LASIK surgery

So, I've been wearing glasses since I was 5. (Yes, 5.) I'm now almost 25. I did switch to contacts when I was 12, which made life a little less sucky.

I have been contemplating LASIK for years, but to tell you the truth, it really freaks me out. The thought of having my eye sliced open is a little unnerving, and I'm not typically a squeamish person. (In fact, I'm getting a little nauseated now just thinking about it. Excuse me while I go barf.) On top of that, I could never pay for it while I was in college.

Fast forward a few years, now I can. I'm tired of waking up in the mornings and stumbling to the bathroom to put in my contacts. I'm tired of not being able to go swimming and most of all, I'm tired of that panic-stricken moment when you think you've lost one, because then you're really screwed.

How many of you have had LASIK/laser vision correction? What was your experience? Have you had problems since? How much down-time is needed?

I'd appreciate your input!


  • Haha! I was scared for a second thinking this was an anti-lasik thread you were taking me to with horrible reviews.


    I could always wear fake ones? (You haven't seen how thick these babies are!)
  • JUDDDing
    JUDDDing Posts: 1,367 Member

    I consider every episode as a cautionary tale. :drinker:
  • Love life lessons from the Simpsons!
  • fShaw86
    fShaw86 Posts: 878 Member
    Wore glasses from 11-16 then switched to contacts. Did LASIK when I was 20 best decision everrr. Only thing is I get "halos" around light sources and can't see too well at night - think driving. But all make up for pros.
  • coolraul07
    coolraul07 Posts: 1,606 Member
    I've worn glasses since I was 6 so I know your pain. Technically speaking, I'm legally blind without them (e.g. can't read the big 'E' from 20 feet away). I wore contacts for 1 year at age 16. I couldn't afford the extended wear so had to settle for the "take'm out if sleep for more than 30 min" version. I had to give them up because I'd invariably fall asleep with them in from time to time, have to use a bunch of eye drops to get them out, and then my eyes were 'drunken red' all day.
    Fast forward 24 years to 2012: I had some excess (use-it-or-lose it) MSA funds from previous job, so bought 2 pairs of glasses and some disposable (weeklies) contacts. I went back 3 times for adjustments for ill-fit, irritation, or extreme blurring. After a month I gave up. I'm "Mr. Magoo" level nearsighted with varying astigmatism in each eye.

    My thought are if it's so hard to even get contacts right, I personally do trust that Lasik will be perfect the first time around. I can always try contacts again or fallback to glasses, but I consider Lasik a "no Plan B", so I'm not willing to risk it. Even ignoring the extreme horror stories, I've heard too many cases where a person still has to wear glasses periodically, or has permanent halos/blurring, or other annoyances. Just ain't worth the risk to me. #TEHO #YMMV
  • JessicaPasieka
    JessicaPasieka Posts: 149 Member
    I just got LASIK done back in June and it's the absolute BEST thing I have ever done for myself, besides losing weight. Honestly, life is more beautiful now that I don't have frames on my face or contacts in my eyes. I can freely see the world and it's the best feeling. And, they don't slice your eyeball open. It's all done with a laser. My surgery took literally 4 minutes. And my recovery time was less than a couple of days.
  • Wore glasses from 11-16 then switched to contacts. Did LASIK when I was 20 best decision everrr. Only thing is I get "halos" around light sources and can't see too well at night - think driving. But all make up for pros.

    Thanks for the input! How severe is the halo issue and do you still feel comfortable enough to drive at night (albeit a little blurry)?
  • I just got LASIK done back in June and it's the absolute BEST thing I have ever done for myself, besides losing weight. Honestly, life is more beautiful now that I don't have frames on my face or contacts in my eyes. I can freely see the world and it's the best feeling. And, they don't slice your eyeball open. It's all done with a laser. My surgery took literally 4 minutes. And my recovery time was less than a couple of days.

    Yay, this is what i wanted to hear! Do you have any blurring/halo/starburt issues?
  • JessicaPasieka
    JessicaPasieka Posts: 149 Member
    I have had absolutely No issues with my vision at all. Honestly, it was the best decision I've made. I wore glasses since I was in the fourth grade. And it's the best feeling Not to have to worry about contacts drying out my eyes or anything like that. I have perfect 20/20 vision now and I couldn't be happier.
  • I've worn glasses since I was 6 so I know your pain. Technically speaking, I'm legally blind without them (e.g. can't read the big 'E' from 20 feet away). I wore contacts for 1 year at age 16. I couldn't afford the extended wear so had to settle for the "take'm out if sleep for more than 30 min" version. I had to give them up because I'd invariably fall asleep with them in from time to time, have to use a bunch of eye drops to get them out, and then my eyes were 'drunken red' all day.
    Fast forward 24 years to 2012: I had some excess (use-it-or-lose it) MSA funds from previous job, so bought 2 pairs of glasses and some disposable (weeklies) contacts. I went back 3 times for adjustments for ill-fit, irritation, or extreme blurring. After a month I gave up. I'm "Mr. Magoo" level nearsighted with varying astigmatism in each eye.

