Paleo diet

Has anyone tried the paleo diet? I've been hearing about it a lot lately. Any success stories or tips??


  • jdlobb
    jdlobb Posts: 1,232 Member
    edited October 2017
    Paleo itself is not a weight loss diet, but rather a general nutrient diet. You can follow it in deficit for weight loss, at maintenance, or in surplus to grow.

    I recently started following it, and I don’t know if I buy any of the health benefits, but it has made it easier to hit my macros, stay in deficit, and enjoy my food.

    It’s pretty restrictive, so you have to get creative sometimes. I cook my own food WAY more now than I ever have in my life.

    Probably the biggest part of Paleo is cutting out grains from your diet. For me this alone eliminated a ton of junk food I shouldn’t have been eating anyways.
  • sgt1372
    sgt1372 Posts: 3,990 Member
    I follow a paleo diet about 90-95% of the time in terms of cals and it has worked for me during wt loss and maintenance over the past 18 months.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Thanks!!! I just might give it a try

    did you actually read what he said?
    I feel like you read some kind of positive endorsement and all the negative things were invisible, its like asking if you can drink this acid and someone says "you can, but it will burn through your body" and the person asking goes "Thanks, i think i'll give it a try!!"

    welcome to MFP!!!!!
  • mer55
    mer55 Posts: 28 Member
    I did paleo strictly for 5 months, lost 17 lbs. That's the good news. Bad news, it was a lifestyle I just could not keep up with. It's EXPENSIVE- organic everything, and all the specialty "flours" ( ie, almond meal, coconut flour, almond flour, flax etc). It is also time consuming because you have to spend time making paleo snacks, "paleo breads" etc. I did not count calories at all. Just ate completely clean, very low carb, moderate healthy fats and lots of protein. I just missed my pasta, and other carbs that are a complete no no. It got old. Went back to "normal" food, and the weight just came back on and then some. So this time it is CICO and it is working just as well, and I can have my cake and eat it too. It works for some, so this is not a Paleo bash, it's just one perspective. Good luck!
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    mer55 wrote: »
    I did paleo strictly for 5 months, lost 17 lbs. That's the good news. Bad news, it was a lifestyle I just could not keep up with. It's EXPENSIVE- organic everything, and all the specialty "flours" ( ie, almond meal, coconut flour, almond flour, flax etc). It is also time consuming because you have to spend time making paleo snacks, "paleo breads" etc. I did not count calories at all. Just ate completely clean, very low carb, moderate healthy fats and lots of protein. I just missed my pasta, and other carbs that are a complete no no. It got old. Went back to "normal" food, and the weight just came back on and then some. So this time it is CICO and it is working just as well, and I can have my cake and eat it too. It works for some, so this is not a Paleo bash, it's just one perspective. Good luck!

    I agree with what cwolfman said above, but for the most part I would not agree that it's time consuming or expensive.

    I ate pretty similar to how I eat anyway -- eggs and veg for breakfast, salads with protein at lunch, maybe some soup (not having lentils is stupid), meat, veg, and maybe potatoes/sweet potatoes at dinner.

    I had no need for all the specialty flours, and you don't need to make special snacks -- I don't really snack, but snacking on fruit or hard boiled eggs or vegetables or jerky or nuts or so on is easy.

    I don't see why you'd need to get organic veg (I mean, paleo is supposed to be pre farming so all of this is totally inconsistent anyway), and while I think focusing on sourcing meat from a local farm or the like is great for a lot of reasons it need not be more expensive and the focus (if taken seriously) on eating all parts of an animal ought to keep costs down.

    That said, I'm not recommending paleo since I think the limitations are pointless, particularly no dairy (if one is adapted well to dairy and not lactose intolerant), no legumes, and no whole grains (and also the broad no rice and pasta). I can make many extremely nutrient dense, healthy, no ill effects meals based on rice or pasta. I personally don't eat a lot of rice or bread since I don't care much about it and find it a waste of calories, but that it's bad for you seems a ridiculous claim.

    Paleo need not be low carb, either, although it often is just because the most common sources of carbs in many diets are cut out (grains and legumes).

    I think it's an okay way to eat and for some might constitute a huge dietary improvement, but if it feels restrictive it may not be sustainable, and if you start thinking too hard about WHY the restrictions (or WHY should we pretend we are eating like paleo people but not really doing it, and what's wrong with the Neolithic, LOL) it all falls apart.
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    Way too expensive for me. Plus I'd never give up legumes. I eat them just about every day.
  • lucys1225
    lucys1225 Posts: 597 Member
    lol look at immature people on an app trying to bully someone else. I didn't say I'll give it a try based off one opinion I said it because I've heard several opinions. If I try to for a week or so and find no luck than I think that's my choice and has nothing to do with anyone else. That way it allows me to create my own opinion on it. Im trying to work on myself and sure didn't sign up for something where people are mean and negative. I would never do that to someone else but guess I'm not cruel that way

    I think giving it a try is a good idea! Many people have great results with it, not just for weight loss but with their overall health. Since there's so many interpretations of Paleo, you can start strict and adjust to what works for you. Good luck!