Is it too much nuts and seeds ? Rate my meal plan.



  • deannalfisher
    deannalfisher Posts: 5,600 Member
    SLLeask wrote: »
    oss33 wrote: »
    SLLeask wrote: »
    oss33 wrote: »
    there was no mention of you being until keto until 5/6 posts down...that is something that most would consider critical information to provide a response and not have to dig for...

    here's my advice - eat what you *kitten* well like for a month and then let us know how its working for you

    You are right I should mention about all the other informations in the first place excuse me It is my first time writing on a blog. I already have been doing this plan for 6 months :smile: , I feel more healthy and I am happy with that. Thanks for your time and advice.

    You've eaten that same food every single day for 6 months? Every.Single.Day????? If you have, then you really do need to seek help, that is simply not normal. Do you never go out for a meal with friends? Have a bit of cake? Gosh that sounds utterly miserable and would indicate you have some problems to deal with.

    Yes I have been eating same food everyday for 6 months and will but It doesn't mean that I didn't add different veggies or fruits someday. So do you think you despise me for saying that I have problems to solve ? It is just a dumb manipulation that only children do. And if you search you will see that I am not the only person who eats same thing every day including athletes and celebs, Do you want to know why It is same ? Because I have a balanced healthy diet, I can keep my calories balanced, I do not think in the evening what to cook and eat after the busy day as you do, I do not have sugar crush or food cravings in the middle of my day. No, I do not eat bit of cake because It is a garbage and I have one life and one body to live. Do you want to know who is miserable one ? It is the one who can't control himself/herself and be slave to his/her lust.

    Haha, that's hilarious. Why would you say I despise you? I don't even know you. I neither like or dislike you, I am simply commenting on your food intake. How old are you? I very much doubt that any successful athlete eats exactly the same food every day for six months. As for celebrities, who knows with some of their fad diets, doesn't mean it's a good idea! And cake is not garbage, it's a delicious item that fits perfectly into my calorie allowance, it makes me happy, not miserable, I can control myself perfectly well thank you and am not a "slave to my lust" due to choosing to eat lots of different foods with a variety of nutritional benefits, some good for the body, some for the soul!

    Not really sure why you chose to post since you seem to know better than everyone on here. You carry on eating how you like and good luck to you and I shall continue to eat all the delicious food in as wide a variety as I can!

    one of the world ranked male triathletes has muffins before every race; another one fuels on gummy bears...but hey - they obviously know nothing about "healthy" food
  • SLLeask
    SLLeask Posts: 489 Member
    SLLeask wrote: »
    oss33 wrote: »
    SLLeask wrote: »
    oss33 wrote: »
    there was no mention of you being until keto until 5/6 posts down...that is something that most would consider critical information to provide a response and not have to dig for...

    here's my advice - eat what you *kitten* well like for a month and then let us know how its working for you

    You are right I should mention about all the other informations in the first place excuse me It is my first time writing on a blog. I already have been doing this plan for 6 months :smile: , I feel more healthy and I am happy with that. Thanks for your time and advice.

    You've eaten that same food every single day for 6 months? Every.Single.Day????? If you have, then you really do need to seek help, that is simply not normal. Do you never go out for a meal with friends? Have a bit of cake? Gosh that sounds utterly miserable and would indicate you have some problems to deal with.

    Yes I have been eating same food everyday for 6 months and will but It doesn't mean that I didn't add different veggies or fruits someday. So do you think you despise me for saying that I have problems to solve ? It is just a dumb manipulation that only children do. And if you search you will see that I am not the only person who eats same thing every day including athletes and celebs, Do you want to know why It is same ? Because I have a balanced healthy diet, I can keep my calories balanced, I do not think in the evening what to cook and eat after the busy day as you do, I do not have sugar crush or food cravings in the middle of my day. No, I do not eat bit of cake because It is a garbage and I have one life and one body to live. Do you want to know who is miserable one ? It is the one who can't control himself/herself and be slave to his/her lust.

    Haha, that's hilarious. Why would you say I despise you? I don't even know you. I neither like or dislike you, I am simply commenting on your food intake. How old are you? I very much doubt that any successful athlete eats exactly the same food every day for six months. As for celebrities, who knows with some of their fad diets, doesn't mean it's a good idea! And cake is not garbage, it's a delicious item that fits perfectly into my calorie allowance, it makes me happy, not miserable, I can control myself perfectly well thank you and am not a "slave to my lust" due to choosing to eat lots of different foods with a variety of nutritional benefits, some good for the body, some for the soul!

