I gained 12 pounds???? Help!!



  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    sgtx81 wrote: »
    Sarellynn wrote: »
    Sarellynn wrote: »
    Sarellynn wrote: »
    12lbs in a week sounds very odd! What was your diet like this past week? How much did you eat? Are your scales possibly broken?

    I used a scale at my moms house. It works as far as I know.. :/ I know I didn't eat amazingly but I stayed within my calorie limits (always under the goal, avg of around 1300 calories) and even started drinking water daily. I used to never drink anything really (I was and still am highly dehydrated) and just started so I assumed itd flush extra weight off?

    You're still dehydrated, that's why

    But why would that make me gain weight?? Am I drinking too much water?

    No, your body is retaining water because you're still not drinking enough.

    But I feel like Ive been drinking a ton ): I already had 20 oz today

    I've already had 133.8 oz today since about 3 hours ago and I will probably end up drinking at least 80oz more.

    If you lose weight it shouldn't get replaced with water, under normal circumstances. I lost 50 pounds, give or take, from August to the end of September and another 20+ pounds this month and I've been drinking water like a camel.

    If water replaced fat I'd be sloshing around like a water balloon right now.

    why so much water? you do know you can over-hydrate yourself as well right? too much water can be toxic
  • sgtx81
    sgtx81 Posts: 466 Member
    edited October 2017
    sgtx81 wrote: »
    Sarellynn wrote: »
    Sarellynn wrote: »
    Sarellynn wrote: »
    12lbs in a week sounds very odd! What was your diet like this past week? How much did you eat? Are your scales possibly broken?

    I used a scale at my moms house. It works as far as I know.. :/ I know I didn't eat amazingly but I stayed within my calorie limits (always under the goal, avg of around 1300 calories) and even started drinking water daily. I used to never drink anything really (I was and still am highly dehydrated) and just started so I assumed itd flush extra weight off?

    You're still dehydrated, that's why

    But why would that make me gain weight?? Am I drinking too much water?

    No, your body is retaining water because you're still not drinking enough.

    But I feel like Ive been drinking a ton ): I already had 20 oz today

    I've already had 133.8 oz today since about 3 hours ago and I will probably end up drinking at least 80oz more.

    If you lose weight it shouldn't get replaced with water, under normal circumstances. I lost 50 pounds, give or take, from August to the end of September and another 20+ pounds this month and I've been drinking water like a camel.

    If water replaced fat I'd be sloshing around like a water balloon right now.

    why so much water? you do know you can over-hydrate yourself as well right? too much water can be toxic

    Yes, I know. I also sweat a whole lot when I exercise and I'm a coffee drinker. I judge my hydration by the color of my urine. Thanks though...

  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    sgtx81 wrote: »
    sgtx81 wrote: »
    Sarellynn wrote: »
    Sarellynn wrote: »
    Sarellynn wrote: »
    12lbs in a week sounds very odd! What was your diet like this past week? How much did you eat? Are your scales possibly broken?

    I used a scale at my moms house. It works as far as I know.. :/ I know I didn't eat amazingly but I stayed within my calorie limits (always under the goal, avg of around 1300 calories) and even started drinking water daily. I used to never drink anything really (I was and still am highly dehydrated) and just started so I assumed itd flush extra weight off?

    You're still dehydrated, that's why

    But why would that make me gain weight?? Am I drinking too much water?

    No, your body is retaining water because you're still not drinking enough.

    But I feel like Ive been drinking a ton ): I already had 20 oz today

    I've already had 133.8 oz today since about 3 hours ago and I will probably end up drinking at least 80oz more.

    If you lose weight it shouldn't get replaced with water, under normal circumstances. I lost 50 pounds, give or take, from August to the end of September and another 20+ pounds this month and I've been drinking water like a camel.

    If water replaced fat I'd be sloshing around like a water balloon right now.

    why so much water? you do know you can over-hydrate yourself as well right? too much water can be toxic

    Yes, I know. I also sweat a whole lot when I exercise and I'm a coffee drinker. I judge my hydration by the color of my urine. Thanks though...


    I get that, but thats an awful lot of water for even a very obese person(not saying you are as I have no clue your height or weight, nor am I asking).but hey as long as you arent having issues I guess.,
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    sgtx81 wrote: »
    sgtx81 wrote: »
    Sarellynn wrote: »
    Sarellynn wrote: »
    Sarellynn wrote: »
    12lbs in a week sounds very odd! What was your diet like this past week? How much did you eat? Are your scales possibly broken?

    I used a scale at my moms house. It works as far as I know.. :/ I know I didn't eat amazingly but I stayed within my calorie limits (always under the goal, avg of around 1300 calories) and even started drinking water daily. I used to never drink anything really (I was and still am highly dehydrated) and just started so I assumed itd flush extra weight off?

