should i complain about this crap?



  • Espressocycle
    Espressocycle Posts: 2,245 Member
    You absolutely have the right to complain if the guy doesn't pay membership fees. If he in fact pays the same fees as you for the services of the gym, he has the right to use the facilities however he sees fit. Mind your own beeswax.

    Yeah, if they aren't working out the are paying for all the machines that are open when you get there.
  • What316
    What316 Posts: 563
    My favourite book is mind you're own business by petty mc sad sack ,you should read it
  • rieann84
    rieann84 Posts: 511 Member
    Maybe look into a new gym with larger facilities. My gym right now has all of 2 to 3 stalls for showers, but when I was a member at Bally fitness there was an entire room off of the lockers with 10+ showers. If shower time is important to you, look for a gym that can accommodate your needs.

    These people are paying their membership dues like everyone else and can use the facility as they see fit.
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    My uncle was homeless for a while - he slept in his car or office and showered at the gym. Some people don't have proper shower facilities at home, especially if they live in rooming houses. So the answer is - go to a more expensive gym that keeps out the riff raff I guess.

    It could even be that the guy is an outdoor runner that needs a place to shower before work. I know guys that run at lunch and have gym memberships down the street just to shower and change to come back to work after they run. Or maybe the guy works 2 jobs and needs to shower in between. There could be any number of reasons a person would pay for use of a shower.
  • WaterBunnie
    WaterBunnie Posts: 1,370 Member
    How do you know they haven't been for a run outside instead and don't just need to shower off before work nearby? Just be glad they're not clogging the machine you want to use!

    *MoreBean13 was obviously typing at the same time!
  • LitaRose77
    LitaRose77 Posts: 124 Member
    If these folks have not made YOU late for work, then why pitch a fit? If the folks who have had to wait & ended up late are upset, well, they need to alter their schedules to accomdate these folks. Did you ever stop to think that the usual guy just lost his home to a tragic fire or storm? Maybe he is living his car at the moment. Cut some slack, Jack. Better yet, use your money, open your own gym & you can make all the silly rules you seem to think the rest of the world needs to follow.
  • onecatleadstoanother
    onecatleadstoanother Posts: 70 Member
    Are they maybe running laps or something where you can't see them? The membership fee includes the price of the equipment, customer service and the shower and other amenities. Sounds like if these people were using the equipment you wanted, you would complain about that too. If I want to go to the Y and park my *kitten* on a bike just to watch tv, I paid for it.
  • theepervette
    theepervette Posts: 638 Member
    I think you should lick the sweat off their back
  • chubaway
    chubaway Posts: 1,645 Member
    I think OP is gay . . . not that there's anything wrong with that.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    If I paid for a membership to a gym, and just happened to be near my gym when I felt I needed a shower like say after work, but before a date, I'd go to my gym and take a shower.

    If someone complained about it I'd LMAO at that person. Who do you think you are?
  • SpeSHul_SnoflEHk
    SpeSHul_SnoflEHk Posts: 6,256 Member
    there are ppl who use my gym in the mornings just to use the shower
    there are 2 private bathrooms with showers
    everyday this one guy comes in to take a shower and leaves
    it pisses me off because ive never seen him workout
    but its just one bathroom taken so whatever
    but today two people came in to the gym to only use the shower!
    and then that guy came in and waited for a bathroom to open up
    dont these ppl have like houses or apartments?
    i put in a good workout before showering and going to work
    i allot myself plenty of time so thats not an issue, it just pisses me off though
    gym is for hitting it hard! and there is an added convenience of showering there also
    its not a hotel or your house
    do i have the right to complain to a manager?

