LASIK surgery



  • faceoff4
    faceoff4 Posts: 1,599 Member
    I had laser eye surgery done over 15 years ago and it was my best money I ever spent. I hated dealing with contracts, especially for someone who is very active, and glasses just were not an option. I was totally freaked out by it and its definitely weird having someone touch your eye, much less the procedure itself. But it really isnt that bad. The next day I was 20/20 in one eye and 20/15 in the other and still have great vision to this day. So I am a big fan and would say go for it!

    Pros are out-weighing cons right now. :) Thanks! Did you have any bruising/haziness/blurring or did you have to have any follow-up work done?

    No bruising or blurring or anything afterwards. And no follow up needed at all. Just had to wear some goofy goggle things for like a week when I slept so I didnt hurt them, but thats it. The only real issue was I was more sensitive to sunlight than I was before, but hey that just meant an excuse to buy some cool new shades! Good luck!
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Do your research thoroughly.

    I work in the field of lasers and optics. The vast majority of people in my workplace..... still wear glasses (or contacts). Although the USFDA has approved Lasik (more info here: ) I think the fact that there is enough risk involved that people who work with lasers daily are not yet willing to have it done on themselves is a pretty strong factor to consider.

    Of 793 people who had the surgery, 53% of them experienced side effects. 22% of them were still experiencing side effects 6 months later. 55% still did have to wear glasses or contacts at least some of the time.

    Just another side to consider.
  • madworld1
    madworld1 Posts: 524
    I had Lasik about 3 years ago (don't remember exactly). I live around Dallas, so I had many options. I chose a board certified & highly experienced doctor. In other words, do your research. Cheap is sometimes too good to be true.

    First, they had to check my eyes to see if I qualified. I did.
    Then, I scheduled my appointment. I was given three medications before the surgery. The 10 mg Valium was to be taken 30 minutes before surgery. Then, I was to use the 2 kinds of eye drops a few days before the surgery. Also, I had to go without my contacts for several days (don't remember how many) before the surgery.

    The day of surgery I was instructed to go without makeup. I went and signed in & took the valium when they told me it was 30 minutes until surgery. They took me in the room & they gave me a stress ball to squeeze & I squeezed the HELL out of it. Haha.

    You can't blink because they keep your eye open with these metal claw type things. I was told to follow the "green light" as they did the surgery. I was scared because I couldn't keep up with the green light & I was so afraid that it would ruin my eyes. But, the doc said that it automatically quit cutting if it was lined up (something like that). At some point, they will warn you that everything is about to go white. And, it does. That was scary. The whole process didn't take long at all.

    Recovery time was nothing as I was in no pain. I had to wear a super cool pair of goggles (insert sarcasm) for several days after the surgery. They are to prevent you from scratching or rubbing your eyes. It's imperative that you DO NOT scratch or rub them because the lens can be pushed out of place (it's healing).

    My vision didn't become super clear until a few weeks after. Even then, I had to continuously use lube eye drops bc they cut your tear ducts in the process. Don't worry, the tear ducts will heal.

    Yes, it was scary. The following days and weeks were uncomfortable due to severely dry eyes. I went through tons of eye drops.

    Am I glad I got the surgery? HELL YES. It was worth every penny & I love, love, love not having to wear contacts or glasses. It was a miracle being able to see clearly first thing in the morning. I started wearing corrective lenses in the 3rd grade.

    I have perfect vision now. I still keep a bottle of eye lube with me. But, I only use it once or twice a day. I know that I will most likely have to have glasses again someday. That's normal as you age.

    Bottom line: Yes, it's scary and expensive. But, it was totally worth it. Be sure and research your doctor. Good luck. :)
  • Do your research thoroughly.

    I work in the field of lasers and optics. The vast majority of people in my workplace..... still wear glasses (or contacts). Although the USFDA has approved Lasik (more info here: ) I think the fact that there is enough risk involved that people who work with lasers daily are not yet willing to have it done on themselves is a pretty strong factor to consider.

    Of 793 people who had the surgery, 53% of them experienced side effects. 22% of them were still experiencing side effects 6 months later. 55% still did have to wear glasses or contacts at least some of the time.

    Just another side to consider.

