Pets... That's right, I'm one of "those" people...



  • CSYounce
    CSYounce Posts: 19 Member
    I am one of "those" people too! My hubby and I share ALL of our space with Buford our Basset Hound - he does a lot of napping!

  • dennik15
    dennik15 Posts: 97 Member
    The princess of my house, though she thinks she's the queen (I still lay claim to that title) :laugh:

    If our bedroom door is open, she's curled up in a tight ball in the middle of it. At least until she thinks you've seen her, then she stretches out on her back, all four paws in the air, waiting for her belly scratch. However, she only gets to sleep with us on Christmas Eve and only then because I'm afraid she'll open all the presents before my kids get a chance to. She's a horrible 45 lb bed hog. The good news is that my 14 year old loves having her in his bed, so that's where you can find her most nights. They are so cute, his 6' frame barely fits in his twin bed, but he makes room for her little self. Generally they share the pillow.
  • tlgondek1
    tlgondek1 Posts: 7 Member
    Two of my bunnies have an entire bedroom to themselves to run around in that's bigger than my bedroom.
  • fannyfrost
    fannyfrost Posts: 756 Member
    My kitties both sleep with me most nights. I often end up with about 3 inches of bed between a stretched out cat and a stretched out hubby.

    My daughter laughs because Hubby says I hog the bed and she is like, nope daddy you spread out, cat spreads out and mommy has no room.
  • PapaverSomniferum
    PapaverSomniferum Posts: 2,677 Member
    my dog would rather stand over the bed and stare at me while breathing heavily. This generally gets him kicked out of the bedroom. He then goes to sleep on the couch.

  • BluejayNY
    BluejayNY Posts: 301 Member
    Yes I do. My dog is a schnauzer so she doesnt shed or smell. My cat is a very low shed cat as well..but sometimes she dirves me nuts because sh elikes to spoon me and lick my neck when I am trying to sleep. She is freakishly affectionate.
  • kaned_ferret
    kaned_ferret Posts: 618 Member
    I should also add to the crazy by admitting that because my old boy is getting stiff and is no longer so agile, I built him a ramp and carpeted it just so he could still get into bed with us :blushing:
  • MrsGriffin67
    MrsGriffin67 Posts: 485 Member
    Let's try this again
    I have 3 cats. Each one has a different personality and they ALL share my bed with me.


    Milagra is the "queen" she has the fluffiest tail and grooms its every waking moment...don't touch it or you will pay. She also refuses to drink out of the water dish. She only drinks out of the sink which you MUST leave dripping for her.


    Tabitha is the lover. She just wants to be pet. Pet me, pet me, pet me. If you are not giving her attention she will nudge you or pull your hand down to her face so she can rub up against you (thinking that is love).

    Nya is the scaredy cat. She is scared of everything and everyone ('cept her family). She hides under my bed whenever she hears a knock at the door. She has even ripped the liner of my box spring so she can hide up in there. She also thinks she is a dog. She has her little foam balls that she will fetch. Yes, my cat actually plays fetch like a dog.

  • 2stepscloser
    2stepscloser Posts: 2,900 Member
    My dog (75 lb shar pei) gets scared of her own farts :laugh:
  • fmouco
    fmouco Posts: 100 Member
    My dobermann shares my bed. And another two standard poodles on the couch...
  • horrorstory
    horrorstory Posts: 125 Member
    I have a 7 lbs mutt and a 330 lbs boyfriend I share my bed with... guess who takes up the most room...
    MYWILLS Posts: 12 Member
    Im a pet -aholic. My husband has to put his foot down. At this time i have 3 dogs. 2 rescue mutts and one snorkie. One yellow foot tortise whom I believe to be about 25 years +. One rat, his roomie died. Two aquiriums. We have had many birds but our cages are empty at this time. I cannot imagine life without pets.
  • horrorstory
    horrorstory Posts: 125 Member

    finally got the pic thing right. theres the little rascal.
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    never mind, you got it :smile:
  • sandy_gee
    sandy_gee Posts: 372 Member
    Yes ma'am!! He wasn't ready to wake up in this one....


    And sometimes we all share. Sharing is caring.

  • christarae1
    christarae1 Posts: 245 Member
    I should also add to the crazy by admitting that because my old boy is getting stiff and is no longer so agile, I built him a ramp and carpeted it just so he could still get into bed with us :blushing:

  • toomanydogs99
    toomanydogs99 Posts: 33 Member
    Wrong quote
  • nathalier71
    nathalier71 Posts: 570 Member
    I have a 78lbs greyhound that I love - the most gentle dog you'll ever see. I also have a crazy *kitten* Cornish Rex! this cat is mental - He has curly fur and sometimes I think is possesed! I also have a corn snake in the house. None of them sleep in my bed!
  • toomanydogs99
    toomanydogs99 Posts: 33 Member
    I want dogs... not kids... I am one of those people :heart:

    It's a slippery slope, I have 17 dogs and had to buy a horse farm to accomodate them
  • wild_wild_life
    wild_wild_life Posts: 1,334 Member
    Yes. My 40lb lab/hound mix is amazingly human-like in his sleeping habits. He sleeps alongside me on his back with his head on the pillow or on my shoulder. It makes me practically weep from cuteness every morning. Any amount of discomfort is worth it.