So I bought a king size kit kat today...



  • HellYeahItsKriss
    HellYeahItsKriss Posts: 906 Member
    Oh I've never had any problem admitting anything at least not online anyway but when you're having a bad day or bad cycle there isn't really too many people on here who can actually relate

    I made a post asking to connect with others who have the same medical condition and so far all I've gotten is somebody recommending me to do Keto because it'll work better than my medication apparently and somebody who can't specifically relate to my condition but they used to date a girl with bulimia...

    I think people misunderstood my post and think that I want advice on my eating disorder. I know all about my eating disorder and I've gotten help to manage it I just want to have people who are going through the same thing to talk to from time to time who aren't going to suggest to me silly tips and tricks because they would already understand that those tips and tricks don't work
  • sabrinaoverbay
    sabrinaoverbay Posts: 15 Member
    I wish there was a trick. Lol