    Not really sure why you chose to post since you seem to know better than everyone on here. You carry on eating how you like and good luck to you and I shall continue to eat all the delicious food in as wide a variety as I can!

    one of the world ranked male triathletes has muffins before every race; another one fuels on gummy bears...but hey - they obviously know nothing about "healthy" food

    Not sure if you are agreeing with me or not, can't really tell... If you are agreeing and saying that the best athletes know variety is the best thing to fuel life with, including treats then a big thumbs up to what you are saying. If not, then you've misread what I was saying. ;)
  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    SLLeask wrote: »
    SLLeask wrote: »
    oss33 wrote: »
    SLLeask wrote: »
    oss33 wrote: »
    there was no mention of you being until keto until 5/6 posts down...that is something that most would consider critical information to provide a response and not have to dig for...

    here's my advice - eat what you *kitten* well like for a month and then let us know how its working for you

    You are right I should mention about all the other informations in the first place excuse me It is my first time writing on a blog. I already have been doing this plan for 6 months :smile: , I feel more healthy and I am happy with that. Thanks for your time and advice.

    You've eaten that same food every single day for 6 months? Every.Single.Day????? If you have, then you really do need to seek help, that is simply not normal. Do you never go out for a meal with friends? Have a bit of cake? Gosh that sounds utterly miserable and would indicate you have some problems to deal with.

    Yes I have been eating same food everyday for 6 months and will but It doesn't mean that I didn't add different veggies or fruits someday. So do you think you despise me for saying that I have problems to solve ? It is just a dumb manipulation that only children do. And if you search you will see that I am not the only person who eats same thing every day including athletes and celebs, Do you want to know why It is same ? Because I have a balanced healthy diet, I can keep my calories balanced, I do not think in the evening what to cook and eat after the busy day as you do, I do not have sugar crush or food cravings in the middle of my day. No, I do not eat bit of cake because It is a garbage and I have one life and one body to live. Do you want to know who is miserable one ? It is the one who can't control himself/herself and be slave to his/her lust.

    Haha, that's hilarious. Why would you say I despise you? I don't even know you. I neither like or dislike you, I am simply commenting on your food intake. How old are you? I very much doubt that any successful athlete eats exactly the same food every day for six months. As for celebrities, who knows with some of their fad diets, doesn't mean it's a good idea! And cake is not garbage, it's a delicious item that fits perfectly into my calorie allowance, it makes me happy, not miserable, I can control myself perfectly well thank you and am not a "slave to my lust" due to choosing to eat lots of different foods with a variety of nutritional benefits, some good for the body, some for the soul!

    Not really sure why you chose to post since you seem to know better than everyone on here. You carry on eating how you like and good luck to you and I shall continue to eat all the delicious food in as wide a variety as I can!

    one of the world ranked male triathletes has muffins before every race; another one fuels on gummy bears...but hey - they obviously know nothing about "healthy" food

    Not sure if you are agreeing with me or not, can't really tell... If you are agreeing and saying that the best athletes know variety is the best thing to fuel life with, including treats then a big thumbs up to what you are saying. If not, then you've misread what I was saying. ;)

    I read it as agreeing, and further validating.
    Usain Bolt lived off MacDonald's at one of the Olympics didn't he? (I'm sure he ate it as it was familiar, unlike the cuisine of the country he was in)

  • deannalfisher
    deannalfisher Posts: 5,600 Member
    SLLeask wrote: »
    SLLeask wrote: »
    oss33 wrote: »
    SLLeask wrote: »
    oss33 wrote: »
    there was no mention of you being until keto until 5/6 posts down...that is something that most would consider critical information to provide a response and not have to dig for...

    here's my advice - eat what you *kitten* well like for a month and then let us know how its working for you

    You are right I should mention about all the other informations in the first place excuse me It is my first time writing on a blog. I already have been doing this plan for 6 months :smile: , I feel more healthy and I am happy with that. Thanks for your time and advice.

    You've eaten that same food every single day for 6 months? Every.Single.Day????? If you have, then you really do need to seek help, that is simply not normal. Do you never go out for a meal with friends? Have a bit of cake? Gosh that sounds utterly miserable and would indicate you have some problems to deal with.

    Yes I have been eating same food everyday for 6 months and will but It doesn't mean that I didn't add different veggies or fruits someday. So do you think you despise me for saying that I have problems to solve ? It is just a dumb manipulation that only children do. And if you search you will see that I am not the only person who eats same thing every day including athletes and celebs, Do you want to know why It is same ? Because I have a balanced healthy diet, I can keep my calories balanced, I do not think in the evening what to cook and eat after the busy day as you do, I do not have sugar crush or food cravings in the middle of my day. No, I do not eat bit of cake because It is a garbage and I have one life and one body to live. Do you want to know who is miserable one ? It is the one who can't control himself/herself and be slave to his/her lust.

    Haha, that's hilarious. Why would you say I despise you? I don't even know you. I neither like or dislike you, I am simply commenting on your food intake. How old are you? I very much doubt that any successful athlete eats exactly the same food every day for six months. As for celebrities, who knows with some of their fad diets, doesn't mean it's a good idea! And cake is not garbage, it's a delicious item that fits perfectly into my calorie allowance, it makes me happy, not miserable, I can control myself perfectly well thank you and am not a "slave to my lust" due to choosing to eat lots of different foods with a variety of nutritional benefits, some good for the body, some for the soul!