    Thanks for the info! These were pretty useful facts. The only thing is, this was published in 2009 and included participants who had the surgery as far back as 2001. I just have to ask myself how much the quality of the procedure has improved since then.
  • I had Lasik about 3 years ago (don't remember exactly). I live around Dallas, so I had many options. I chose a board certified & highly experienced doctor. In other words, do your research. Cheap is sometimes too good to be true.

    First, they had to check my eyes to see if I qualified. I did.
    Then, I scheduled my appointment. I was given three medications before the surgery. The 10 mg Valium was to be taken 30 minutes before surgery. Then, I was to use the 2 kinds of eye drops a few days before the surgery. Also, I had to go without my contacts for several days (don't remember how many) before the surgery.

    The day of surgery I was instructed to go without makeup. I went and signed in & took the valium when they told me it was 30 minutes until surgery. They took me in the room & they gave me a stress ball to squeeze & I squeezed the HELL out of it. Haha.

    You can't blink because they keep your eye open with these metal claw type things. I was told to follow the "green light" as they did the surgery. I was scared because I couldn't keep up with the green light & I was so afraid that it would ruin my eyes. But, the doc said that it automatically quit cutting if it was lined up (something like that). At some point, they will warn you that everything is about to go white. And, it does. That was scary. The whole process didn't take long at all.

    Recovery time was nothing as I was in no pain. I had to wear a super cool pair of goggles (insert sarcasm) for several days after the surgery. They are to prevent you from scratching or rubbing your eyes. It's imperative that you DO NOT scratch or rub them because the lens can be pushed out of place (it's healing).

    My vision didn't become super clear until a few weeks after. Even then, I had to continuously use lube eye drops bc they cut your tear ducts in the process. Don't worry, the tear ducts will heal.

    Yes, it was scary. The following days and weeks were uncomfortable due to severely dry eyes. I went through tons of eye drops.

    Am I glad I got the surgery? HELL YES. It was worth every penny & I love, love, love not having to wear contacts or glasses. It was a miracle being able to see clearly first thing in the morning. I started wearing corrective lenses in the 3rd grade.

    I have perfect vision now. I still keep a bottle of eye lube with me. But, I only use it once or twice a day. I know that I will most likely have to have glasses again someday. That's normal as you age.

    Bottom line: Yes, it's scary and expensive. But, it was totally worth it. Be sure and research your doctor. Good luck. :)

    Thanks for the description of the process. Those are the things I need to know so I will know what to expect.
    You said that your vision didn't complete clear up for a few weeks. Did you have trouble reading/driving/etc during the healing process?

    Also, I was reading that those were more the effects of PRK. Did you have PRK/Lasek or Lasik? Just curious! Thank you!
  • madworld1
    madworld1 Posts: 524
    I had Lasik about 3 years ago (don't remember exactly). I live around Dallas, so I had many options. I chose a board certified & highly experienced doctor. In other words, do your research. Cheap is sometimes too good to be true.

    First, they had to check my eyes to see if I qualified. I did.
    Then, I scheduled my appointment. I was given three medications before the surgery. The 10 mg Valium was to be taken 30 minutes before surgery. Then, I was to use the 2 kinds of eye drops a few days before the surgery. Also, I had to go without my contacts for several days (don't remember how many) before the surgery.

    The day of surgery I was instructed to go without makeup. I went and signed in & took the valium when they told me it was 30 minutes until surgery. They took me in the room & they gave me a stress ball to squeeze & I squeezed the HELL out of it. Haha.

    You can't blink because they keep your eye open with these metal claw type things. I was told to follow the "green light" as they did the surgery. I was scared because I couldn't keep up with the green light & I was so afraid that it would ruin my eyes. But, the doc said that it automatically quit cutting if it was lined up (something like that). At some point, they will warn you that everything is about to go white. And, it does. That was scary. The whole process didn't take long at all.

    Recovery time was nothing as I was in no pain. I had to wear a super cool pair of goggles (insert sarcasm) for several days after the surgery. They are to prevent you from scratching or rubbing your eyes. It's imperative that you DO NOT scratch or rub them because the lens can be pushed out of place (it's healing).

    My vision didn't become super clear until a few weeks after. Even then, I had to continuously use lube eye drops bc they cut your tear ducts in the process. Don't worry, the tear ducts will heal.

    Yes, it was scary. The following days and weeks were uncomfortable due to severely dry eyes. I went through tons of eye drops.

