

  • delicious_cocktail
    delicious_cocktail Posts: 5,797 Member
    Haha no problem. I live with my boyfriend and all my friends and family are 1000 miles away. So he's kinda all I got ;p But sure thing.

    See even now you're still . . . listen, I have to be able to pretend like you and I have a future if I'm going to motivate you. It doesn't need to be real but you at least have to put some heart in it.

    What the hell is wrong with kids these days?? Back in my day, when a damsel was in distress, she would bat her eyelashes.

    Now we want to pretend like we're all snapping towels at one another's posteriors in the locker room.

    This is insanity.
  • Leenizi129
    Leenizi129 Posts: 133 Member
    In nut shell, you do it for You and nobody else, let me tell you I was diagnosed last year with something incurable, I thought I was handed a death sentence, but I had a choice and I did everything the drs told me not to, I cycle for me, workout in the heat, for me, run for me, and guess what one year later and I am okay because it is for me, I've had to change my diet And push myself physically why? My motivation move or die the choice is yours..so choose wisely and stop making excuses when there is none.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    sorry, but i'm fresh out of spare motivation. but perhaps you could stop waiting for Magical Motivation to fall from the clouds and just go work out anyway? you know, because you said you were going to do it today?

    Hi sorry, but I don't need your negativity. :) Just needed a little push, and I accomplished what I needed to. I do that to myself literally every day, and today I just needed some words of encouragement and there is absolutely NOTHING wrong with that.

    That wasn't negativity. that's what you need to be listening to. Basically, he's saying..JUST DO IT. motivation comes and goes. It is fickle and fleeting, Make a commitment to yourself and just do it...even when you don't want to.

    I love people that just say it as it is.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Don't think of it as negativity when people tell you that you alone have the power to motivate yourself. It's empowering! If the strength and will to do what you need to do comes from within and not from other people, then other people can't stop you from achieving your goals. It's all up to you, and that's a great thing.

    Other people can motivate and that's great, but you can't count on them to drag you along kicking and screaming, or even to push you all the time. You are the person you can trust to get yourself where you want to go. Take whatever encouragement you can from other people and be grateful for it, but understand that it isn't necessary for success.
  • I'm fairly new here, I figured I would chime in on this one. The way I motivate myself (when I'm struggling) might seem silly, but I watch an episode of the biggest loser (pretty much any episode) because it makes me take a look and myself and think "if these people who are almost twice my size can manage to do this every day, I CAN too". Then I do my workout immediately after so I don't lose my motivation. My confidence is much better after I conquer the workout I didn't think I would be able to do.