I have a question please



  • nowine4me
    nowine4me Posts: 3,985 Member
    Or you can just drink enough to make sure your pee is pale yellow and you’re not thirsty.
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    FYI Caffeine is a diuretic, so it'll cause you to dehydrate. So although coffee contains water, there's a reason it'll also cause you many trips to the bathroom. Using it as your only source or major source of water intake isn't recommended (at least by me anyway lol). My mother in law drinks nothing but coffee and soda. All caffeinated. She is dehydrated most of the time even though she's never not drinking one or the other. She refuses to drink plain water or anything decaffeinated lol. Food for thought. Coffee counts, but caffeine will cause you to lose hydration.

    How did you determine that your mother-in-law is dehydrated most of the time?
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    they have run several tests over the years and all is good so they say. I am 4' 11" tall and weigh 255

    But do you weigh your food?
  • lucerorojo
    lucerorojo Posts: 790 Member
    Why don't you put in for 1-2 lbs. a week? People rarely suggest it because it is an agressive goal. However you are short, and 255 is a lot on such a small person. (My starting weight was 237 and I'm 5'4'' so I can only imagine what is it like on you). I am down to 204 and I started with 2 lbs. a week. I'm now eating to lose about 1.1-1.2 lbs. per week. You have over 100 lbs. to lose so it should be fine. I was not bothered at all by the 1000 calorie deficit per day until I reached about 25 lbs. loss, then I had to change it to lose less. But the difference in my physical ability and energy is incredible just losing 30 lbs.!

    At least try to get off those first 60 lbs. and get under 200. It will make such a difference for you and you will be able to do more physically and have more energy. If you say that you don't eat much it should not be a problem for you to eat 1300-1400 calories and lose a bit more than .5 lbs. per week. It doesn't make sense to stuff yourself (if you are weighing accurately) when you wouldn't even notice a more agressive goal at first.
  • Spliner1969
    Spliner1969 Posts: 3,233 Member
    FYI Caffeine is a diuretic, so it'll cause you to dehydrate. So although coffee contains water, there's a reason it'll also cause you many trips to the bathroom. Using it as your only source or major source of water intake isn't recommended (at least by me anyway lol). My mother in law drinks nothing but coffee and soda. All caffeinated. She is dehydrated most of the time even though she's never not drinking one or the other. She refuses to drink plain water or anything decaffeinated lol. Food for thought. Coffee counts, but caffeine will cause you to lose hydration.

    How did you determine that your mother-in-law is dehydrated most of the time?

    Her skin looks like leather most of the time, if you pinch some it stays where it's at and her lips are constantly chapped. She complains about it then drinks more coffee and refuses water. She smokes like a chimney as well so that doesn't help matters. Don't get me wrong, I love caffeine and drink a lot of coffee, soda, and pre-workout drinks. Not putting it down at all. I also drink a lot of plain water as well to compensate somewhere near a gallon a day.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    FYI Caffeine is a diuretic, so it'll cause you to dehydrate. So although coffee contains water, there's a reason it'll also cause you many trips to the bathroom. Using it as your only source or major source of water intake isn't recommended (at least by me anyway lol). My mother in law drinks nothing but coffee and soda. All caffeinated. She is dehydrated most of the time even though she's never not drinking one or the other. She refuses to drink plain water or anything decaffeinated lol. Food for thought. Coffee counts, but caffeine will cause you to lose hydration.

    How did you determine that your mother-in-law is dehydrated most of the time?

    Her skin looks like leather most of the time, if you pinch some it stays where it's at and her lips are constantly chapped. She complains about it then drinks more coffee and refuses water. She smokes like a chimney as well so that doesn't help matters. Don't get me wrong, I love caffeine and drink a lot of coffee, soda, and pre-workout drinks. Not putting it down at all. I also drink a lot of plain water as well to compensate somewhere near a gallon a day.

    I used to work with a leathery looking woman, but she only drank one can of coke over 8 hours at work.
  • mlinci
    mlinci Posts: 403 Member
    edited December 2017
    I don't have any medical conditions that would me to take in extra fluid. Thank you so much. I am starting out with a goal of 1/2 a pound a week for a goal, so I don't get discouraged. That is proving to be difficult for me to eat that much because I don't eat much usually.

    This bit of your post is much more critical for your success than how much water you drink. It’s impossible to get to 255lbs by eating 600-1000 calories a day; your perception of how much you eat, or your calorie counting, is way off. If whatever you were eating up to now made you maintain 255, then increasing the amount you eat will make you gain weight.