Littlest Losers (Week 3)



  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    good morning all happy tuesday

    weddings are a good goal to think about my aim to reach my target by october 27th this year hubby is going to take me away no kids just us for 3 days and id kinda not like to look like a whale and have a little leway to gain a few pounds from eating meals out etc and not be right back where i started just comfy weight

    today im going to be extra good well sort of tuesday is my egg mcmuffin day but at 300 calories i guessit could be worse then its salad for dinner getting in my 5 portions tea not sure my brother is coming to stay over thinking i will need alot of exercise to count in a couple glasses wine as it was my birthday on 2nd and his on 11th my friends today so we will have a drink to celbrate

    hope you all have a fab day
  • RooMcDermott
    RooMcDermott Posts: 105 Member
    Did a Body Pump class last night...sore today, but it feels good. The class is an hour and then the kids and I took the dog for a 45 minute walk, so exercise was good yesterday.

    Didn't do so well on the water and fruit/veggies.

    This morning had a fruit smoothie for breakast, so have 1 serving of fruits in for today. 3 glasses of water done as well.
  • mshay05
    mshay05 Posts: 229 Member
    lobster888 & shannahrose- my wedding is Sept. 18th! We just went and ordered the cake last night!!! So exciting! It coming up quickly for sure! These next couple of months are going to fly!!

    I am on glass # 3 right now. I am going to subway for lunch and I am going to load up on the veggies!! Also, a lady I work with brought in a whole bag of fresh peaches! So I am sure I will get all my fruits & veggies in today! :bigsmile: Going to a hour long body tone class tonight.
  • shannahrose
    shannahrose Posts: 585 Member
    good morning!

    skipped spinning last night but went for a long walk instead. also did the shred in the morning - so about 65 mins of exercise for yesterday. downed 64 oz of water and was over on veggies & fruit! good day!

    today i did 55 mins of elliptical this morning and on glass 7 already! really knocking it out this week!!

    my new food is flax seed. i'll have it tomorrow morning in my oatmeal! :)
  • antiadipose
    antiadipose Posts: 447
    good morning!

    skipped spinning last night but went for a long walk instead. also did the shred in the morning - so about 65 mins of exercise for yesterday. downed 64 oz of water and was over on veggies & fruit! good day!

    today i did 55 mins of elliptical this morning and on glass 7 already! really knocking it out this week!!

    my new food is flax seed. i'll have it tomorrow morning in my oatmeal! :)

    i put my flax meal in my oats everyday =] i love it.
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Just my moment for the day - the doctors scale weighed me the same as my home scale!!! Before my new scale - the doctor's scale was the bad scale ( always two to three pounds more! )....wonder if this means that my scale is the bad scale now....haha!! I know it is just an accurate reading!!!!!

    Hope everyone has a happy healthy day!!!!!
  • iRun4wine
    iRun4wine Posts: 5,126
    Hey all-

    Just checking in- been busy lately, but doing ok with my calories. :smile: Drinking all my water and getting my workouts in, too.

    Hope everyone is having a good week so far :flowerforyou:
  • rowie
    rowie Posts: 75
    My new food this week is scapes. It's the shoot and flower of growing garlic. Last night i chopped it up and put it into a roasting pan with zucchini, baby sunburst squash, and eggplant, olive oil, balsamic vinegar, and italian herbs then roasted at 425 for 20 min. SO good! The scapes gave off a light garlicky flavour that was amazing with the other vegetables. YUM!
  • antiadipose
    antiadipose Posts: 447
    i say our next challenge should be "absolutely no calories consumed thru drinks"!
    i gave up artificial sugars and lately ive been putting honey on my tea and sugar in my coffee..... i just wanna end those calories all together!! id rather eat something!

    this means:
    no alcohol, fruit juice, sodas, frappes, lattes, chai... etc.

    just water!

    what do u losers think???
  • MacguyverMommy
    MacguyverMommy Posts: 104 Member
    OK, I promise to weigh in this Friday. I couldnt do it last week bc we were on vacation in NY... and it would have been super discouraging, as we ate tooonnnnss and also drank, which I normally dont do.
    8 glasses of water
    5 fruits veggies
    40 min workout a day
    ...and try something new? I have tried EVERYTHING! I dont know if I could participate with that!!!!

    any advice?
  • maydianna
    maydianna Posts: 26 Member
    Thanks, Shanna- you rock!!

