High calorie target - will I lose weight?

Hi there!

I have tried and failed MFP many times, and it has all been down to me trying to beat the system... under eating, over exercising and generally just hating it.

So, this time in an effort to actually make it work I have set my goal to losing 1lb per week and I have set myself a gym routine to ensure that I am working sensibly in the gym.

However, my calorie goal has come up at 1920 calories, and this seems like quite a lot to me when losing weight. However, I am determined to do this properly, so am trying to eat around that, and exercise on top.

I exercise 4/5 times a week. 2 weight sessions and 2/3 cardio depending on how I feel. I am normally pretty active day to day as well.

I don't think I will be eating back my exercise calories though, as I am going from about 1300 to 1900.

Could someone please reassure me that I will actually lose weight this way???? Obviously, I wouldn't be sad losing more than 1lb per week... but I need to start doing something that will work so if slow and steady is the key, than that is what I will try!


  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    The goal is based on the information that you input (your stats and goals), so assuming you entered it correctly then it's probably a reasonable goal.

    If it is a deficit for you, then you'll lose weight. No matter how many calories you're eating, you will lose weight if it is less than your body is using.
  • rachaelgifford
    rachaelgifford Posts: 320 Member
    Hi, sorry. Didn't mention my height or weight - I suppose that is quite useful for you to know.

    I'm 5ft 4 and incredibly over weight at 16st 11. I am 32.

    It just seems such a lot for a diet!
  • dinadyna21
    dinadyna21 Posts: 403 Member
    edited November 2017
    I'm 5'4 so we're the same height, 193lbs currently and 27 years old. My TDEE is 1950 and to lose 1lb a week I have to eat 1450. Is MFP telling you to eat that much?
    And also are you sedentary or pretty active throughout the day? Your activity level affects how much you should eat to lose weight. I work a desk job so I'm pretty sedentary throughout the day.
  • toxikon
    toxikon Posts: 2,383 Member
    toxikon wrote: »
    Keep in mind that there are 2 ways to use MFP.

    1. Set your activity level to Sedentary and manually log exercise calories
    2. Set your activity level to your actual activity level (Lightly Active, Active, etc) and NOT log exercise calories

    People with non-sedentary jobs/daily lives outside of exercise can choose a third option: Set the activity level to their daily non-exercise activity level (which will be higher than "sedentary") and still log exercise calories.

    Good point!
  • rachaelgifford
    rachaelgifford Posts: 320 Member
    toxikon wrote: »
    Keep in mind that there are 2 ways to use MFP.

    1. Set your activity level to Sedentary and manually log exercise calories
    2. Set your activity level to your actual activity level (Lightly Active, Active, etc) and NOT log exercise calories

    Hi, I have mine as lightly active and I log exercise calories... but haven't been eating them back. Do you think i need to drop it to sedentary? I like logging the calories as I like seeing the number even if I don't eat any of them back.
  • rachaelgifford
    rachaelgifford Posts: 320 Member
    dinadyna21 wrote: »
    I'm 5'4 so we're the same height, 193lbs currently and 27 years old. My TDEE is 1950 and to lose 1lb a week I have to eat 1450. Is MFP telling you to eat that much?
    And also are you sedentary or pretty active throughout the day? Your activity level affects how much you should eat to lose weight. I work a desk job so I'm pretty sedentary throughout the day.

    I'm quite active - in a nursery most days running about. I don't really know what TDEE is, but the 1920 I got was generated by MFP for loss of 1lb per week. I'm 40lbs heavier than you, and currently set to lightly active.
  • toxikon
    toxikon Posts: 2,383 Member
    toxikon wrote: »
    Keep in mind that there are 2 ways to use MFP.

    1. Set your activity level to Sedentary and manually log exercise calories
    2. Set your activity level to your actual activity level (Lightly Active, Active, etc) and NOT log exercise calories

    Hi, I have mine as lightly active and I log exercise calories... but haven't been eating them back. Do you think i need to drop it to sedentary? I like logging the calories as I like seeing the number even if I don't eat any of them back.

    As @janejellyroll mentioned, your job/natural activity level definitely comes into play too. I work a desk job, so I set mine to Sedentary and manually log my exercise and eat back 50-75% of them.
  • rachaelgifford
    rachaelgifford Posts: 320 Member
    toxikon wrote: »
    Keep in mind that there are 2 ways to use MFP.

    1. Set your activity level to Sedentary and manually log exercise calories
    2. Set your activity level to your actual activity level (Lightly Active, Active, etc) and NOT log exercise calories

    People with non-sedentary jobs/daily lives outside of exercise can choose a third option: Set the activity level to their daily non-exercise activity level (which will be higher than "sedentary") and still log exercise calories.

