Keto or not



  • try2again
    try2again Posts: 3,562 Member

    Well, that pretty much says it all! :) Deserves to be it's own thread.
  • suerlewis2
    suerlewis2 Posts: 126 Member
    Please note I know nothing about keto. I am not a doctor. I DO understand desperation to try anything. But dear me, as plain as the nose on my face, I would not willingly trigger migraines to lose weight. Find another path. One that is balanced for YOU.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    rhonda7694 wrote: »
    vismal wrote: »
    rhonda7694 wrote: »
    Depends if you have enough sick days to cover the increase in migraines or not.

    True. But i also need to do something

    What makes you believe ketosis is that "something" compared to creating a caloric deficit while ingesting carbs?Losing weight with ketosis still requires a caloric deficit, and if that deficit is the same as one on a diet that does include carbs, fat loss will be same. What advantages do you think ketosis will offer you that outweigh the detriments of increased migraines?

    I tried the caloric decrease and didn’t lose a pound.

    ALL weight loss is caloric deficit, keto is no different. Keto is an elimination diet. When you eliminate most carbs you generally eat fewer calories. Some people can do this without tracking. Add to this the water weight loss in the beginning of low carbing (glycogen stores).....and people assume it's faster weight loss, it's not. Water weight loss is not the same thing as fat loss.

    Calorie decrease as in "all foods in moderation" approach, takes careful tracking.
  • try2again
    try2again Posts: 3,562 Member
    TeaBea wrote: »
    rhonda7694 wrote: »
    vismal wrote: »
    rhonda7694 wrote: »
    Depends if you have enough sick days to cover the increase in migraines or not.

    True. But i also need to do something

    What makes you believe ketosis is that "something" compared to creating a caloric deficit while ingesting carbs?Losing weight with ketosis still requires a caloric deficit, and if that deficit is the same as one on a diet that does include carbs, fat loss will be same. What advantages do you think ketosis will offer you that outweigh the detriments of increased migraines?

    I tried the caloric decrease and didn’t lose a pound.

    ALL weight loss is caloric deficit, keto is no different. Keto is an elimination diet. When you eliminate most carbs you generally eat fewer calories. Some people can do this without tracking. Add to this the water weight loss in the beginning of low carbing (glycogen stores).....and people assume it's faster weight loss, it's not. Water weight loss is not the same thing as fat loss.

    Calorie decrease as in "all foods in moderation" approach, takes careful tracking.

    And the water weight comes back when and if you transition out of keto.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    filbo132 wrote: »
    Reasons not to do keto:
    -Because everyone else is doing it
    -Better for losing weight (It has been proven that in the long run, it's not superior to any diet when it comes to fat loss)

    Reasons to do keto:
    -You're undisciplined when you eat carbs and not eating them at all is the only way for you to stick with a caloric deficit.
    -You just enjoy a high fat diet and getting rid of carbs is not an issue for you
    -You have health issues in which a doctor tells you not to eat carbs.

    If you're losing weight, I always say that stick with a diet that will make your fat loss journey less miserable. If keto doesn't make you miserable and it's actually enjoyable for you, then do keto. If you're miserable, then your in luck, keto is not a requirement for weight loss, being in a caloric deficit is for 99% of the population.

    Re: bolded above. I can always find a way to "stick to a diet" because that's a temporary thing. Maintaining a lower weight (the thing you do after the "diet") that's the hard part. Maintaining means eating fewer calories forever. Elimination diets always backfire on me.....I can only eliminate so long. Sooner or later, it still comes down to "discipline."