    Am I glad I got the surgery? HELL YES. It was worth every penny & I love, love, love not having to wear contacts or glasses. It was a miracle being able to see clearly first thing in the morning. I started wearing corrective lenses in the 3rd grade.

    I have perfect vision now. I still keep a bottle of eye lube with me. But, I only use it once or twice a day. I know that I will most likely have to have glasses again someday. That's normal as you age.

    Bottom line: Yes, it's scary and expensive. But, it was totally worth it. Be sure and research your doctor. Good luck. :)

    Thanks for the description of the process. Those are the things I need to know so I will know what to expect.
    You said that your vision didn't complete clear up for a few weeks. Did you have trouble reading/driving/etc during the healing process?

    Also, I was reading that those were more the effects of PRK. Did you have PRK/Lasek or Lasik? Just curious! Thank you!

    It was definitely only Lasik. The reason my eyes were so dry is because when they create the LASIK flap, they cut your cornea nerves. It was just dry eye & luckily it healed over time. But, it wasn't so bad that I was unable to drive, read, etc.

    The dry eye that I had with contacts was painful, whereas the dry eye that I had from the surgery was just "uncomfortable" and annoying. The blurry vision that I was experiencing periodically was only due to dry eye. It cleared right up after I put drops in.
  • Bump
  • hzliiz
    hzliiz Posts: 166 Member
    Best money I've spent, no regrets other than wish I'd done it sooner. Was near sighted to the point of practically blind -- couldn't see a foot in front of me. Done in 2007, no problems, great vision, still makes me happy and grateful every day to be able to see unaided!
  • amyk0202
    amyk0202 Posts: 667 Member
    I had lasik done over 12 years ago & it was definitely one of the best things I've ever done. I wore glasses since 5th grade & was not able to wear contacts any longer because I have pterygium (basically bumps) in my eyes & the contacts couldn't lay flat anymore. My surgeon (Dr. Neatrour in Virginia Beach) was very experienced & is still in practice. I recently looked to see what age limits there are to see if my daughter was able to get her eyes done (she's still too young). There was no pain. I was awake for the whole procedure. The worst part for me was when they were putting the metal things in to hold your eyes open. I could see perfectly immediately after the surgery--I actually looked at the clock in the room & was able to read it. I don't remember my prescription before, but they used to have to flip up to the bigger letters during my eye tests. I could not see anything without my glasses. My eyes are still perfect so I feel like I've gotten my money's worth. I am 41, so I know that I will probably need reading glasses some day but in the meantime it was sooooo worth it.
  • kar328
    kar328 Posts: 4,159 Member
    I've worn glasses since I was nine, contacts since I was 18. Never minded the contacts. I always said I wouldn't do Lasik - the whole idea of messing up my eyes, cutting my eyes, etc skeeved me a lot. Fast forward to me getting older, I couldn't see to read, so I was wearing contacts and reading glasses and getting massive headaches. I love to read, so not doing it a lot was hard. I finally bit the bullet and got evaluated. I had it done almost four years ago and did the usual "I should have done this years ago." It's wonderful to see, I could read signs on the drive home, even with the eye shields. The next day I drove myself to the post op visit and giggled because I'd never driven without glasses/contacts before. My doctor's practice had a seminar on the surgery, including watching one and that helped me calm down a bit. (so did the Valium).

    My only advice is do NOT watch any of the videos on YouTube. I was doing that one night at work and freaking myself out. There's one on there that's medical malpractice and really freaky to watch.
  • tlmclennan
    tlmclennan Posts: 26 Member
    I had Lasik about 3 years ago (don't remember exactly). I live around Dallas, so I had many options. I chose a board certified & highly experienced doctor. In other words, do your research. Cheap is sometimes too good to be true.

    First, they had to check my eyes to see if I qualified. I did.
    Then, I scheduled my appointment. I was given three medications before the surgery. The 10 mg Valium was to be taken 30 minutes before surgery. Then, I was to use the 2 kinds of eye drops a few days before the surgery. Also, I had to go without my contacts for several days (don't remember how many) before the surgery.

    The day of surgery I was instructed to go without makeup. I went and signed in & took the valium when they told me it was 30 minutes until surgery. They took me in the room & they gave me a stress ball to squeeze & I squeezed the HELL out of it. Haha.

