the need to comment negatively on this post. Were you never taught if you don't have something nice to say don't say anything? MFP community is supposed to be a place of support and encouragement, not negativity. Do you have nothing better to do than criticize others achievements? There's a big difference between helpful/constructive criticism and just being plain mean. Learn a little bit of sensitivity.

    Girl this just explains it all. I see the same people commenting on almost everyone's post on the forums and just being completely rude. There's absolutely no reason for so much negativity on an app that's suppose to be supportive and motivational. Some just have nothing better to do with their lives then to sit here and read forums all day and comment rude stuff.

    In a lot of cases people here take issue when they think that what they're seeing is dishonest, so they comment on that.

    It's often not intended to be rude, they just want the truth.

    That's not even it. Even on questions forums I see the same people who think they have the right to be rude. A person is asking a question because THEY DONT KNOW THE ANSWER. Which is why the question is asked in the first place and I bet I can go through almost any post and find a negative comment no matter where it is. Whether it's in questions about weight loss or chit chat or maintaining weight or whatever the case may be.
  • ManBehindTheMask
    ManBehindTheMask Posts: 615 Member
    maura_tasi wrote: »
    You look awesome girl! Keep it up, weight loss after a baby is so difficult but you're doing great! And for anyone who felt the need to comment negatively on this post. Were you never taught if you don't have something nice to say don't say anything? MFP community is supposed to be a place of support and encouragement, not negativity. Do you have nothing better to do than criticize others achievements? There's a big difference between helpful/constructive criticism and just being plain mean. Learn a little bit of sensitivity.

    I feel like I definitely fall on the constructive criticism side of the argument TBH
    Nah you don't.

    I feel like I do.

    I complimented you on your amazing progress, I said you had no need to edit pics because you look great

    Many people on here show tremendous courage when posting pics of themselves when they don't feel in great shape.

    The great thing about MFP is that there are so many people on here who are open, honest, and ask for advice, honest critique, help.

    There is enough fake ness in every day life, on other forms of social media - people here making life changing progress don't need to see fakeness here - photoshopped pics showing progress that wasn't made, and unattainable physiques

    I'll say it again - well done, you've made amazing progress, look great and should be proud

    Anyways, I'm out. Good luck with the rest of your journey
    Yes I know you've complimented, which is very nice. I'm not saying you weren't. You're not constructive criticism.
    But anyways it wasn't altered so if anyone thinks or believe that, they can refer to the other pictures I have posted that look the same way and same shape as that one.

    But it is constructive, in short what I'm saying is

    "Don't edit your pics" - criticism

    "Your unedited pics are good, post them and you won't get people questioning your authenticity on the forum" - constructive
  • rickiimarieee
    rickiimarieee Posts: 2,212 Member

  • rickiimarieee
    rickiimarieee Posts: 2,212 Member
    Some more for those that believe that my photos are photoshopped
  • ManBehindTheMask
    ManBehindTheMask Posts: 615 Member
    Some more for those that believe that my photos are photoshopped

    See - you look fantastic in all of those
  • rickiimarieee
    rickiimarieee Posts: 2,212 Member
    Some more for those that believe that my photos are photoshopped

    See - you look fantastic in all of those

    Thank you.
  • ManBehindTheMask
    ManBehindTheMask Posts: 615 Member
    Here's mine.

    I'm 5'3'' and the first photo I weighed 126 (which I didn't like on myself) and it was taken in August 2016, right before I started consistently using MFP. The middle photo is from December 2016 after I'd lost 5 lbs and the third photo is where I am now and it was taken last month (I think). My maintenance is 109-111.


    Hi Winston
  • rickiimarieee
    rickiimarieee Posts: 2,212 Member
    Here's mine.

    I'm 5'3'' and the first photo I weighed 126 (which I didn't like on myself) and it was taken in August 2016, right before I started consistently using MFP. The middle photo is from December 2016 after I'd lost 5 lbs and the third photo is where I am now and it was taken last month (I think). My maintenance is 109-111.


    Great job! Looks fantastic.