    I'm not sure what our goal should be this week... just throwing an idea out there- what about trying a new healthy food that you haven't tried before? If anyone has better ideas, that's cool too :flowerforyou:

    Good luck this week, losers :tongue:

    I saw this thread and was inspired! My hubby and I have been talking for months about trying turnips as a potato substitute and this challenge gave me just what I needed to finally go and try them! We had them tonight with a grilled pork chop and spinach salad and it was great! Boiled, mashed and added just a little reduced fat sour cream and some chives. I highly recommend this for those of you trying to reduce your carbs!
  • MelliCheer
    MelliCheer Posts: 26
    Hey is it too late to join your group? I only have a little way to go and need some extra motivation.
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    happy wednesday all
    i just walked round town for an hour shopping pushing a buggy with toddler in exercise and shopping done all in one

    antiadipose i like the sound of zero calories in drinks but id fail big style i hate plain water has to have dilute suger free squash in it or herbal teas plus i have sweetners its that or sugars i have a really sweet tooth the fizzy pop coffees etc id give them up easy though

    hope your all having a happy week almost weigh in day god it seems to come round way too fast lol
  • RooMcDermott
    RooMcDermott Posts: 105 Member
    I feel like I am slipping...after last weekend with my girlfriends, I just haven't made the best choices. Maybe it's because I am frustrated since I was working so hard at working out and then I go an gained 3 lbs last week. Today is a new day (I say that every day) and I am going to Shred tonight and run on the treadmill.

    Still working on getting my water in...and still haven't tried a new item.
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    morning happy thursday all

    busy all day taking babies to differant things and my little girl has a play day at nursery ready for september my baby isnt a baby anymore lol

    tried lychees yesterday yuk tasted like perfumed smelt kids loved them tho you peel a spiky feel outta skin and it looks like a peeled grape wont be having that again lol
  • shannahrose
    shannahrose Posts: 585 Member
    I feel like I am slipping...after last weekend with my girlfriends, I just haven't made the best choices. Maybe it's because I am frustrated since I was working so hard at working out and then I go an gained 3 lbs last week. Today is a new day (I say that every day) and I am going to Shred tonight and run on the treadmill.

    Still working on getting my water in...and still haven't tried a new item.

    stay strong!! i slipped up a bit myself last weekend with visiting family and going to a wedding shower. but starting monday i just hopped right back on the wagon. just remember how much better your body feels when you eat the right things! sometimes that alone is enough to get me to resist temptation. hang in there!
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Happy Thursday!!!

    I just completed day 45 of Power 90!!! Feels good!! I have meet my goals except a new food. But, tonight I am going to whole foods after step class and I am sure I will find one. Weigh-in tomorrow...yipes. Don't think a loss this is getting slow since I am so close... but i will not give up... I will lose these extra 4 pounds!!!!!!

    Hope everyone has a happy healthy day!!!

    Make healthy food choices!!!!!
  • shannahrose
    shannahrose Posts: 585 Member
    i did spinning class last night and a 50 minute eliptical workout this morning. feeling it in the quads today! ouch! i've really worked hard the last few days to make up for a dessert-filled weekend! might even keep it up and do the shred this evening - we'll see! my next workout is level 3 - anyone done it?

    weigh in tomorrow! i've had sleight gains the past 2 weeks so i'm hoping to see my hard work pay off tomorrow!
  • RooMcDermott
    RooMcDermott Posts: 105 Member
    I am currently doing Level 3 of the 30DS and actually think it's easier than Level 2---it's a great workout!

    I shredded last night and walked 2 miles, so got an hour of exercise in. Weighed myself this morning, still up the 3 lbs that I gained :explode: but I am not giving up....
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Shanna, I was going to tell you level three was tough tough tough, but that you would love it when you finished. You will feel strong and it is great workout!!!!!

    But, Cooper thinks it was easier than level two! So maybe you shouldn't listen to me!!! Anyway it is a great workout!!!!