1000 calories a day!



  • Lillymoo01
    Lillymoo01 Posts: 2,865 Member
    SteamPug wrote: »
    From my experience, I am indeed accurately counting 1000 calories a day (there isn’t a single thing that enters my mouth that I don’t account for, and in cases of doubt I always round up), and I aside from a few days of adjustment I’m not feeling particularly hungry or low energy. My lifestyle is pretty sedentary at the moment, so I’m well aware that if I have a much more active day that my calorie count needs to increase, but as it stands 1k a day is not nearly as miserable as some would assume ^^’

    Your experience of tracking for ... two days?

    I will tell you as someone who has lost 95 pounds and gained some of it back and is in the process of losing it plus some more that weight loss is all about doing things in a smart and sustainable manner.

    You are not doing that. Your diet is woefully lacking in protein, and I didn't see any vegetables. The "feels" pass after the rush of eagerness at the beginning of dieting fades and the long term reality of maintaining loss and the ongoing effort sets in.

    You are not on a sustainable path.

    Read the forum stickies and rethink what you're doing.

    All of you.

    Even those of you who think you're going to maintain on 1300 calories. Unless you're 70 years old, I'm not buying it. I'm short and old and those aren't even my maintenance calories for being sedentary.

    I agree with all of this except the 1300 and 70 part. Many of us that are 5 foot and under have around that as our NEAT for maintenance. Just reading threads in the maintenance forum shows that. I consider myself one of the lucky ones that can eat more, rather than less, of what this site and online calculators give you.
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