Healthy food doesnt fill me up

Wenever i eat healthy it doesnt seem to satisfy me and fill me up, just wondering what food r good to add to my diet which would make me feel full so i dont snack as much on sugary rubbish, any advice would be great, thank u


  • sarahlovesfood25
    sarahlovesfood25 Posts: 408 Member
    Well for e.g for lunch i will have sandwich, light yoghurt and fruit but im aleays still hungry or for breakfast il hav bowl of cereal or porridge i seem to just wana eat more, hope this helps
  • sarahlovesfood25
    sarahlovesfood25 Posts: 408 Member
    I just cant seem to limit myself wen it comes to food i just wana eat cus i dont feel full but what i mean by healthy foods r like
    Fruit, veg, yoghurt, low calorie crisps or choc bars
  • ladyhusker39
    ladyhusker39 Posts: 1,406 Member
    Still not a lot of info here. Could you open your diary?

    My first guess is that it might help to add in some fat. Because it's more calorie dense, we tend to want to cut it out but it can also be quite satiating. Just a guess, though because you still haven't given us much to go on.
  • sarahlovesfood25
    sarahlovesfood25 Posts: 408 Member
    Wot fibre and proteins r good? :)
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    Wot fibre and proteins r good? :)

    Whatever you like. Eat a variety of foods that you enjoy and that keep you full.

    Beans are good for both fiber and protein. Meat, eggs, fish/seafood. Fruit, vegetables and whole grains are good for fiber.
  • sarahlovesfood25
    sarahlovesfood25 Posts: 408 Member
    edited October 2017
    With my diary i just do quick add for wot i eat but type in the right calories maybe i should start to scan my foods and add them in my diary so ppl no wot i eat.
    But on an average day id have toast (wholemeal)
    Lunch would be sandwich with cooked meat like chicken or corned beef and sometimes salad, would hav yoghurt with that and bowl of fruit if still hungry a low calorie bag of crisps and with tea it varies one day i could have a full roast dinner, stew, casserole or on other days il leave it til evening then just hav sandwich and fruit!
    Does it sound like i need to change my diet or add more protein/fibre to it?
    My calorie goal is 1450 a day, im 153lbs
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Wenever i eat healthy it doesnt seem to satisfy me and fill me up, just wondering what food r good to add to my diet which would make me feel full so i dont snack as much on sugary rubbish, any advice would be great, thank u

    Protein, fiber and fat are the usual satiating components. But it's a different combination for everyone. I eat a (high fiber) carby breakfast with fat.....and it's filling for me. Others might be ravenous.

    Meal timing is also different for everyone.

    Number of calories - a really aggressive weekly weight loss goal will result in the lowest possible calories. Many people can't make that work.
  • sarahlovesfood25
    sarahlovesfood25 Posts: 408 Member
    Thanks everyone for ur advice i will take it on board :)
  • Rickster1967
    Rickster1967 Posts: 485 Member
    Tell you a food / meal that fills me up

    A bowlful of 0% Fat Greek Yoghurt with cooked berries & cherries

    I use one of Fage, Arla or Milbona 0% Greek yoghurt, have at least 250g

    I put somewhere between 150 to 250g of blueberries, cherries, blackcurrants in a bowl in the microwave and cook them til hot (put a lid on to stop it spraying all over)

    Add the cold yoghurt to the hot fruit and enjoy

    350g yoghurt + 300g cooked berries = 406 cals and will keep you full for hours

    Adjust the quantity for your own calorie needs.
  • Lean59man
    Lean59man Posts: 714 Member
    Oatmeal with banana plus hard boiled eggs
    Brown rice with black or pinto beans
    Peanut butter with banana or on whole wheat bread
    Hard boiled eggs with any of the above
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    But on an average day id have toast (wholemeal)
    - You can add fat and protein to your toast. Eggs have been mentioned. There's also peanut butter or any nut butter for that matter, or a mashed avocado.

    Lunch would be sandwich with cooked meat like chicken or corned beef and sometimes salad, would hav yoghurt with that and bowl of fruit if still hungry a low calorie bag of crisps
    - This also sounds low in fat. I suggest switching to full fat yogurt. I suggest a tablespoon of vinaigrette on your salad. Add a small cube of cheese.