Apple Cider Vinegar and Chia Seeds



  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    edited December 2017
    Chia seeds are tasty in a pudding with coconut milk, IMO.

    ACV makes a nice salad dressing and goes well with pork and greens.

    Neither does anything magical for weight loss. Chia seeds have some healthful properties (i.e., nutrients), but also lots of calories.

    My own preferred addition to oats tends to be fruit (berries), although protein powder can be helpful, and a savory oatmeal with an egg and some veg is my overall favorite, if you are interested in other ideas. I'm partial to the texture of steel cut.

    However, if you enjoy what you are eating, OP, that's cool. I love fish, so I think that's a great addition. Is your doctor helping you get the anemia fixed?
  • corinasue1143
    corinasue1143 Posts: 7,467 Member
    Why are you ruining your coffee???
    The only thing ACV will do is make you eat less of whatever food you add it to because it's no longer delicious. It's supposed to help with heartburn and sore throats but I have found the opposite to be true.
    I've lost 80 lbs this year at age 49/50. No ACV. No chia. No hard workouts. Just a calorie deficit.

    Finally we hear from someone who "gets it". They used to tell us to take a spoonful of ACV before you eat cake, candy, pie for weight loss.
    A lot of the time you would just decide not to eat it because you didn't want that vinegar first. When you did have the vinegar then the sweet, your mouth and throat burned so bad, the food just didn't taste right and wasn't as good as you had imagined. It really did help with weight loss. But like it's been said, weight loss just doesn't have to be that hard.
  • TrishSeren
    TrishSeren Posts: 587 Member
    I am the same height as you but I weigh 128lbs currently. I eat a 2000 calories a day to maintain and 1700 calories a day to lose weight.

    It does not have to be that hard and you don't have to eat awful food.

    She who eats the most and still loses wins!

    Ooo lucky, I'm the same height, but I gain on 1,700 calories :(
  • ammo7
    ammo7 Posts: 188 Member
    TrishSeren wrote: »
    I am the same height as you but I weigh 128lbs currently. I eat a 2000 calories a day to maintain and 1700 calories a day to lose weight.

    It does not have to be that hard and you don't have to eat awful food.

    She who eats the most and still loses wins!

    Ooo lucky, I'm the same height, but I gain on 1,700 calories :(

    You don't have to think that you're just unlucky - you can increase your calorie expenditure (and therefore how much you can eat!!) by being more active. It does take some effort to carve out time every day in a busy life, but it's worth it for the food, and the physical and mental health benefits too.
  • notreallychris
    notreallychris Posts: 501 Member
    So this is a thread where:

    1. OP posts about ACV.
    2. OP gets helpful tips about ACV, and it's non-benifit for weight loss.
    3. The occasional random person comes in every once and a while (after the thread is almost dead) to say "it works".
    4.OP never read the helpful tips in the first place, OR saw helpful tips, and didn't want to hear it, so it doesn't really matter.
  • misnomer1
    misnomer1 Posts: 646 Member
    edited December 2017
    If sugar is the devil then why are hospitalized patients who have to be on IV nutrition fed dextrose? You should boycott all those hospitals.

    Don't fall for click bait BS OP
  • inertiastrength
    inertiastrength Posts: 2,343 Member
    ACV does no such thing. I do, however, use 2 tablespoons to draw out more collagen from my beef bones when I make broth.
  • bagge72
    bagge72 Posts: 1,377 Member
    And the this is why we always fail! We are more willing to eat magic seeds, and drink a magic drink instead of eat less food.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    ACV helps to keep your body's system alkaline. Many people use it for that keep the system from being acidic, which promotes inflamation and disease. It does work for that, and it is worthwhile.

    Um - NO! Can you imagine all day long the foods we eat, the combinations of food we eat, the beverages we drink (even water!) would change our body's system alkaline all day long.

    Noel_57 wrote: »
    I'm continually stumped by people who think vinegar promotes an 'alkaline' environment in your body. Do you remember nothing from high school chemistry? Vinegar is an acid, acetic acid to be specific. You can't add acid to something and make it more alkaline. That's not how any of this works.
    Well, some people claim that vinegar in water helps heartburn. I fell for that malarkey, and it was one of the worst things I ever tried.

    People with LOW stomach acid may take ACV (or drink lemonade with their meal....anything acidic) to help aid in digestion. ACV for those with higher than normal stomach acid (me) would find taking ACV extremely painful!

    OP - you risk tooth enamel erosion with ACV.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,884 Member
    Just for the sake of argument: I think the "tooth erosion" argument depends on how you consume it. Watered down and sipped at length, maybe a concern. Tossed back with water chaser, probably not a worry.

    And for some reason, no one around here talks about eroding tooth enamel from salad dressing or vinegar BBQ sauce (or when I mention putting "drinking vinegar" in my vodka/soda). Selective demonization? ;)

    Reminder: I like ACV, but I think it totally lacks magic, especially weight loss magic.
  • sksk1026
    sksk1026 Posts: 213 Member
    I agree you need to eat more. Minimum 1200 calories. It's hard for you to be properly nourished otherwise. I hope you're also tracking your iron intake on mfp. I'm anemic too and take iron supplements but I also now eat beef and liver regularly. I noticed that if I ate too few calories that my iron intake without supplements was pitifully low hence the addition of more meat and a higher calorie allocation.