Does overtraining slow the metabolism



  • ritchiedrama
    ritchiedrama Posts: 1,304 Member

    yeah... that's good... i'm gonna take a break for a few days, get back on it and see what happens...

    Historically, when i was lifting heavy, i'd have to cycle off of heavy weight about every 5-6 weeks as my body just stopped responding to it and I'd plateau. After about a week off... the gains would be back again. That may be what's happening here with my diet, too. It would stand to reason.

    Gonna give it a shot and see what happens. At worst, I'll just pick up an extra pound or two... at best... I'll lose a pound or two... no biggie either way.

    Thanks, bro.

    Good luck, if you need anymore help just post here or pm me.
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    I have a brother who has a holistic doctor. He reportedly told my brother that doing extensive cardio (extensive being more than 3 times per week) will actually cause the metabolism to slow at a drastic rate. I'd never heard that before, but here's my situation...

    I'm exercising about 5 days per week, including hiit workouts for approximately 30 minutes and doing high intensity resistance training about 3 days per week. Every workout that I do is high intensity.

    When I started, I weighed 218. I'm now down to 195 and have been stuck at the same weight for about 4 weeks. I have had to tighten my belt a notch or two in that time, but no weight loss.

    My question is... am I overtraining? Too much cardio?

    My goal is not to build a bigger muscle set, but to get lean and tone what i already have.

    My net calorie intake usually ends up being a bit low... around 1200-1400 per day... of course, that's after all the exercise calories are deducted.

    I appreciate any feedback.... oh, and I'd also welcome any new friend requests.

    I would also recommend reading Lyle on the diet break. The other thing--if you are doing nothing but high-intensity workouts than you are just beating the crap out of yourself. I know HIIT is the current "magic bullet" Friend of the Day, but at some point, like everything else, it can become counterproductive if there is no variety. If you are getting headaches from hitting yourself over the head with a hammer, the solution is not to use a bigger hammer.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    If you're not losing weight, you are over-eating, btw. The person who said you are gaining muscle and losing fat is also wrong, because you sound like you've been lifting a while - you cannot do both at the same time.

    Umm... I beg to differ. I haven't lost any weight in months but have gone down 3% in body fat doing cardio and weight training. If he is eating at a deficit and exercising he is obviously not gaining fat. It could be water retention or all manner of things. But to just dismiss muscle growth seems a little ignorant to me.

    You cannot build muscle with a deficit of calories. It's cannot be catabolic (dieting) and anabolic at the same time. You can maintain what muscle you have which will slow down the rate of loss on the scale...and your muscles will retain water (giving your muscles a "pump")...but you most definitely cannot build any appreciable muscle at a calorie deficit.
  • ritchiedrama
    ritchiedrama Posts: 1,304 Member
    If you're not losing weight, you are over-eating, btw. The person who said you are gaining muscle and losing fat is also wrong, because you sound like you've been lifting a while - you cannot do both at the same time.

    Umm... I beg to differ. I haven't lost any weight in months but have gone down 3% in body fat doing cardio and weight training. If he is eating at a deficit and exercising he is obviously not gaining fat. It could be water retention or all manner of things. But to just dismiss muscle growth seems a little ignorant to me.

    You cannot build muscle with a deficit of calories. It's cannot be catabolic (dieting) and anabolic at the same time. You can maintain what muscle you have which will slow down the rate of loss on the scale...and your muscles will retain water (giving your muscles a "pump")...but you most definitely cannot build any appreciable muscle at a calorie deficit.

    Yay, finally someone with some knowledge! :)

    Thanks for backing up my comment!
  • princessofredrock
    princessofredrock Posts: 382 Member
    Lots of good and contradicting advice here! Lots to read and ponder! I don't have a doctor around to ask at the moment....

    So from personal experience.... I stopped loosing at 12 lbs and was still working my a** off! 5 weeks in.

    Then I started measuring! Holy wow! 3 inches off my waist and 2 off my hips! cool! I started adding 10 then 12 then 14 flights of stairs to my daily routine. 6 weeks in! and now an inch of my thighs! finally!

    I started hiking..... now 8 weeks in and total of almost 15 lbs down, 5 inches off my tummy and 3 off my hips!

    I stick to my 1200 cals, I have not changed the way I eat at all just my exercise. I am going to add in weight training now so I won't end up with the hanging skin issues and try to tighten up as I continue to loose.

    For "my" body type I am finding out that this is what it takes for me to loose, trim and tone!

    You have to find what is right for you John. Yes try something different and don't stress and if the Mrs won't cook for ya then cook for yourself ! Though I would try to talk to her about this and she may give you what you need!

    Go over all the advice given here and take the time to do that life change you said you wanted to make! Make changes and see what works best for you! There is no perfect way to do this journey. Everyone is different , and that diversity is what makes us who we are!

    I am so grateful for all the friends I have made and are helping me on my journey to getting and staying fit. That said there is no magic routine or diet that will work for everyone!

    So I will say again, it is ok to take some time to find out what is going to work for you! You have had great results so far! Find what you like to do, see if it works and keep doing it! Just don't stop moving! Don't give in to the blerch! lol
  • ijohn001
    ijohn001 Posts: 166
    I really do appreciate everyone's feedback... old friends, new friends and just those making suggestions....

    I do feel a bit more armed for attacking with results. That's important.

    This is a lifestyle choice for me... not just a fad, or a temporary way of living.... iow... diet.

    I also must consider what i've always said... "never take advice from anyone who's not doing better than you." That being said, even the guy getting bashed for his advice here looks like someone who should know what he's talking about... and that's the look that I'm aiming closer to obtaining. I've got a decent size... I'm looking to cut. I think I said that in my original question.

    But, that's not to say that the opposing views are nonsense.... and Princess... you make a valid point, to some degree, we are unique and our bodies respond differently to different things.

    I know the calorie deficit thing should cause weight loss... I have been on total fasts (only taking in liquids) for as long as 40 days before (not for fitness reasons, obviously... that would be crazy... but, for spiritual reasons) where I'd lose 25-30 pounds... and then, eventually I'd gain 40 back.

    All things in proper balance... I have been and will continue to be more conscious of my intake... and energy expenditures.... without overthinking.... as someone said... lol.

    I really can't get too discouraged, I have seen results... just want to see more... quicker. Sometimes, I think, that's what most people's problem is... they don't see what they want to see in a short enough period of time, so they quit. Well, I'm not so stupid as to think quitting is going to produce the results I want to see. Duh!

    Tweaking is required... and I will discover what it takes to keep my body from adjusting to my routines and plateau-ing... I will break through it... I'll let you all know what I did and what worked, as I have come to discover that there are lots of people having the same issue.

    Again... thanks... oh, and keep the ideas coming if you have any more... they're still welcomed.
  • SpleenThief
    SpleenThief Posts: 293 Member
    He treated my dog for MRSP

    Congratulations! You paid sticker price!