Is 1400 calories too low for fat loss?



  • larapringle
    larapringle Posts: 4 Member
    AnnPT77 wrote: »
    I would love some insight. Please.
    I would like to tone. Possibly after that muscle but one thing at a time.
    I am female, 36. I weigh about 169lbs and am 5'4"
    I am seeing a calorie I take of 1487 per day based on minimal excersise. I do plan to increase that but that is my current state.
    Any helpful info would be much appreciated.

    You'd probably get more and better answers if you start your own thread, rather than asking on this semi-related one.

    That said, I'm not sure I understand the question. "Toning" is a word with different definitions to different people, but most of the ones I know of involve firming up muscles. As far as I know, the same exercises that build strength/muscles also tone - the results are maybe just different points on the same progress timeline.

    Thanks. I wasn't planning to hijack. I made my own and fixed my question.
    My apologies