Weight loss not noticed?



  • PurpleCrazies
    PurpleCrazies Posts: 13 Member
    I am on my second time around shedding weight. The first time having lost 30lb I mentioned it to a co-worker that I needed to get a new uniform jacket. She said "I had noticed you were loosing weight but hadn't wanted to mention it in case you were unwell and it was intrusive and personal, or upsetting."

    People may notice but not feel they have the right to comment.

  • corinasue1143
    corinasue1143 Posts: 7,467 Member
    lorrpb wrote: »
    Some people aren't very observant, others are reserved or polite and don't comment on people's weight.

    I thought a neighbor was losing weight, but because she was so overweight, I didn't want to mention it in case I was wrong. When I finally did say something, she had lost 60 pounds. But I noticed before that, and I thought it was great, and she looked good no matter why, way before I said anything.
  • cherys
    cherys Posts: 387 Member
    People might notice but not say anything. I saw a work colleague I only see once a year on a project we do in autumn. To me she looked way skinnier than before, but I've put on a lot of weight, so I wondered if I'd just adjusted my vision of thin meaning thinner than me. :neutral: I nearly said something but wondered if it would sound like I was saying she used to look fat. Then she mentioned she'd lost forty pounds this year so we could have the congratulations conversation. Maybe you could start the conversation with a couple of people you like and see what they say.
  • sssgilbe
    sssgilbe Posts: 89 Member
    I watched several co-workers lose weight due to cancer and chemotherapy, also held their hands while they cried because someone complimented them on the weight loss. I would never comment on anyone's weight loss unless I knew for certain it was a positive thing.
  • whosshe
    whosshe Posts: 597 Member
    My co-worker yesterday said "are you losing weight, or are you sick or?" lol bless her heart tho I know she didn't mean it in a rude way. Some people just don't know how to bring it up. My other co-worker came to me and said "you're looking goooood" all people are different.

    I for example am a terrible compliment giver so I usually just don't give them.