Let it GO! Decluttering (simplifying) your life of (people, places or things) success stories?



  • snoo61
    snoo61 Posts: 549 Member
    I'm really enjoying packing because I can honestly look at every single thing we own and say, "Are you worth taking with us?" and the answer is a pretty straightforward yes or no. I LIKE cleaning out closets. My sewing room still has things in it, but it's mostly furniture. I have the walk-in closet piled with boxes, ready to be carried out on moving day.

    Next comes the library. We are bibliophiles.

    I love bibliophiles! You are inspiring me to declutter like I'm moving this month!
  • Evamutt
    Evamutt Posts: 2,437 Member
    yesterday I finished going through my tops & putting about 70% in the donation bag. It wasn't easy but I rarely wear them. I'm going to have to buy more tops as time goes by so I don't wear the same ones over & over again. These included the "nicer" ones I have hanging that I wear to church, going to lunch with a friend etc. I will probably go through the hanging ones again
  • AlexandraFindsHerself1971
    @Evamutt: A way I've heard to sort out what you wear and what you don't, is to turn all the hangers around. Then after a month or two, the ones that you've worn and hung up normally will be on hangers with the hook facing you; the ones you never touched will be obvious, and you can weed accordingly.
  • snoo61
    snoo61 Posts: 549 Member
    Man! I LOVE this thread so much. You wonderful people are helping me and so many others with your replies...THANK YOU ALL and {{{{ Hugs }}}}

    Life is so BUSY and GOOD (all the time, even when it "seems" like it's not). Decluttering and keeping the house, my mind, body, spirit and soul simple/clean and clutter free is EVERYTHANG, it really is. It's so wonderful to be in control of my life and atmosphere.
    Decluttering "operations" for the next few/SEVERAL weeks:

    1.) re-organizing slimming down my perfumes and bath products and "pretty-fying" those areas.

    2.) now that my closet is much more empty, making it cuter and designing/"pretty-fying" some kind of area for my shoes

    3.) cleaning the shutters in ALL the rooms

    4.) getting rid of more books to make a dedicated/lovely looking but practical space for my candles and incense.

    5.) start selling some stuff. I been telling myself for a LONG time, that I don't like/HATE to sell stuff, because it's a PITA (pain in the "attitude") I've talked myself into just giving stuff away or tossing it. This is/will be a BIG ONE for me. I'm going to humble myself and DO IT!

    6.) I super decluttered the attic last year, but there is still more I can get rid of.

    7.) de-clutter the kitchen pantry once more

    8.) slim down my fur-baby's toy & stuff collection...stuff it doesn't play with and is just collecting dust and taking up space.

    #3 and #4 DONE, and DONE to the maximum honey and looking sooooooo GOOD. I not only got rid of a TON more books (again, books that I previously widdled down a LOT, to only have my absolute favorites) I recently widdled down even much more, so much so I now only have THREE tall bookcases in the library, instead of 6 or more bookcases loaded/filled to the max with books (and this is AFTER doing several major decluttering/getting rid of a mega ton of books (ALL of which I loved) over the past couple of years AND before I became COMMITTED to decluttering and living a more simplifed and slim and trim lifestyle of eating/drinking and living--I used to have at least 15 or more TALL/filled to the max bookcases in my home--my "biblophila" was (and had been for YEARS and YEARS) was completely out of control, my book collection was :open_mouth: UGH and YUCK/OVERWHELMING it was, FOR REAL ). No more, BOOM!!!!!!!!

    To only have THREE bookcases in my library now is nothing less than miraculous and WONDERFUL! Of the three remaining bookcases, one is dedicated to/for my candle and incense collection and looks absolutely positively, unequivocally GORGEOUS...SUPER GOOD LOOKING AND PRACTICAL. Wow, just wow. I also got rid of a lot of pieces of furniture and "stuff" that I also loved, but in the desire to live even more simplified and minimalist, I just have been decluttering and getting rid of so much "stuff"--the entire house now looks so clean and spacious and different and even BETTER than before. Ya girl over here as been as busy as a bee and again, life is GOOD! YAY+BOOM=WOWWWWW! :triumph:

    Lastly...in the weight blastification department, all is SUPER GOOD. I'm now in maintenance and have been going from 134lbs-136lbs and loving it! Here's today's weigh-in pic:


    <3o:)<3 I'll be checking in every now and then as as always...LOVE you winners so much!

    Congratulations New! You are knocking it out of the park!
  • LAT1963
    LAT1963 Posts: 1,375 Member
    The socks have ears....
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    RubyRed427 wrote: »
    HI friends, I am back. I have been swamped with work but maintained the apartment; it's still neat. I just bought a house; a cute 3 bedroom ranch on a 1/3 acre of land. The best thing is since I downsized moving into this apartment last year form a big house, I won't have nearly as much to move. But as I pack this spring, I will de-clutter some more. I will have a lot of storage in the new house- lots of closet and pantry space in this 1966 ranch. IT has a new kitchen and is all freshly painted light grey which I love. I can't wait to make a craft room in the basement.

    You are such an inspiration to me/others Rubyred and I am am THRILLED to hear how you're doing and your mega fabulous accomplishments. Super ULTRA YAY YOU--{{{{{ <3 LOVE and BIG HUGS <3 }}}}
  • snoo61
    snoo61 Posts: 549 Member
    RubyRed427 wrote: »
    HI friends, I am back. I have been swamped with work but maintained the apartment; it's still neat. I just bought a house; a cute 3 bedroom ranch on a 1/3 acre of land. The best thing is since I downsized moving into this apartment last year form a big house, I won't have nearly as much to move. But as I pack this spring, I will de-clutter some more. I will have a lot of storage in the new house- lots of closet and pantry space in this 1966 ranch. IT has a new kitchen and is all freshly painted light grey which I love. I can't wait to make a craft room in the basement.

    You are an inspiration! Glad life is going so well for you!
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