Gastric Bypass



  • AngryViking1970
    AngryViking1970 Posts: 2,847 Member
    edited November 2017
    Halloween night was fine; my kid didn't feel like Trick or Treating and we live so rurally that nobody comes to the door. Halloween day, however... le sigh. My office was full of cupcake and candy landmines. Back on track today!
  • mowgwan
    mowgwan Posts: 7 Member
    I used unflavored protein powder with whey. I use Jarrow Formula Whey Protein Powder. You can get it on Amazon. I use the unflavored and vanilla mostly. It is the only brand I can tolerate well. I mixed it with broths, in yogurt, and in beans. I was on a plan that was pure liquid for 7 days, then super soft/blinded to death foods for about 60 days with slowly increasing the texture. I used herbs and spices to keep it interesting flavor wise since I couldn't have much variety in texture. I had soups (no noodles or rice) that I blended (my fav was a lobster bisc from the local grocery store), scrambled egg with yogurt or cottage cheese mixed in it. It was close to 2.5/3 months before it was comfortable to eat solid foods even hunks of cheese or lunch meat. It worked well for me and once I was past the 3 month mark it went well until I had to get my gallbladder taken out 9 months after the gastric bypass. Then had to readjust some things. I still use the protein powder regularly, and eat yogurt every day to help my tummy settle. Everyone is different, so I it is just trying different things.