American must-try foods?



  • Moxie42
    Moxie42 Posts: 1,400 Member
    As others have said, In N Out is a go-to. I rarely go but when I do I get a cheeseburger and animal style fries. If you go, get animal style!

    Pink's Hotdogs. I'm not a hotdog person but I do love Pink's!

    LA has a ton of incredible food. I definitely recommend checking out Yelp if there's a type of food you're interested in. And yes, I'd definitely try some Mexican food. And I do not mean El Torito, Baja Fresh, Rubios, etc. Those places are okay, but if you want authentic Mexican, find a little hole in the wall or a food truck.

    Food trucks. Greasy and sooooo delicious, no matter what the food is (with a handful of exceptions of course). There's one I tried that was a Japanese-Mexican fusion. Sounds weird but it was delicious!

    Diddy Reese. If it's still there...idk, haven't been in years. Ice cream sandwiches with homemade cookies. You get to pick any two cookie flavors, and any ice cream flavor. Unless it's changed (totally possible) it was only $1.00

    Barton G. This place is super-expensive and I've only been there because of a work function but if you want to splurge big-time, it's awesome! The place has incredible food but it's really all about presentation. I'm talking about popcorn shrimp that is served in an actual popcorn machine, sushi that comes in a big Japanese-style boat, steak on a plate that has a 3-foot fork as decoration, and 3-foot tall cotton candy placed on a mannequin head and shaped like Marie Antoinette's hair. Oh, and martinis with vodka popsicles!

    When I was in Italy, our tour guide said her favorite thing EVER that she ate in the US was Keebler chocolate chip cookies from the grocery store. I totally don't get it but to each their own!

    Have fun!!!