    My thought are if it's so hard to even get contacts right, I personally do trust that Lasik will be perfect the first time around. I can always try contacts again or fallback to glasses, but I consider Lasik a "no Plan B", so I'm not willing to risk it. Even ignoring the extreme horror stories, I've heard too many cases where a person still has to wear glasses periodically, or has permanent halos/blurring, or other annoyances. Just ain't worth the risk to me. #TEHO #YMMV

    I'm also legally blind without the glasses/contacts! Bleh. I feel your pain. I have all of these same concerns. Just trying to see the pros so I won't be so chicken and possibly miss out on an awesome opportunity. BUT...the risks are always in the back of my mind, for sure.
  • I have had absolutely No issues with my vision at all. Honestly, it was the best decision I've made. I wore glasses since I was in the fourth grade. And it's the best feeling Not to have to worry about contacts drying out my eyes or anything like that. I have perfect 20/20 vision now and I couldn't be happier.

    Great! I'm hoping if I decide to do it that I'll be just as happy with the results!
  • JessicaPasieka
    JessicaPasieka Posts: 149 Member
    I have had absolutely No issues with my vision at all. Honestly, it was the best decision I've made. I wore glasses since I was in the fourth grade. And it's the best feeling Not to have to worry about contacts drying out my eyes or anything like that. I have perfect 20/20 vision now and I couldn't be happier.

    Great! I'm hoping if I decide to do it that I'll be just as happy with the results!

    Trust me, when I was first considering it, I was really nervous too. It's your eyes. It's serious. One slip up and that's it. But, I highly recommend that you go for a consultation. It's free and they put you at ease Right away. I didn't have to ask One question because they took the liberty of explaining everything to me in such detail. With every surgery, there are going to be Possible complications. But, they do so many of these surgeries and technology has developed so much that I felt completely safe and at ease. I like waking up and not having to put glasses on. Or, having to feel like I want to scratch my eyeballs out because of my contacts. I like to be able to go swimming and not have to worry. I like that I can wear a nice pair of sunglasses. It's all the little things that people who Don't wear glasses will never understand. But, it was truly a great decision. I've had no problems with my eyes thus far and my perscription was Pretty horrible. They are So nice there as well. They really provide you with a lot of comfort and understanding. And they've called me a couple times now to see how I'm doing. Very thorough.
  • fShaw86
    fShaw86 Posts: 878 Member
    Well the night vision isn't blurred as much as its the halos that get in the way. Like stop lights.. you get this fuzzy light around each color. Depends on person and quality of care I guess?
  • paulaviki
    paulaviki Posts: 678 Member
    I had lasek back in February and honestly it's the best decision I ever made! It's so liberating not to have to wear contacts or glasses and my vision is now better than 20/20. I was booked in for lasik but they decided lasek was best for me. The first fee days weren't pleasant as I had contact lens bandages and it made my eyes feel really gritty but they came out after 4 days days and over the next week my vision just got better and better!
  • I had lasek back in February and honestly it's the best decision I ever made! It's so liberating not to have to wear contacts or glasses and my vision is now better than 20/20. I was booked in for lasik but they decided lasek was best for me. The first fee days weren't pleasant as I had contact lens bandages and it made my eyes feel really gritty but they came out after 4 days days and over the next week my vision just got better and better!

    More encouraging words...awesome.

    Now I need to see what the difference in lasik/lasek is.

    The doctor here uses Intralase.
  • paulaviki
    paulaviki Posts: 678 Member
    Lazik is where they use the laser to create a flap on the eye, lasek is where they use an acid solution to remove the top layer (or something like that).

    I had mine done at optical express and had wavefront which is their top treatment, I think it's worth going for the best they offer if you are going to do it!
  • faceoff4
    faceoff4 Posts: 1,599 Member
    I had laser eye surgery done over 15 years ago and it was my best money I ever spent. I hated dealing with contracts, especially for someone who is very active, and glasses just were not an option. I was totally freaked out by it and its definitely weird having someone touch your eye, much less the procedure itself. But it really isnt that bad. The next day I was 20/20 in one eye and 20/15 in the other and still have great vision to this day. So I am a big fan and would say go for it!
  • I had laser eye surgery done over 15 years ago and it was my best money I ever spent. I hated dealing with contracts, especially for someone who is very active, and glasses just were not an option. I was totally freaked out by it and its definitely weird having someone touch your eye, much less the procedure itself. But it really isnt that bad. The next day I was 20/20 in one eye and 20/15 in the other and still have great vision to this day. So I am a big fan and would say go for it!

    Pros are out-weighing cons right now. :) Thanks! Did you have any bruising/haziness/blurring or did you have to have any follow-up work done?
  • SerenaFisher
    SerenaFisher Posts: 2,170 Member
    My SO's grandmother had LASIK done a few years ago. She has perfect vision, and was 72 when she under went the procedure