Beyond Frustrated

I started off in July at 120, for my height my ideal weight is 105-110. In general I am not a big eater, I am not a junker, not a drinker, don't eat fried food, no soda, no juices... you get the idea.
I cut my calorie intake to about 1000 a day. I skipped the breakfast bars and went for egg whites instead. For lunches I skipped the lean cuisine and other TV meals for home cooked meals in an effort to minimize processed food but kept the portion the same size. I usually have a small snack in the afternoon and I am good for the day. I drink tons of water throughout the day. Three months later I still wasn't able to lose any weight. So I joined a boxing gym and I go 4 times a week and according to my trainer - on the conservative side-I burn 500 calories a workout, while keeping my intake at 1000. This is November now, I am still at 120.
Then I read I may not be eating enough, so I added about 120- to 150 calories in the evening.
I started taking Omega-3 because I read it helps boost metabolism.
I started adding hot sauce to my food because I read it kicks metabolism.
I understand I may have added some muscle weight, but you know how when you look at your mid-section and you can just tell you haven't made any progress, well that's me.
I had some blood work, and everything according to my doctor is fine.
I am truly at a loss. I have made so many lifestyle changes and this is taking so much out of me, and not to see any weight loss is really discouraging to say the least. There are times when I get on the scale and I cry, all the hard work and nothing.
Any thoughts.

Thank you.



  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    Why did you choose such a low calorie goal?

    How are you measuring your intake? (Measuring cups, scale, something else?)
  • collectingblues
    collectingblues Posts: 2,541 Member
    That seems like a pretty narrow weight range. How tall are you?

    Is that what *you* see as an ideal weight, or is BMI truly that narrow for your height? (I know for a fact that BMI doesn't span only five pounds per height, so...)
  • kgirlhart
    kgirlhart Posts: 5,012 Member
    "For lunches I skipped the lean cuisine and other TV meals for home cooked meals in an effort to minimize processed food but kept the portion the same size."

    If you kept your portion sizes the same, then you are not eating at a deficit. For weight loss it doesn't matter what you eat as much as it matters how many calories you eat. 1000 calories is way too low, but you are probably not eating that few calories. Are you using a food scale to weigh your food? You are already at a healthy weight. You will need to be spot on with your logging and it will take a while. You shouldn't be trying to lose more than .5 pound per week.
  • iamthemotherofdogs
    iamthemotherofdogs Posts: 562 Member
    What made you choose 1000 as your cap?
  • Redordeadhead
    Redordeadhead Posts: 1,188 Member
    How are you counting the calories you eat? Are you measuring solid food on a food scale and entering it into MFP using accurate database enties?

    To lose weight, all you need is to consume fewer calories than you burn. It doesn't matter what, when or how often you eat to achieve that, just ensure a calorie deficit.
  • LeahV93
    LeahV93 Posts: 17 Member
    I am using fitness pal to enter even the gum I chew if I chew a gum. I do use measuring cup and tbsp. to measure everything I eat. What I meant by keeping the same food portions, I meant as the lean cuisine portions.
    No I have not netted 500 since July, in July I started with 1000 calories a day. Beginning of September is when I started boxing 4 times a week and burning more calories. I am 5'2 and "my" ideal weight is 105-110 not what's in a book somewhere, this is the weight I feel good at.
  • kgirlhart
    kgirlhart Posts: 5,012 Member
    I'm 5'3.5" and my ideal weight is 121. The lowest weight before under weight is 106. I doubt your numbers are much different. The ideal weight isn't always the lowest and 120 is a perfectly good weight for you. If you do wan to go lower though that is up to you. But you will have to be very accurate with your logging. Cups and spoons won't cut it. In September did you start eating back the 500 calories you are burning? If not then you are netting lower than 1000. But if you are not losing weight then you are eating more than you think. If you really want to lose down to the lowest possible healthy weight for your height, then you are going to need to get a food scale and accurately log what you are eating.