    I guess this is what I do. I am set to lightly active, as I am on my feet most of the day running about.
  • dinadyna21
    dinadyna21 Posts: 403 Member
    edited November 2017
    dinadyna21 wrote: »
    I'm 5'4 so we're the same height, 193lbs currently and 27 years old. My TDEE is 1950 and to lose 1lb a week I have to eat 1450. Is MFP telling you to eat that much?
    And also are you sedentary or pretty active throughout the day? Your activity level affects how much you should eat to lose weight. I work a desk job so I'm pretty sedentary throughout the day.

    I'm quite active - in a nursery most days running about. I don't really know what TDEE is, but the 1920 I got was generated by MFP for loss of 1lb per week. I'm 40lbs heavier than you, and currently set to lightly active.

    You're definitely more active than me so that would explain the difference. TDEE is Total Daily Energy Expenditure, which is basically a method of calculating how much your body naturally burns during your normal daily activities to figure out how much you need to eat to either gain or lose weight.
    I'm also trying to lose 2lbs per week, which is easier for me because I don't typically eat much. My weight gain downfall was overconsuming calories in alcohol. So I had to cut that out. :'(
  • rachaelgifford
    rachaelgifford Posts: 320 Member
    dinadyna21 wrote: »
    dinadyna21 wrote: »
    I'm 5'4 so we're the same height, 193lbs currently and 27 years old. My TDEE is 1950 and to lose 1lb a week I have to eat 1450. Is MFP telling you to eat that much?
    And also are you sedentary or pretty active throughout the day? Your activity level affects how much you should eat to lose weight. I work a desk job so I'm pretty sedentary throughout the day.

    I'm quite active - in a nursery most days running about. I don't really know what TDEE is, but the 1920 I got was generated by MFP for loss of 1lb per week. I'm 40lbs heavier than you, and currently set to lightly active.

    You're definitely more active than me so that would explain the difference. TDEE is Total Daily Energy Expenditure, which is basically a method of calculating how much your body naturally burns during your normal daily activities to figure out how much you need to eat to either gain or lose weight.
    I'm also trying to lose 2lbs per week, which is easier for me because I don't typically eat much. My weight gain downfall was overconsuming calories in alcohol. So I had to cut that out. :'(
    dinadyna21 wrote: »
    dinadyna21 wrote: »
    I'm 5'4 so we're the same height, 193lbs currently and 27 years old. My TDEE is 1950 and to lose 1lb a week I have to eat 1450. Is MFP telling you to eat that much?
    And also are you sedentary or pretty active throughout the day? Your activity level affects how much you should eat to lose weight. I work a desk job so I'm pretty sedentary throughout the day.

    I'm quite active - in a nursery most days running about. I don't really know what TDEE is, but the 1920 I got was generated by MFP for loss of 1lb per week. I'm 40lbs heavier than you, and currently set to lightly active.

    You're definitely more active than me so that would explain the difference. TDEE is Total Daily Energy Expenditure, which is basically a method of calculating how much your body naturally burns during your normal daily activities to figure out how much you need to eat to either gain or lose weight.
    I'm also trying to lose 2lbs per week, which is easier for me because I don't typically eat much. My weight gain downfall was overconsuming calories in alcohol. So I had to cut that out. :'(

    I love alcohol, but now that I have got passed the last wedding of the season I am saying a temporary farewell to it.

    Thanks for the info on TDEE. I also don't eat much (as in large portions) I just eat too much of the wrong stuff and drink too much.

    That is why I am struggling with the high target - it is harder to get to with healthy food!
  • dinadyna21
    dinadyna21 Posts: 403 Member
    Yes!! I thought I was the only one doing this lol, Once I started making better food choices and being selective of what I ate I realized how hard it is to meet your target. I started weight lifting which helped some but on days I don't lift I have very little appetite
  • rachaelgifford
    rachaelgifford Posts: 320 Member
    I also don't eat much (as in large portions) I just eat too much of the wrong stuff and drink too much.

    That is why I am struggling with the high target - it is harder to get to with healthy food!
    I think that if you challenge this, you'll have a much easier time. No foods are wrong and right, it's about balance and moderation. Yes, it is indeed true that socalled healthy food is more "filling", and that's why it's promoted when losing weight, but as you've already discovered, eating too little, as in too few calories, eating boring food (probably), demonizing food you like (if I'm interpreting this correctly), is not going to work in the long run. At 1700 or 1900 calories, you have enough to play with to get in good nutrition and a few occasional treats. If you make this endeavour into some kind of punishment, you'll only want to quit. It's easy to quit. But quitting is a moot point if you're already eating the way you want to eat.

    You are so right, and telling me all the things I know but need to hear.

    I am fully aware that I am my own worst enemy, and need to change my mindset as much as my eating habits. This is why it has never worked for me before, and a cycle I am determined to break!

    Thank you!

    Also, I have looked at my 2lb per week loss target which is 1210 (I've dropped my activity to sedentary in case I am less active than I think). I think I will have a week at eating to 1700 with no exercise calories back, and a week at 1210 with eating back and see which way I prefer.

    Like you said, it is a long game... so I have to find out what works for me.