Should couples workout together?



  • VeggieKidMandy
    VeggieKidMandy Posts: 575 Member
    I would rather work out separately....that way im focused on my workout and not flirting with him ;) Plus I would rather him enjoy the end result then see me struggle through it. I like a little mystery.
  • NikkiSixGuns
    NikkiSixGuns Posts: 630 Member
    Depends on the couple.

    I enjoy working out with my hubby (free spotter, eye candy, motivation to push myself -- plus the bonus exercise afterward -- where's the con???) but also enjoy working out solo.

    The only tough part sometimes is getting our schedules to align. Sometimes it means we work out at inconvenient times, but IMO it's worth it.

    But then, I really like my husband.
  • MaryJane_8810002
    MaryJane_8810002 Posts: 2,082 Member
    I hate working out with friends and family so a BF is an extreme no. Sometimes I hate it when couples work out at the gym. Just the couple where the girl has no idea what she is doing, so her BF is taking 30 minutes to show her how to use the machine and I really need it.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    Besides, I would never hear the end of it when I'm on the elliptical and the hot girl in yoga pants gets on the treadmill in front of me.

    We would just enjoy the view together :laugh:
  • nleighp
    nleighp Posts: 117 Member
    My Mr. and I work out together all the time.

    Well, we're in the gym together. Some days I do arms and he does legs. Sometimes I do cardio and he doesn't. Sometimes we do it all side by side. But 95% of the time we go to the gym together and leave together.

    It might not work for all, but it certainly works for us.
  • caramelgyrlk
    caramelgyrlk Posts: 1,112 Member
    In my boxing class there are several couples and I think its the cutest thing to see them pushing and motivating each other. I even find it interesting when they disagree also, because it shows they are human, yet they are focused on staying fit.
  • lovelyx091
    lovelyx091 Posts: 217 Member
    I only work out with my boyfriend every now and then, because I began before he did so he tries to keep up with me. It's nice, though! And those after work out showers... :wink:
  • vixxxen88
    vixxxen88 Posts: 69 Member
    i go to the gym with my partner, but he does his thing and i go off and do mine , then meet at the end for some weights and some ab work , i find it good because days i want to slack he always pushes me to go and when we get home we stop eachother from binging , plus its a good view from across the room watching him lift :P
  • ClementineGeorg
    ClementineGeorg Posts: 505 Member
    It really depends on the two people making a couple. Every couple should do things together and separate, but it's up to them do decide what is best for their relationship. Moreover, it depends on the sports they enjoy and their level of fitness.

    I would like doing hikes or jogging with my s.o., but when it comes with exercises done at home or gym... well... I wouldn't do Jillian Michaels or the Biggest Losed DVDs with anyone. :laugh: And during strength training (like Jari Love DVDs, nothing too fussy) it's useless someone was there... I get very concentrated.

    Also, I workout only at home, and my room is not big enough for 2 people training.
  • Goldenwoof
    Goldenwoof Posts: 535 Member
    When I was married, my wife and I tried to work out together at home. It never went well. She looked GREAT in a spandex sports bra and shorts, so we'd only get about two minutes into our workout before we...well, came up with other ideas. ;)
  • choijanro
    choijanro Posts: 754 Member
    Yes,, so that both of you are healthy and have a nice body,, you can motivate and help each other too,, as long as there are no *****es flirting you guys or u know what i mean
  • beckyboop712
    beckyboop712 Posts: 383 Member
    Would love to workout with my bf more...mostly to get him to workout. But our schedules rarely line up, either I workout in the morning before work, a time when he's dead to the world, or after work when he has a movie to go to (movie critic). The whole working out together worked great when I was unemployed but me being unemployed now is NOT an option.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    Why not? My wife and I workout together all of the time. There are some things we go off and do on our own as we have somewhat different fitness goals...but we lift together all of the time and run together when we can.
  • littlelaura
    littlelaura Posts: 1,028 Member
    depends on if they can shower together afterwards
  • sammyantics
    sammyantics Posts: 191 Member
    I would rather work out separately....that way im focused on my workout and not flirting with him ;) Plus I would rather him enjoy the end result then see me struggle through it. I like a little mystery.

    Yes! I love the mystery aspect too. Love when my man notices my changes and compliments me.

    He doesn't have a membership to the gym, but has said that if he got one he'd want me to go with him at least until he felt comfortable and I totally get that and would do it for a while if he wanted. I like to work out alone in general though. I find that when I go with either of my roommates, I don't push myself as hard and make excuses to "just do cardio" or "only hit a few weight machines."
  • simsburyjet
    simsburyjet Posts: 999 Member
    Pro is that it is fun to workout and be fit together also we have met other couples that are now are friends. .. Con is that she gets mad at me for talking with other women and becoming friends with them also.
  • GiddyupTim
    GiddyupTim Posts: 2,819 Member
    I like it. But the wife doesn't. Cuz I always have to give her a pat, or two, or three, on the butt. It's just too tempting.
    What? There's no law against it.
  • Lady_Bane
    Lady_Bane Posts: 720 Member
    My husband is a horrible workout partner. We end up fighting bc he gets huffy. Id rather go alone.
  • mrincredible93
    An excellent program that couples can do is the Adonis Index for men and the Venus Index for women.
  • jasoncbackus
    jasoncbackus Posts: 131 Member
    work out together, yes. hold hands in the gym, no (<--people at my gym do this...).

    So getting on treadmills next to each other and holding hands through the entire workout is not okay?