    Why do you give a rat's bum? They are paying the same exorbitant fee you are to use the facilities however they want. I took my kids to the Y this weekend to shower as I had the bathroom ripped apart to do some renovating. I pay $60 a month for it. Why can't I use it?
  • lots of self entitled folks here, such is our country these days
    this isnt even about me
    its about doing the right thing for all
    no one that is homeless is paying 70/month to take a shower
    no one is using a gym shower for the past YEAR because their bathroom is still under repair
    the only thing i can think of is that the bathrooms are really nice
    and these folks prefer them to their own
    that is a self centered reason when ppl who actually workout need to use them too
    gyms have showers for those who workout and sweat and have somewhere to be
    if you have no plans of working out, you are self entitled for using their private bathroom
    its that simple.
    think of others before yourself always and do whats right
  • SirBonerFart
    SirBonerFart Posts: 1,185 Member
    lots of self entitled folks here, such is our country these days
    this isnt even about me
    its about doing the right thing for all
    no one that is homeless is paying 70/month to take a shower
    no one is using a gym shower for the past YEAR because their bathroom is still under repair
    the only thing i can think of is that the bathrooms are really nice
    and these folks prefer them to their own
    that is a self centered reason when ppl who actually workout need to use them too
    gyms have showers for those who workout and sweat and have somewhere to be
    if you have no plans of working out, you are self entitled for using their private bathroom
    its that simple.
    think of others before yourself always and do whats right

    You are calling others self entitled? lol
  • SpeSHul_SnoflEHk
    SpeSHul_SnoflEHk Posts: 6,256 Member
    You already are complaining.

    Good point!
  • I used to do this. I bought a membership at a gym specifically to use the shower/bathroom. Yes, I had an apartment, but I was living out of my car because my boyfriend was also on the lease and I was trying to get out of an emotionally abusive relationship. Why do you care if people who use the bathroom workout or not? As long as they pay their dues, it doesn't matter. That's silly.
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    lots of self entitled folks here, such is our country these days
    this isnt even about me
    its about doing the right thing for all
    no one that is homeless is paying 70/month to take a shower
    no one is using a gym shower for the past YEAR because their bathroom is still under repair
    the only thing i can think of is that the bathrooms are really nice
    and these folks prefer them to their own
    that is a self centered reason when ppl who actually workout need to use them too
    gyms have showers for those who workout and sweat and have somewhere to be
    if you have no plans of working out, you are self entitled for using their private bathroom
    its that simple.
    think of others before yourself always and do whats right


    But seriously, you think that taking a shower in the gym that you pay for falls under the balloon of wrongs against humanity? Like, do unto others, golden rule violations? Hilarious. Get thee to a soup kitchen or something.
  • peeaanuut
    peeaanuut Posts: 359 Member
    lots of self entitled folks here, such is our country these days
    this isnt even about me
    its about doing the right thing for all
    no one that is homeless is paying 70/month to take a shower
    no one is using a gym shower for the past YEAR because their bathroom is still under repair
    the only thing i can think of is that the bathrooms are really nice
    and these folks prefer them to their own
    that is a self centered reason when ppl who actually workout need to use them too
    gyms have showers for those who workout and sweat and have somewhere to be
    if you have no plans of working out, you are self entitled for using their private bathroom
    its that simple.
    think of others before yourself always and do whats right

    $70/MONTH and your gym has 2 showers? wow, talk about taking one up the butt.
  • What316
    What316 Posts: 563
    lots of self entitled folks here, such is our country these days
    this isnt even about me
    its about doing the right thing for all
    no one that is homeless is paying 70/month to take a shower
    no one is using a gym shower for the past YEAR because their bathroom is still under repair
    the only thing i can think of is that the bathrooms are really nice
    and these folks prefer them to their own
    that is a self centered reason when ppl who actually workout need to use them too
    gyms have showers for those who workout and sweat and have somewhere to be
    if you have no plans of working out, you are self entitled for using their private bathroom
    its that simple.
    think of others before yourself always and do whats right

    You are calling others self entitled? lol
  • calibriintx
    calibriintx Posts: 1,741 Member
    Yeah, it really pisses me off when I see people go to the restroom to wash their hands, and they didn't even use the toilet. Why should I have to wait to wash MY hands after I go to the bathroom, just because some other jerk wants to wash their hands for no reason? :angry: ....thanks for the laugh, OP.:laugh:
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,749 Member
    lots of self entitled folks here, such is our country these days

    You have the definition of "entitled" wrong. If I pay for something I absolutely can do what I want with it. If I pay for a gym membership and I feel like I just want to use the shower guess what? I can!

    The term "entitled' is used for those people who do absolutely nothing and have their hand out waiting for someone to give them something.

    If it bothers you so much then go complain to someone about it and see how far that gets ya. As a lot of people pointed out it could be someone who has gone for a run outside and is just using the facility to shower up. And . . . why should it matter to you?