    Not really sure why you chose to post since you seem to know better than everyone on here. You carry on eating how you like and good luck to you and I shall continue to eat all the delicious food in as wide a variety as I can!

    one of the world ranked male triathletes has muffins before every race; another one fuels on gummy bears...but hey - they obviously know nothing about "healthy" food

    Not sure if you are agreeing with me or not, can't really tell... If you are agreeing and saying that the best athletes know variety is the best thing to fuel life with, including treats then a big thumbs up to what you are saying. If not, then you've misread what I was saying. ;)

    sorry - yeah I was getting at variety (including treats) is the best thing in bad! :)
  • SLLeask
    SLLeask Posts: 489 Member
    SLLeask wrote: »
    SLLeask wrote: »
    oss33 wrote: »
    SLLeask wrote: »
    oss33 wrote: »
    there was no mention of you being until keto until 5/6 posts down...that is something that most would consider critical information to provide a response and not have to dig for...

    here's my advice - eat what you *kitten* well like for a month and then let us know how its working for you

    You are right I should mention about all the other informations in the first place excuse me It is my first time writing on a blog. I already have been doing this plan for 6 months :smile: , I feel more healthy and I am happy with that. Thanks for your time and advice.

    You've eaten that same food every single day for 6 months? Every.Single.Day????? If you have, then you really do need to seek help, that is simply not normal. Do you never go out for a meal with friends? Have a bit of cake? Gosh that sounds utterly miserable and would indicate you have some problems to deal with.

    Yes I have been eating same food everyday for 6 months and will but It doesn't mean that I didn't add different veggies or fruits someday. So do you think you despise me for saying that I have problems to solve ? It is just a dumb manipulation that only children do. And if you search you will see that I am not the only person who eats same thing every day including athletes and celebs, Do you want to know why It is same ? Because I have a balanced healthy diet, I can keep my calories balanced, I do not think in the evening what to cook and eat after the busy day as you do, I do not have sugar crush or food cravings in the middle of my day. No, I do not eat bit of cake because It is a garbage and I have one life and one body to live. Do you want to know who is miserable one ? It is the one who can't control himself/herself and be slave to his/her lust.

    Haha, that's hilarious. Why would you say I despise you? I don't even know you. I neither like or dislike you, I am simply commenting on your food intake. How old are you? I very much doubt that any successful athlete eats exactly the same food every day for six months. As for celebrities, who knows with some of their fad diets, doesn't mean it's a good idea! And cake is not garbage, it's a delicious item that fits perfectly into my calorie allowance, it makes me happy, not miserable, I can control myself perfectly well thank you and am not a "slave to my lust" due to choosing to eat lots of different foods with a variety of nutritional benefits, some good for the body, some for the soul!

    Not really sure why you chose to post since you seem to know better than everyone on here. You carry on eating how you like and good luck to you and I shall continue to eat all the delicious food in as wide a variety as I can!

    one of the world ranked male triathletes has muffins before every race; another one fuels on gummy bears...but hey - they obviously know nothing about "healthy" food

    Not sure if you are agreeing with me or not, can't really tell... If you are agreeing and saying that the best athletes know variety is the best thing to fuel life with, including treats then a big thumbs up to what you are saying. If not, then you've misread what I was saying. ;)

    sorry - yeah I was getting at variety (including treats) is the best thing in bad! :)

    Haha, thanks for the clarification, you can't always tell on here... :D
  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,012 Member
    So OP asked for people to rate their meal plan and then dismissed and criticized everyone who responded? Cool.

    OP, I don't think it's healthy to eat the exact same thing every day for months at a time. I also think eating all those eggs everyday would make me nauseous. So I give your plan 3 out 5 stars.
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,181 Member
    I have a couple of observations. The foods listed by @oss33 will provide all the protein he wants, provide an excellent ratio of Omega-3/Omega-6 fatty acids, and provide an abundance of fiber and vitamins A, C, D, and K, for sure. Since he hasn't specifically quantified the variety of his fruits and vegetables, there may be deficiencies of some nutrients as understood by up-to-date science, and it must be noted that current science is still liable to be ignorant of all human nutritional needs.

    OP, you can have great confidence that you've assembled a nutritionally excellent eating plan based on the current science using the fewest possible ingredients.

    There's no need to assign moral value to that. It is a way of eating just as any other.

    You'll need to carefully read all new nutritional publications to stay abreast of current science as it changes. Change is certainly what Science has been doing throughout my life.

    FYI, my breakfast smoothie includes fruits, vegetables, and hemp seeds, things I chose for the same reason you did. The point 'we' seem to be making is that there's nothing wrong with my breakfast smoothie for breakfast, but drinking the same smoothie 4 times daily and consuming nothing else, for 6 months, and defending it as morally superior to all others, is peculiar. Not provably harmful, but peculiar.