    You can't blink because they keep your eye open with these metal claw type things. I was told to follow the "green light" as they did the surgery. I was scared because I couldn't keep up with the green light & I was so afraid that it would ruin my eyes. But, the doc said that it automatically quit cutting if it was lined up (something like that). At some point, they will warn you that everything is about to go white. And, it does. That was scary. The whole process didn't take long at all.

    Recovery time was nothing as I was in no pain. I had to wear a super cool pair of goggles (insert sarcasm) for several days after the surgery. They are to prevent you from scratching or rubbing your eyes. It's imperative that you DO NOT scratch or rub them because the lens can be pushed out of place (it's healing).

    My vision didn't become super clear until a few weeks after. Even then, I had to continuously use lube eye drops bc they cut your tear ducts in the process. Don't worry, the tear ducts will heal.

    Yes, it was scary. The following days and weeks were uncomfortable due to severely dry eyes. I went through tons of eye drops.

    Am I glad I got the surgery? HELL YES. It was worth every penny & I love, love, love not having to wear contacts or glasses. It was a miracle being able to see clearly first thing in the morning. I started wearing corrective lenses in the 3rd grade.

    I have perfect vision now. I still keep a bottle of eye lube with me. But, I only use it once or twice a day. I know that I will most likely have to have glasses again someday. That's normal as you age.

    Bottom line: Yes, it's scary and expensive. But, it was totally worth it. Be sure and research your doctor. Good luck. :)

    Thanks for the description of the process. Those are the things I need to know so I will know what to expect.
    You said that your vision didn't complete clear up for a few weeks. Did you have trouble reading/driving/etc during the healing process?

    Also, I was reading that those were more the effects of PRK. Did you have PRK/Lasek or Lasik? Just curious! Thank you!

    It was definitely only Lasik. The reason my eyes were so dry is because when they create the LASIK flap, they cut your cornea nerves. It was just dry eye & luckily it healed over time. But, it wasn't so bad that I was unable to drive, read, etc.

    The dry eye that I had with contacts was painful, whereas the dry eye that I had from the surgery was just "uncomfortable" and annoying. The blurry vision that I was experiencing periodically was only due to dry eye. It cleared right up after I put drops in.
    Are we sure this was Lasik? I had it done as well and best decision ever, but lasik only uses a laser to shape the eye? There is definitely no cutting or flaps involved? My eyes were very dry afterwards as well but that is from the laser re-shaping your eye. Mine was done over 12 years ago now and my eyesight is still perfect.
  • cbluna
    cbluna Posts: 26
    I did it about 10 years ago, best choice I could have made for the health of my eyes I either wore my contacts WAY longer than was okay between cleanings, or I didn't wear my glasses. Did the LASIK and was literally out of work for 1 day (the Friday), then back to work Monday, no worse for the wear. Though I did interestingly learn that I'm one of the 1 in 200,000 people who has the opposity reaction to synthetic Valium...who knew it would turn me into a chipmunk on crack--didn't affect the surgery, but it sure made laying still a challenge :laugh: . The zillions of "preservative free wetting drops" got a little old before long, but totally worth it in every way. Oh, and I don't get the halos at night, never did. I'm 37, and don't yet need reading glasses for close stuff.
  • spersephone
    spersephone Posts: 147 Member
    I'd love to do it - I've worn glasses since I was 16 and find contacts incredibly uncomfortable. There's no money for it now, but in a couple of years I'm planning to.
  • fShaw86
    fShaw86 Posts: 878 Member
    You can't blink because they keep your eye open with these metal claw type things. I was told to follow the "green light" as they did the surgery. I was scared because I couldn't keep up with the green light & I was so afraid that it would ruin my eyes. But, the doc said that it automatically quit cutting if it was lined up (something like that). At some point, they will warn you that everything is about to go white. And, it does. That was scary. The whole process didn't take long at all.

    lol forgot about when everything goes white/black. It's like whoa what the heck is going on, am I alive?
  • fShaw86
    fShaw86 Posts: 878 Member
    Am I the only one here with the halo effect?! Maybe I'm an angel. :devil:

    And for everyone contemplating LASIK, totally do it.