    You're still dehydrated, that's why

    But why would that make me gain weight?? Am I drinking too much water?

    No, your body is retaining water because you're still not drinking enough.

    But I feel like Ive been drinking a ton ): I already had 20 oz today

    I've already had 133.8 oz today since about 3 hours ago and I will probably end up drinking at least 80oz more.

    If you lose weight it shouldn't get replaced with water, under normal circumstances. I lost 50 pounds, give or take, from August to the end of September and another 20+ pounds this month and I've been drinking water like a camel.

    If water replaced fat I'd be sloshing around like a water balloon right now.

    why so much water? you do know you can over-hydrate yourself as well right? too much water can be toxic

    Yes, I know. I also sweat a whole lot when I exercise and I'm a coffee drinker. I judge my hydration by the color of my urine. Thanks though...


    I get that, but thats an awful lot of water for even a very obese person(not saying you are as I have no clue your height or weight, nor am I asking).but hey as long as you arent having issues I guess.,

    I down 6+ litres a day, and I'm obese but not very obese. It's just what I'm used to and what I'm happy with.

    But OP - you had a number of factors at play here.

    1. You've been dehydrated a long time and your body is hanging on to well needed water. This is going to show a gain in water weight, but that's not a bad thing - you need that hydration. Any loss shown by dehydrating yourself is a fake loss, and as your last thread canvassed extensively, ongoing dehydration is dangerous and unhealthy.
    2. You weighed later in the day, after eating and drinking and while wearing shoes. All of that shows up. Just because it's in your stomach and not on a plate doesn't mean it doesn't still have mass.
    3. You weighed on a different scale. This will pretty much always show a change, home scales are not perfect or calibrated the same way. This doesn't mean they're useless - just that it's better to weigh on the same one.
  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    Sarellynn wrote: »
    Sarellynn wrote: »
    Maybe it would help to put a link to your previous thread so new readers would understand about your issues with getting enough fluids. Otherwise people are going to be offering advice without knowing your situation.

    It's not surprising that you've gained weight - water is heavy, and 1 gallon weighs 8 pounds. Your body previously needed water. Now it is getting what it needs, and it's going to take time - maybe several weeks - for it to adjust to the new equilibrium. It might be a good idea not to weigh yourself during this time as it won't give you any meaningful information about how much fat you have gained or lost. Don't worry, you are not gaining fat while eating 1300 calories a day. When everything settles down, you will probably weigh a little more than when you started, because your body will be healthy and properly hydrated, but you will not have gained any fat, and your weight loss will start trending downwards on the scale then.

    Normally water weight can vary by several pounds during the course of one day. I gain and lose about six or seven pounds of water a day. That is normal and nothing to do with fat loss and calories. Don't let it upset you, your diet is still working the way it should.

    How are your headaches and other symptoms of being dehydrated? Do you feel any better?

    I cant because someone had my thread deleted for a reason I still dont understand. I havent had a headache this week yet. So I shouldnt worry about my weight until after Im hydrated 100%? How will I know when I am?

    I can't think of a simple way to know when your body has adjusted to the new normal, but I would give it at least two weeks, maybe as much as a month. You have been restricting fluids for years, so it may take a little time.

    I'm happy to hear your headaches are better! Hopefully they will stay gone now that you're drinking more.

    To explain why you being dehydrated means you are gaining weight now - picture a sponge. A dry sponge weighs less than a wet sponge. Your body was like a dry sponge, now it's like a wet sponge. But the sponge itself is still the same, it's just holding more water.

    You mentioned having heard that drinking water flushes fluid out, which is true - but only after a certain point. Picture the wet sponge having something heavy on the surface of it, like mud. To wash the mud away you run water over it. Eventually you will have a clean wet sponge, which weighs less because the mud is gone.

    But if you start with a dry sponge with mud on it, and run water over it, first the sponge will fill up with water before the mud starts to wash away, and when you finish, you will have a clean wet sponge - which is heavier than the dirty dry sponge because the water is heavier than the mud was.

    Does that make sense?

    Thats probably the best explanation ive read , thank you very much. So if I keep hydrating, I might gain weight, but it wont be fat, and then I can start looking at my weight?

    Yep, that's the idea!

  • shaunshaikh
    shaunshaikh Posts: 616 Member
    Weigh yourself in the morning before you eat after you go to the restroom on the same scale in the same place every day. Yes, clothes and shoes can weigh several pounds. Yes, two scales can be several pounds different. Yes, the time of day you weigh yourself can have an impact of several pounds. And yes, if you were SEVERELY dehydrated before (and you WERE), then the act of hydrating will raise the number on the scale. However, it will not mean you gained any fat. If you take measurements of different parts of your body on a regular basis you should be able to see more accurately changes in fat.
  • musicfan68
    musicfan68 Posts: 1,137 Member
    sgtx81 wrote: »
    sgtx81 wrote: »
    Sarellynn wrote: »
    Sarellynn wrote: »
    Sarellynn wrote: »
    12lbs in a week sounds very odd! What was your diet like this past week? How much did you eat? Are your scales possibly broken?

    I used a scale at my moms house. It works as far as I know.. :/ I know I didn't eat amazingly but I stayed within my calorie limits (always under the goal, avg of around 1300 calories) and even started drinking water daily. I used to never drink anything really (I was and still am highly dehydrated) and just started so I assumed itd flush extra weight off?

    You're still dehydrated, that's why

    But why would that make me gain weight?? Am I drinking too much water?

    No, your body is retaining water because you're still not drinking enough.

    But I feel like Ive been drinking a ton ): I already had 20 oz today

    I've already had 133.8 oz today since about 3 hours ago and I will probably end up drinking at least 80oz more.

    If you lose weight it shouldn't get replaced with water, under normal circumstances. I lost 50 pounds, give or take, from August to the end of September and another 20+ pounds this month and I've been drinking water like a camel.

    If water replaced fat I'd be sloshing around like a water balloon right now.

    why so much water? you do know you can over-hydrate yourself as well right? too much water can be toxic

    Yes, I know. I also sweat a whole lot when I exercise and I'm a coffee drinker. I judge my hydration by the color of my urine. Thanks though...


    I get that, but thats an awful lot of water for even a very obese person(not saying you are as I have no clue your height or weight, nor am I asking).but hey as long as you arent having issues I guess.,

    On average, I drink 100 oz a day so I don't get kidney/bladder infections. Yesterday, I drank about 50-60 oz and woke up this morning with a headache and burning. I've drank about 90 oz so far today. Working on another 40. I am feeling a lot better. Some people can and need to drink that much.
  • beaglady
    beaglady Posts: 1,362 Member
    Do you usually weigh yourself at home, but weighed on a different scale at your moms today? There’s the reason you ‘gained’ 12 pounds. You didn’t really. It’s almost certain that the scales are not calibrated exactly the same. At the beginning of my weight loss, I gained about 6 pounds in minutes by replacing my old scale with a new one.
  • lichn
    lichn Posts: 36 Member
    Sarellynn wrote: »
    Sarellynn wrote: »
    Sarellynn wrote: »
    Sarellynn wrote: »
    12lbs in a week sounds very odd! What was your diet like this past week? How much did you eat? Are your scales possibly broken?

    I used a scale at my moms house. It works as far as I know.. :/ I know I didn't eat amazingly but I stayed within my calorie limits (always under the goal, avg of around 1300 calories) and even started drinking water daily. I used to never drink anything really (I was and still am highly dehydrated) and just started so I assumed itd flush extra weight off?

    You're still dehydrated, that's why

    But why would that make me gain weight?? Am I drinking too much water?

    No, your body is retaining water because you're still not drinking enough.

    But I feel like Ive been drinking a ton ): I already had 20 oz today

    You said yourself you're still dehydrated...

    Yes but I feel like Im doing better. I dont see why id be gaining weight

    Your body is still adjusting to your new levels of water consumption, it may take some time for it to "believe" that you're going to be consistent with your water intake and retaining extra water in the meantime, just in case you suddenly stop drinking water again tomorrow. You aren't gaining fat, your body just needs some time to adapt to the change.
  • rickiimarieee
    rickiimarieee Posts: 2,212 Member
    You're gaining weight because instead of your body using water as part as elimination your body is retaining it because it needs water to function properly. You're just retaining the water you have taken in. So get a whole bunch of water bottles (full) and stand on the scale, the weight goes up right? That's the same concept except it's inside your body. Hope that explains it well enough.
  • rickiimarieee
    rickiimarieee Posts: 2,212 Member
    Sarellynn wrote: »
    Sarellynn wrote: »
    Sarellynn wrote: »
    Sarellynn wrote: »
    Sarellynn wrote: »
    Sarellynn wrote: »
    Sarellynn wrote: »
    Sarellynn wrote: »
    12lbs in a week sounds very odd! What was your diet like this past week? How much did you eat? Are your scales possibly broken?

    I used a scale at my moms house. It works as far as I know.. :/ I know I didn't eat amazingly but I stayed within my calorie limits (always under the goal, avg of around 1300 calories) and even started drinking water daily. I used to never drink anything really (I was and still am highly dehydrated) and just started so I assumed itd flush extra weight off?

    You're still dehydrated, that's why

    But why would that make me gain weight?? Am I drinking too much water?

    No, your body is retaining water because you're still not drinking enough.

    But I feel like Ive been drinking a ton ): I already had 20 oz today

    You said yourself you're still dehydrated...

    Yes but I feel like Im doing better. I dont see why id be gaining weight

    Because you're still dehydrated...

    That doesnt explain why im gaining weight

    Yes it does. You're still retaining water because you are dehydrated. No matter how many times you say you don't think that can be true, it is.

    You are a very condescending person. That helps no one.. Something that might be obvious to you isn't to everyone else. And sometimes I repeat things and it comes off as not listening, but I am autistic and have a hard time putting information together. Please stop being so mean to me in my posts.

    There's nothing mean about any of my posts on this thread.

    Yes. There is. Youre very condescending and sarcastic. Id like to ask you to please not talk to me, thanks

    Just because someone tells you something you don't want to hear doesn't mean that they're condescending and sarcastic.

    How would you like it to be explained to you? Because you certainly seem to not be grasping "Your body needs water, you didn't give it water, and now it's holding on to everything for dear life."

    Ive already ignored you and him. You both are toxic, negative myfitnesspal members. Stop commenting on my posts. Thanks.
    Sarellynn wrote: »
    Sarellynn wrote: »
    Sarellynn wrote: »
    Sarellynn wrote: »
    Sarellynn wrote: »
    Sarellynn wrote: »
    Sarellynn wrote: »
    12lbs in a week sounds very odd! What was your diet like this past week? How much did you eat? Are your scales possibly broken?

    I used a scale at my moms house. It works as far as I know.. :/ I know I didn't eat amazingly but I stayed within my calorie limits (always under the goal, avg of around 1300 calories) and even started drinking water daily. I used to never drink anything really (I was and still am highly dehydrated) and just started so I assumed itd flush extra weight off?

    You're still dehydrated, that's why

    But why would that make me gain weight?? Am I drinking too much water?

    No, your body is retaining water because you're still not drinking enough.

    But I feel like Ive been drinking a ton ): I already had 20 oz today

    You said yourself you're still dehydrated...

    Yes but I feel like Im doing better. I dont see why id be gaining weight

    Because you're still dehydrated...

    That doesnt explain why im gaining weight

    Yes it does. You're still retaining water because you are dehydrated. No matter how many times you say you don't think that can be true, it is.

    You are a very condescending person. That helps no one.. Something that might be obvious to you isn't to everyone else. And sometimes I repeat things and it comes off as not listening, but I am autistic and have a hard time putting information together. Please stop being so mean to me in my posts.

    There's nothing mean about any of my posts on this thread.

    Yes. There is. Youre very condescending and sarcastic. Id like to ask you to please not talk to me, thanks

    Just because someone tells you something you don't want to hear doesn't mean that they're condescending and sarcastic.

    How would you like it to be explained to you? Because you certainly seem to not be grasping "Your body needs water, you didn't give it water, and now it's holding on to everything for dear life."
    Sarellynn wrote: »
    Sarellynn wrote: »
    Sarellynn wrote: »
    Sarellynn wrote: »
    Sarellynn wrote: »
    Sarellynn wrote: »
    Sarellynn wrote: »
    12lbs in a week sounds very odd! What was your diet like this past week? How much did you eat? Are your scales possibly broken?

    I used a scale at my moms house. It works as far as I know.. :/ I know I didn't eat amazingly but I stayed within my calorie limits (always under the goal, avg of around 1300 calories) and even started drinking water daily. I used to never drink anything really (I was and still am highly dehydrated) and just started so I assumed itd flush extra weight off?

    You're still dehydrated, that's why

    But why would that make me gain weight?? Am I drinking too much water?

    No, your body is retaining water because you're still not drinking enough.

    But I feel like Ive been drinking a ton ): I already had 20 oz today

    You said yourself you're still dehydrated...

    Yes but I feel like Im doing better. I dont see why id be gaining weight

    Because you're still dehydrated...

    That doesnt explain why im gaining weight

    Yes it does. You're still retaining water because you are dehydrated. No matter how many times you say you don't think that can be true, it is.

    You are a very condescending person. That helps no one.. Something that might be obvious to you isn't to everyone else. And sometimes I repeat things and it comes off as not listening, but I am autistic and have a hard time putting information together. Please stop being so mean to me in my posts.

    There's nothing mean about any of my posts on this thread.

    Yes. There is. Youre very condescending and sarcastic. Id like to ask you to please not talk to me, thanks

    You can't be serious right? I found nothing that was said offensive. This is the internet, you should expect some mean people but they weren't being mean. They were trying to help you out by explaining it.

    My apologies if that came off as rude, I did not see you have a mental disability until now.