


  • spiriteagle99
    spiriteagle99 Posts: 3,730 Member
    When I restricted myself too much, I was miserable. I found myself obsessed with food, thinking constantly about my next meal, what I was missing, and how much I wanted to eat more. I can't do 1200 or less as I turn into a raging witch. Perhaps your goal is too restrictive for right now. Maybe instead of trying to lose 1 pound a week, start by trying to lose .5 a week. Exercise more so you can eat a bit more.
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    No misery here. There were days when I really wanted to eat more than I allowed myself, but I chose to eat very light during the week so I could eat a lot more on the weekends. Having the weekend to look forward to helped not make the light days miserable.
  • Fitnessmom82
    Fitnessmom82 Posts: 376 Member
    Does dieting make anyone else feel miserable?
    I'm trying to look at it as healthier eating rather than a diet - but I still feel like I'm missing out.
    I find moderation REALLY difficult - so I thought by cutting down on sugar would help.
    Lower carbs, higher fats = fuller and satisfied.
    Which is true ....
    But the craving for sugar is intense!
    Last night I attempted moderation - 1 biscuit that led to 5 and then a small binge

    At first, yes. Totally miserable! I'm terrible with moderation, and have failed many times. The only way that I have been successful is by cutting out sugar. For one month I had no sweets, no packaged food, no fruit, no breads. It was no fun. But, then I started to feel amazing and realized that I didn't want those things anymore. I still get the occasional craving for something sweet and now I can indulge without binging. One cookie satisfies me and I've got enough mental control to walk away from more.
    That method isn't for everyone but it worked well for me!
  • lucerorojo
    lucerorojo Posts: 790 Member
    For the most part I'm loving it. I'm down 32 lbs. with 68 to go. But losing that weight so far and eating less has improved my health tremendously. No more digestive issues--gas, diarrhea, etc. I'm also starting to get compliments on my appearance again. (Not that I care that much about the compliments--my motivation was my health). I also am much more active than I was with more energy. I used to hardly be able to walk 1.5 miles and now I can do that easily. My clothes fit better, shoes and boots that I couldn't fit because I got fat, now fit me.

    I agree with the person who said that you might be restricting TOO MUCH. When I was losing 2 lbs. per week (1000 calorie deficit) I had a cheat day each week. I didn't binge but I could eat what I wanted that day, which was usually about 500 calories more than the rest of the week. I've continued the cheat day with a less agressive loss but I don't always use it.

    When I find myself hungry or tired, it is usually because I underate. I cannot do 1200 calories either, so when MFP put me there, I changed my goal to lose less so I could eat more. Today I upped it manually another 120 calories because I felt like where it was (to lose 1.5 lbs--750 cal deficit) wasn't quite working, yet, the next increment (another 500 calories) I had tried as a refeed and it was fine for that but I don't feel I need to eat that much yet. I have a long way to go to reach my goal weight so I'm trying to find the most comfortable for me now, and also consider that my calories are going to continue to decrease as I lose more.

    I would recommend that you change your goal to less agressive and/or consider eating at maintenance or even less agressive for a couple of weeks and then if you feel better go back to a larger deficit. The cheat meal or the eat a treat each day (within your calorie limit) might work for you.
  • Rickster1967
    Rickster1967 Posts: 485 Member
    I'm bloody loving it personally

    I was a miserable food addicted lock in, calorie counting has liberated me
  • Packerjohn
    Packerjohn Posts: 4,855 Member
    You are just getting started. It will get better and you will feel better.

    What do you think would make you more miserable. Being a bit hungry now or Type 2 Diabetes/cardiac issues down the line?
  • I am not miserable either. It is so much better to be losing weight and eating less than pigging out and not being able to move. I have a long way to go. that part is the only aspect that makes me miserable. I wish I would have started sooner. I am sick of being so obese. Exercising more allows you to eat a little more even if you don't eat them all back and that feels good! I don't like eating 1600 calories a day but around 2000 with exercise is much more sustainable.
  • lthames0810
    lthames0810 Posts: 722 Member
    I've been reading these replies with great interest because I have a family member who is also miserable when she attempts to lose weight. She is a hard worker and is very successful at a high stress job. Despite her long hours she gives all of herself to her family and home. I admire her great discipline and capacity for self sacrifice.

    But one thing she simply can not do is moderate her eating. She is accustomed to complete hedonism when it comes to eating and just paying any little attention to it makes her miserable. She has maxed out her ration of self discipline and eating with mindfulness overdraws her account.

    I'm glad she doesn't ask me for advice because I'm at a loss.
  • lucerorojo
    lucerorojo Posts: 790 Member
    I've been reading these replies with great interest because I have a family member who is also miserable when she attempts to lose weight. She is a hard worker and is very successful at a high stress job. Despite her long hours she gives all of herself to her family and home. I admire her great discipline and capacity for self sacrifice.

    But one thing she simply can not do is moderate her eating. She is accustomed to complete hedonism when it comes to eating and just paying any little attention to it makes her miserable. She has maxed out her ration of self discipline and eating with mindfulness overdraws her account.

    I'm glad she doesn't ask me for advice because I'm at a loss.

    Well, I think you explained it well. "She has maxed out her ration of self discipline..." There is another thread on MFP which is about this, and will power--you only have so much to spare.

    I had a stressful and toxic job and I could not do anything about my weight (except GAIN) while I was at it. I gained over 50 lbs. in 6 years. I had to move on to a different job, reduce the stress in my life, before I could even begin to apply the energy and brain power to focus on my health. This is unfortunate. Ideally one should put one's health (physical and mental) first. Once you get into the cycle of not prioritizing your eating and exercise then it becomes difficult to make it come first with all the other responsibilities.
  • Momepro
    Momepro Posts: 1,509 Member
    If you're miserable you are probably doing it wrong (for you). It will be unsustainable, and youwill get sick of dealing with it. So lets try something different. Since you are trying to make a lifestyle change instead of dieting, it will probably be more effective if you do it in baby steps. First, log daily for AT LEAST two weeks. Don't change your eating or exercise habits at all yet, just log and weigh them religiously. You are just finding out exactly where you are as a starting point.
    Then, after a couple weeks, you will be able to see patterns. Triggers for overeating, food that you are eating becauuse you are bored, watching tv, or because everyone else is eating. Foods that can be replaced with healthier options without impacting too much. Like replacing regular peanut butter and jam with all natural, no sugar added (my first change).Or removing chips and cookies from the house and replacing with air popped popcorn and individually wrapped single serving size snack pacs. But keep logging. Start cutting serving sizes in half, and then wait 5 minutes after finishing to decide if you are still hungry. Doesn't mean don't eat if you are hungry, but now you are deciding if you are BEFORE putting the food in your mouth,instead of just eating what you have.
    Over time, with logging, weighing and paying attention to what you're eating instead of just trying to delete what is "naughty" and force yourself to stat within limits, you will feel more in control of what you are doing FOR yourself instead of TO yourself.