Goal: 125. I don't know how to start. Help please!

cw: 132 pounds
height: 5 ft 1

I currently weigh 132. I've thought about setting my next goal for 125. But I'm not sure about the goal date. Its 7 pounds. Any advice on what to do?

I have terrible eating habits, don't have a work out plan and am a couch potato. I don't like how I look and I am unfit and unhealthy. Someone please give me some advice so I can get started with this. I need to do this and gain some self confidence for myself.



  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    Well first off, don't set a goal date. Just set a goal and work towards it, no reason to turn it into a race where you may end up disappointed when that day comes.

    You only have 7 pounds to lose, so it's likely to come off slowly. Just start by cutting back on your calorie intake, make smarter food choices. Maybe check out the 30 Day Shred video. It's free on Youtube, and fairly simple, yet effective, for beginners. Give that a shot, get used to being more active/working out, and then move on to bigger things.
  • itsscottwilder
    So it looks like 1700 ish calories is what should get you through your day.

    I would say start off by limiting your calories to 1400 per day.

    Get a pedometer and try to get in at least 5,000 you'll be surprised how fast you can rack up 5,000 steps.

    That should get you off to a good start.