Food locker?

Does any one else have a cabinet with a lock on it? Sounds weird but that is the only way to keep my significant others from stealing snacks that I purposely bought for myself.


  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,426 Member
    No. If I want to keep something for just myself I put it in my unlocked drawer or write my name on it. If everyone wanted it I would buy enough for everyone. I haven't had an issue.
  • leggup
    leggup Posts: 2,942 Member
    Why not buy twice as many?
  • ktekc
    ktekc Posts: 879 Member
    I got tired of throwing stuff out because hubby wont touch something if he thinks its mine. even though most of "my" stuff is on one shelf in the pantry. i bought a small tote and put all the stuff he can go hog wild on and i wont care in it. In the refrigerator we each have a shelf storage box with our own specific goodies in it. anything else is up for grabs unless i have cooking plans for it.
  • evilpoptart63
    evilpoptart63 Posts: 397 Member
    I would be down to lock food away from myself but never from my husband. If he eats it, you can always buy more! Or plan ahead and buy enough for both of you. I've been irritated when I planned a meal with broccoli and realized my kids ate all of it before I could get any. Then I realized my kids are choosing to eat broccoli and just started buying more!!! I would never put a lock on it to keep them out, thats just silly!!
  • MelanieCN77
    MelanieCN77 Posts: 4,047 Member
    Mine has this habit of eating all my *kitten* one night, and then when I complain he buys back 6 times the amount in a different version that I didn't freaking want. Ate all my plain biscotti? What's the problem, he bought 8 more boxes and these ones are better, they have chocolate and nuts on!
  • PaulaWallaDingDong
    PaulaWallaDingDong Posts: 4,641 Member
    ginababin wrote: »
    Mine has this habit of eating all my *kitten* one night

    Not a problem in my book

  • elphie754
    elphie754 Posts: 7,574 Member
    That sounds a little odd to me. Keeping certain foods in a different cupboard, so that others can easily tell you don't want them to eat it makes sense. But I would hate to live in such distrust of my partner to have put a lock on my things... then again, I don't know all the details of your situation.

    It's not distrust at all. We have had labels on certain things, but when one of us comes home from a 16 or 24 hr shift, labels aren't always read.
    leggup wrote: »
    Why not buy twice as many?

    Because we have a tight budget and can't afford that?
    I would be down to lock food away from myself but never from my husband. If he eats it, you can always buy more! Or plan ahead and buy enough for both of you. I've been irritated when I planned a meal with broccoli and realized my kids ate all of it before I could get any. Then I realized my kids are choosing to eat broccoli and just started buying more!!! I would never put a lock on it to keep them out, thats just silly!!

    No you can't always buy more when on a strict budget.
    My husband and I share everything. Nothing is “mine” and nothing is “his.” It’s weird to me people care about something like that.

    That's fine. We do things differently than most.
  • Hamsibian
    Hamsibian Posts: 1,388 Member
    edited November 2017
    Other than communal stuff like green onions,eggs, herbs, spices, etc, my family doesn't touch each others' foods. They know I can't eat their stuff due to intolerance issues, so they don't eat mine out of courtesy (although I do make them taste test every once in a while lol.)

    However, I have had jobs where I come home and eat all the things, so I get it. I don't see anything wrong with buying a food locker. Haven't we read threads about people asking spouses to lock up the chips and cookies? Why would this be any different?
  • RAinWA
    RAinWA Posts: 1,980 Member
    You could also get inventive. When my brother-in-law lived with us he had a habit of getting into my quest bars - irritated me no end. So I started putting them in the empty oatmeal container (the big round ones). I knew he hated oatmeal so he never opened the container.

    Or put them in a brown paper bag - sometimes just not being able to see what it inside can stop just random "oh, that looks good" behavior.
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,426 Member
    Most of the food in my house is communal.
    I have kept my special dark chocolate in places another person wouldn't really go looking for food. If they are raiding my sewing basket, underwear drawer, behind the measuring cups or potatoes and eating my chocolate they are not tired and confused about who it is for. They have made some effort to bypass all the other foods in the house and go looking for it specifically. I have not had an issue after saying "this is mine, that is yours" and putting things away.
    OP- If I remember right you have a lot of food challenges and can't eat whatever? If you need a locked cabinet or box to keep some food for yourself then use a lock.
    I don't think tired is much of an excuse to eat all the food though when you are on a tight budget. When our budget is tight we are pretty conscious of dividing things equally because we know we can't get more.