    The most amazing feeling in the world is waking up to a crystal clear world without reaching for your contacts or glasses.
  • 84woolf
    84woolf Posts: 153
    3 members of my family have had it done. Within 2 days eyes were much better, not as sore & as dry.......2 had very bad vision, now they're all perfect & so glad they had it done! Majority of the studies out there regarding the procedure are dated. Its an extremely safe & has a huge success rate. Go for it!
  • jennpaulson
    jennpaulson Posts: 850 Member
    I had my LASIK done 12 years ago, back when they still used a knife to cut the flap on your eye. And as I tell anyone who asks, if this was a procedure I had to have done every year, heck.. every month to maintain the results I'd do it. It was the best money I've ever spent. They say it can take up to a year afterwards for all the swelling to be gone but I was at 20/30 that day after the procedure and at 20/20 when I went back either the next day or two days afterwards (driving myself). I didn't take valium beforehand but the numbing eye drops that I used beforehand definitely felt a little freaky (to see yourself blinking but not feel your lids on your eyeball). After the procedure my eyes were gritty that day but fine by the next. I had antibiotic eye drops and I believe some sort of sterroid drops for swelling that I used for a week or two afterwards and that was it. I still see perfectly, although as someone else said a little more sensitive to sunlight.

    Good luck with your decision!!
  • madworld1
    madworld1 Posts: 524
    I had Lasik about 3 years ago (don't remember exactly). I live around Dallas, so I had many options. I chose a board certified & highly experienced doctor. In other words, do your research. Cheap is sometimes too good to be true.

    First, they had to check my eyes to see if I qualified. I did.
    Then, I scheduled my appointment. I was given three medications before the surgery. The 10 mg Valium was to be taken 30 minutes before surgery. Then, I was to use the 2 kinds of eye drops a few days before the surgery. Also, I had to go without my contacts for several days (don't remember how many) before the surgery.

    The day of surgery I was instructed to go without makeup. I went and signed in & took the valium when they told me it was 30 minutes until surgery. They took me in the room & they gave me a stress ball to squeeze & I squeezed the HELL out of it. Haha.

    You can't blink because they keep your eye open with these metal claw type things. I was told to follow the "green light" as they did the surgery. I was scared because I couldn't keep up with the green light & I was so afraid that it would ruin my eyes. But, the doc said that it automatically quit cutting if it was lined up (something like that). At some point, they will warn you that everything is about to go white. And, it does. That was scary. The whole process didn't take long at all.

    Recovery time was nothing as I was in no pain. I had to wear a super cool pair of goggles (insert sarcasm) for several days after the surgery. They are to prevent you from scratching or rubbing your eyes. It's imperative that you DO NOT scratch or rub them because the lens can be pushed out of place (it's healing).

    My vision didn't become super clear until a few weeks after. Even then, I had to continuously use lube eye drops bc they cut your tear ducts in the process. Don't worry, the tear ducts will heal.

    Yes, it was scary. The following days and weeks were uncomfortable due to severely dry eyes. I went through tons of eye drops.

    Am I glad I got the surgery? HELL YES. It was worth every penny & I love, love, love not having to wear contacts or glasses. It was a miracle being able to see clearly first thing in the morning. I started wearing corrective lenses in the 3rd grade.

    I have perfect vision now. I still keep a bottle of eye lube with me. But, I only use it once or twice a day. I know that I will most likely have to have glasses again someday. That's normal as you age.

    Bottom line: Yes, it's scary and expensive. But, it was totally worth it. Be sure and research your doctor. Good luck. :)

    Thanks for the description of the process. Those are the things I need to know so I will know what to expect.
    You said that your vision didn't complete clear up for a few weeks. Did you have trouble reading/driving/etc during the healing process?

    Also, I was reading that those were more the effects of PRK. Did you have PRK/Lasek or Lasik? Just curious! Thank you!

    It was definitely only Lasik. The reason my eyes were so dry is because when they create the LASIK flap, they cut your cornea nerves. It was just dry eye & luckily it healed over time. But, it wasn't so bad that I was unable to drive, read, etc.

    The dry eye that I had with contacts was painful, whereas the dry eye that I had from the surgery was just "uncomfortable" and annoying. The blurry vision that I was experiencing periodically was only due to dry eye. It cleared right up after I put drops in.
    Are we sure this was Lasik? I had it done as well and best decision ever, but lasik only uses a laser to shape the eye? There is definitely no cutting or flaps involved? My eyes were very dry afterwards as well but that is from the laser re-shaping your eye. Mine was done over 12 years ago now and my eyesight is still perfect.

    Yes, we are sure it was Lasik. Perhaps it would benefit you to look it up. :wink: