

  • etak17
    etak17 Posts: 71 Member
    Joyce . . . 'The many names of Christina' - what an incredibly beautiful, thoughtful gift for your daughter, and her daughters.:love: I hope it continues to be passed on for generations. I also hope you are collecting the stories you have told here. I had 2 grandparents that I knew fairly well, and one of my regrets is that I didn’t realize what a repository of knowledge and experience and family history they were until after they died. There are so many things I would have loved to ask them.

    Genealace . . . I am so sorry that your DBF’s son and partner were unable to keep the little girl. My brother and his wife adopted a little girl. They were her foster parents first and loved her so much - it would have been so painful if the adoption had not gone through.

    Sue in SD . . . Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day is a classic! :happy: My kids loved it.

    Pat . . . Good for your grandniece, and good for you for being supportive. I’m sure she appreciates it! Glad your funky brainfog is lifting. Family does that to me too.:ohwell:

    Meg . . . I’m glad your DH and daughter are able to spend time with his auntie. So nice that she is surrounded by loved ones. On another note – “no maternal instinct”? From what I’ve read here, sounds like you’re a great mom!

    Yannie . . . awww. Sorry about the poodle, but it sounds like you’re making the right choice. Re grandkids – yup, I have no problem waiting for them. I was 30 and 32 when I had mine and sometimes I wish I had waited ‘til even later.

    Heather . . . your “funny food” sounds delicious to me! Have fun with your DGS – playing with little ones is a great way to burn calories. I’d love to hear more about your books.

    Barbie . . . your morning routine sounds like a perfect mix of calm and reflection, and energizing and invigorating.:glasses:

    Sorry I’m not able to respond to all, but you are all in my thoughts. I raise my (water) glass:drinker: to all the laudable ladies. Have a wonderful weekend!

    Kate in Brooklyn:flowerforyou:
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    HI!Got over 13,00 steps today!!!:drinker: :drinker:
    Have a good night all.
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,222 Member
    Greetings from Omaha where the weather is gorgeous. I had a meeting with a community partner for service learning this morning and helped with new student orientation then came home for the afternoon. Not that I got anything done…I have not felt well today…shaky, headache, upset stomach.:sick: I am not sure if it’s from the extra dose of metformin or because I had extra coffee today. I guess I’ll wait and see how I feel tomorrow. I did manage to drag the dog around for a mile because without DD#1 here, no one walked him this morning.

    Jodios: safe travels!

    Janemartin: hope you had a great anniversary. Congratulations

    Joyce: I’m sorry you are feeling so overwhelmingly tired. I hope things get better for you soon.

    Rhonda: that must have been so scary for your boss! Thank goodness she had you to help her out! You are a good friend.

    Grandmallie: congrats on the weight loss!

    DeeDee ( and Grandmallie) it was chilly here today too, finally got into the upper 70s, but down in the 50s tomorrow morning

    Anamika: hope you had a great day and stayed on plan!

    Heather: thank you for you encouragement!:flowerforyou: It was funny because when I made my appointment for the diabetes class, the nurse said “You know you could teach these yourself but we’ll have fun”. So I hope I cam able to take care of it. I think eating out will be my challenge. Hope you have a wonderful visit with DGS.

    Yanniejannie: let us know all about the poodle! Later…ok now I read your post. Many shelters around here require obedience lessons. I looked into adopting one of Micheal Vick’s pit bulls and even though those dogs had been trained and trained and trained, if you adopted them, they needed ongoing work with a trainer. We had a dog with fear aggression and had to take special “naughty dog” lessons, so we felt confident about that too. We passed just because of the time commitment going to the shelter for a week and having her live with us there. I commend you for trying to adopt a shelter dog, though.

    Pat: I hope you find something to replace those baggy pants. Maybe something sexy and saucy so those gals at the scrapbook store have to think of something else to say!!!:wink:

    Genealace: sending hugs and good thoughts to DBF’s son and partner. That has just got to be heartbreaking

    Patceoh: nice to see you back! Glad you had a good vacation

    Kate: oh you are so sweet! Thank you for your kind words. :flowerforyou: I do try very hard and there is so much these kids need. I guess I always felt odd that I never had any interest in babies!

    Well it’s a quiet night here. DD#2 is at work til 9, so I get a rare evening of Friday baseball. There are leftovers in the fridge so no cooking is needed and after I pick her up, it’s off to bed for me. I have to grocery shop tomorrow and I HATE doing it on Saturday, so I need to get my butt in gear and make a menu and grocery list! Take care all….Meg from cool-ish Omaha.
  • melfitnesspal13
    melfitnesspal13 Posts: 377 Member
    Hi Ladies- I had missed the new link for Aug, thought I lost you there for a moment. .....:ohwell:

    Returned rested from my rain 5 day stint on VA Beach and spent the rest of the week catching up, you all know how that goes. I apparently pulled a muscle in my workout on Monday, in my buttocks no less! This is painful but I am working through it by doing upper body workouts instead. Last night went and got a fantastic massage and today I feel much better. I did a 55 min cardio workout today, Hip Hop Abs and a shorter zumba. Whew I had plenty of energy left over from work today :happy:

    NC ladies, tell me, when does it stop raining in this state?? I am glad it hasn't been too hot for my 1st summer here but some sunshine once in a while would be nice. This morning it was very cool when I went to work. Pretty soon summer will be over and we really didn't see much sun. It really reminds me of a typical Belgian summer, spent 5 yrs there. On a good note, all this rain is great for my allergies!!

    My mom sent me a sewing machine and I have to sit down and try to figure out how it works, really, it has been a month now. My clothes is falling off (insert happy dance here) and I think it would be silly to buy new things because I am confident they will not fit by next summer. Time for some youtube lessons I guess. I add this to the 50 million other things I need to do this weekend.

    Our Bollywood "flash mob" dance was cancelled for this weekend due to rain. We are going to keep practicing so we can try again in Sept, once it stops raining (it will be outside). I am glad, we need a lot more practice before I dare to do something like this,with a bunch of 20-30something ladies. I must be getting braver in my "mature" age :laugh:

    Now time for dinner - couscous and stewed chicken in a middle eastern style (benefits of living in France). I got a nice big watermelon to enjoy since pretty soon the season will be over. I am enjoying the strawberries sooooo much in NC!!...we are lucky.

    Have a wonderful weekend, enjoy life.

    USA - NC

  • terrimag
    terrimag Posts: 103 Member
    Hi Everyone!

    Hope you all have a great week-end...positive thoughts your way! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Terri, from Oregon
  • melfitnesspal13
    melfitnesspal13 Posts: 377 Member
    Well, my "quiet day" turned out to be quite busy!

    I rang up John Lewis and got the refund for my postage. They have a 'no quibble' policy, so that went fine.

    Then I have been wondering about buying a new coat as my best black winter one is huge on me now.:sad: I might be able to get it taken in as my yoga friend has given me the no. of a dressmaker. However, I AM FED UP WITH BLACK! I had my eye on a red boiled wool one online, but when I looked at the reviews they were less than positive. The red is more like an orange and it is too thin. Isn't the internet wonderful! So I went for a fleece lined raincoat in broad red stripes, with very positive reviews. I think it will be very useful out here in the countryside. It has a detachable hood as well. So, I await its delivery and we will see.:bigsmile:

    Then I started thinking about my DSIL's visit next week. I will cook my Chicken in Black Bean Sauce tomorrow and freeze it. Then we have some stewed greengages in the freezer so I decided to make some Lemon Shortbread Biscuits to go with it. So that's what I have been doing this pm. The dough is chilling in the fridge so I will roll and bake it later. Previous efforts have been delicious, but I will only have a bite of DH's.:laugh: Like Michelle, I prefer to be all prepared so I can spend my time with my guests, rather than slaving over a hot stove!:tongue:

    Getting all excited about DGS' s arrival on Monday. We will have to get my spare room reorganised for him as he has just started sleeping in a "big bed".:happy: I will have to clear things off the floor and lower shelves. I use it as my study so my published books are all laid out nicely on display! As they are children's books they will be a little too tempting for a 2 year old. I only have one copy of some of them, especially if they are in a foreign language. Bang goes my very own private study! But as I never "study" in there I know it's worth it to have DGS with us.:love:

    Bye for now. Heather, UK

    Hello Heather - I love black beans and chicken but never have thought to combine them. Can you share you recipe?

    By the way I agree with you on the BLACK, I am sick of it!! I am getting to the point that if it is black I just won't buy it any longer. I bought a pink workout bra this week, which was a fluke (it was on the clearance sale rack naturally since it was a plus size). I was glad to finally find something new in another color.

    Have a good weekend!
  • meyllisa
    meyllisa Posts: 284 Member
    Hi ladies, wishing everyone a relaxing weekend. We are off to do some camping with the grandkids, we are supposed to have a hot sunny wkend ,:smile:
    Take care juanita in sudbury
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Isn't technology wonderful. I was just able to do 'face time' with my newly 12 year old grand daughter to wish her happy birthday! I knew I paid over $300 for this mini ipad for some reason!

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,979 Member
    :flowerforyou: Early morning, long dog walk, early meeting, taught half the line dance class, Jake fixed lunch, more dog walking, two hours of yard work while Jake worked on making racks so we can store the firewood in the breezeway and on the back deck, more dog walking, and now some quiet time before going to bed early. :yawn: :yawn:

    As some of you remember, the doctor told me to gain some weight and now my smallest jeans barely fit which wouldn’t be a problem except that they are the ones with the rhinestones that I need to wear for the line dance performance on Sunday.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington

    “If it’s important to you then you will find a way, if it’s not you’ll find an excuse.”

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,389 Member
    Rhonda - that was so nice of you to go to the hospital with your friend and be there for her.

    meg - thanks for the update from your dh. I'm glad that he's getting to see her, too and I bet it's also helping her

    laurade - one other thing you'll find out as you check in often, you'll find that we all go through times when we're down. We post about it, about how we coped (sometimes with not-good-for-you foods) and then we post about how we're up. To me, that is so rewarding to see

    grandmalle - congrats on being down another pound

    yanniejannie - Vince is the same way as your dh -- he's the person who is the homebody. Me? I need to go out almost every day. You are probably wise to be passing up on that dog. Something just right will come your way. What movie are you going to see?

    Well, the guy who did the baseboard just left. Now it's time for me to clean and Vince and I will be moving furniture back into its place. I haven't gotten a new mattress cover, the one in the bedroom downstairs got ripped. And I do want to protect that mattress. Well, no one will go in the bedroom anyway so it really doesn't matter when I get it.

    Pat - to me, the JCP by me used to have good sales, but lately (for the past year or two) they haven't. And their petite department is so small! I now very seldome go in there. Hope yours is better. New pants sound good to me

    Heather - I'm with you, no more black. Actually, I find that color quite depressing. Isn't the freezer just wonderful for cooking ahead of time and then just having to defrost and reheat it? Have fun with gs

    Did an hour of deep water then went to mahjongg. Maj'd once, but it ws on a closed hand. Then went to Lowe's food where I struck out on practically everything, then Dunkin Donuts for Vince, then to WalMart and then home.

    Joyce - your daughter is so lucky to have you as her mom!

    patceoh - how do you get to this thread? I don't have any problem at all, I just click on the tab that says "communities", then click on "my topics" and this forum is right there.

    Meg - hope you feel better soon

    I made a roast for us to have during the week, but although the directions say to bake it for 50 minutes, I thought it was a bit dried out and should have been cooked for less time. Oh , well, Vince likes his meat well done anyway.

    Yoga tomorrow. I'm going to take my laptop, one guy said to me that anyone at the front desk can help me get connected to the Internet, that they're all Internet savvy. I have my doubts. Well, if not tomorrow, he'll be there Wed so we can do it then. I'll probably want to use their equipment Mon or Thurs after Labor Day.

    We basically got most of the furniture back in it's place. The bedroom looks like a disaster zone, I need to go thru things first. But in the meantime....it'll do for the party, I'll just close the door

    Melanie - how wonderful your clothes are falling off! What spice(s) do you add to the couscous and chicken? I'm thinking of making a couscous and pea side dish for the party and I'll probably add the meat from a roasted chicken. But I'm thinking that it might need some sort of spice/cheese but I'm not sure what to use. What would you suggest?

    Juanita - have a great weekend

    You know, while we were putting the furniture back, I wanted a snack. My first thought was "do I want that brownie?" Then I felt "nah....what do I want? I know ! A pear!!!!" I wanted a pear over something else, it feels so good feeling this way.

    Michele in NC
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Michelle:flowerforyou: I am the lucky one to have her as a daughter. Being a first child you have no idea what you're getting into!!! You don't know what kind of a parents you will be, how as a couple the 2 of you will be. We came from such 2 different homes. Him a home that, from his memories, he didn't have much to do for fun. he has no happy memories, no favorite song his Mom sang to him, things his family did together. His Dad was a Boy Scout leader and tried to be in the inner city area. So many of those boys didn't have an adequate father figure and he provided that. When we were dating I always remember these little black boys playing in the house and being fed. Even though his Dad was in a service type job, the By Scouts, he resented the fact that it took time away from them, especially him. He was a boy scout and active in it but he resented sharing his Dad on these trips. I, on the other hand was so proud of what my Dad. There were many days that he would be called out at all hours of the day for someone in the church, stayed at the hospital many long hours. But I was so proud of him. So our parenting skills were completely different, him strict and hands off with many things and me being the kind of Mom I always knew my Mom to be. Christina was such a good kid, well I thought so. I know now she did a lot behind my back. But we could talk and talk and talk. She said I was her best friend and even wanted me to be her matron of honor at her wedding!!! Of course I said no, I was Mom. But that's the kind of child she was. We still have that kind of relationship. There was nothing about raising her that prepared me for Michelle!!! So that's why I cherish every minute Michelle is willing to give me. So you see, I am the lucky one

  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Long day here; passing on the poodle was the right thing to do but I swear I can still feel that little body curled up in my lap; what IS it about the dog/human connection?

    Tomorrow is tai chi and yoga, then run to a bakery to pick up cookies for a party on Sunday, then go to a picnic. DD is life guarding all day. She seems to have come up with a back up plan in case she doesn't get in to vet school next year (I've been stressing this for years); her choice is pharmacy school (yay!). I've heard vet school is SO difficult to get in that it just seems like a good idea to have a backup.

    Joyce.........honestly, there are days when parts of your poem sure fit how I feel

    Rhonda......what a nice thing to do for your new office mamager; bet your being there really gave her comfort

    Meg...........thinking about your dh and his aunt........wonderful of you to consider one of the Vick dogs; did you know a group has bought and turned his old house (where it all took place ) into a dog sanctuary?

    Heather........if your press ups are what we know as push ups, WOW, 23.........impressive!!!!

    Kate..........my mom was one month away from 38 when I was born, I had my daughter at 40......was not going to have any kids, then sometime in year 39 it was like a switch got turned on and having a baby was front and center in my life.........to this day I don't understand.........must have some hormonal overload or something. I sure don't regret any of it; I just think to this day that it was way bizarre......

    Michele...........the movie was The Butler.........been looking forward to it and it was very good!!

    Off to bed!!! Sleep well, those still up!!!
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    I wish there was a way I could edit my last post so that could add my 'I love' to it.

    I love the way my cat looks at me and just is begging to pick her up
    I love how soft her hair is, she just invites me to rub her under her chin and behind her ears
    I love how she melted my husbands heart and all he has to do is meow and she is over next to him in a snap baring her belly
    I love how my grand kids faces light up when they see us drive up the drive way
    I love how warm and precious their bodys are when they come here. They are sound asleep and angelic
    I love how my oldest grand daughter loves to take care of her little sister.
    I love the way my son in law looks at my daughter in adoration as if she is God's gift made just for him
    I love how even though my husband and I don't have a romantic relationship he will always bring up to anyone who asks him to dance when he does Karoake that he is a married man and commited to me
    I love how my doctors listen to me. They don't always have an answer but they listen
    I love my family. We had wonderful parents who taught us to love each other as individuals that we are and not as a whole
    I love that my brother just 'knows' when I need his call, so encouraging that he never speaks of his own problems, wants to know mine
    I love how my other brother accepts his wifes illness and all the disabilities it gives her and totally adores her and wants to make every day special
    I love how my sister's husband who we once wanted to wring his neck every time we saw him softened so much and took her to every single doctor's appointment, chemo therapy, worked long hours to pay for everything needed and now looks at her like she is precious
    I love my youngest daughter Michelle and her undying love for all Goad creatures and will do anything she can whether she has the resources or not to care for her animals.
    I love to see my youngest grand daughter so carefully pick a bug up and take it outside where she thinks God wants it to be so it can be free.
    I love the smell of the air after it rains
    I love the smell of freshly mowed grass
    I love the feeling I have if I even lose a tenth of a pound. I suceeded and triumphed over my own body
    I love being able to go the to ATM and knowing I will always have money in the bank
    I love knowing that even though my husband and I grew up in totally different families we both agree on not using credit cards
    I love that we paid off our mortgage before we retired and we can live knowing we are comfortable and can leave something for our children
    I love it when my cat sees I am awake and comes up and joins me on my pillow
    I love weeping willow trees, especially by the water
    I love gentle breezes
    I love that my MIL takes my hand and tells me she loves me
    I love knowing that no matter what I can do that God will always love me and say 'child just let me take over'
    I love that I was blessed with parents that loved each other and each of us 5 children
    I love knowing that Mom and Dad are once again side by side since God seemed to make them such a matched set and Mom always felt like part of her was missing.

    Joyce I cold go on and on but there needs to be room for you all to post here to!!!!
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,801 Member
    Joyce- how beautiful!!!
    we all have our ups and downs but we are truly blessed to live in a world where we can appreciate the wonderful things that God has given us...
    im sitting her in a quiet house, listening to the birds wake up, have my blueberry buckle ingredients ready to go but DH is still sleeping so I dont want to use the mixer..
    so funny-we slept with the windows open, and about 4 o clock a owl started hooting outside..the DH comes into my room and says he is scared and climbed into bed with me,mind you, i have Homer under the covers tucked in and Chester stuck in the crook of my knees, and I have a full size bed, to say it was crowded was an understatement,but sure was nice for awhile all snuggled up together:smile:
    I somehow gained 2 lbs overnight,but not worried ,im sure it will fall off again..going to try and take a walk today,and then mow the lawn once the grass dries.. then over to my FIL and then out to dinner..dont know where yet..
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Joyce:smile: that was just lovely, thanks for sharing:flowerforyou: !

    My gorgeous granddaughter is still sleeping:yawn: so I thought I would pop in for a minute or two. We had a wonderful time yesterday, she was so surprised by my little fairyland picnic area. I`ll try to post some pics of it sometime this weekend. The weather was lovely for us, it was supposed to rain, however it held off and the sun did eventually come out. I put fresh flowers in the tree where the table is located, that was fun and a bit challenging trying to get them to stay in. Big sunflowers, and multi colored Gerber daisies, looks like the tree just sprouted flowers:love: . My sweetpea just got up, so I will sign off for now.

    Have a great day ladies!!! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!!

    DeeDee in fairyland NC where it is raining a bit this morning:frown:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,979 Member
    :flowerforyou: Joyce, your uplifting post and your wish to edit your old post of "I"m tired of....." reminds me of a day some years ago when I was standing in the dark and rain in the back yard with the dog who didn't want to do her "business" and hubby was out of town and I had to do his chores as well as mine, and I was whining "I'm tired of ........." and it suddenly occurred to me that my friend who was in a wheelchair probably said he was tired of the wheelchair and my two friends whose husbands had died were tired of being alone and so on, and I realized that that being tired of the trials in my life didn't accomplish anything and I'd better find some better solutions to my attitude.......i love your list of all the things you love......you are very blessed and especially blessed to be able to recognize that.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington where the sky is clear and dark right now
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,801 Member
    well blueberry buckles is on the oven wash is in the dryer, and I am having a cup of tea..really wanted to go for a walk,but the DH says you paid money for the gym ,go there,because I dont want to hear you complain about your heel..
    He is right,but I so enjoy walking.I am praying that the heel will calm down enough so that I can do that again
    but I will go to the gym..moved the stuff I needed to move for the electrician, and will wait for the grass to dry and go mow that..
    maybe make another blueberry buckle for the DH.. we shall see
  • Anamika703
    Anamika703 Posts: 202 Member
    :love: Joyce
    Thats so lovely! you have such a way with words. I loved your book for your daughter....... she must have been moved beyond words.
    started my day right with a run and all
    Have a great weekend ladies
  • Kalley1959
    Kalley1959 Posts: 287 Member
    I lost 6.8 lbs this week :noway: :noway: :noway: To say I'm shocked is an understatement. I weighed myself 3 times :laugh:

    I'm off to try and get some running shoes...wish me luck

    :heart: Sandy from sunny Ontario
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,801 Member
    awesome Kalley!!!! wish I could do that.. whats your secret :wink: