August Cycling Challenge 2013



  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    Feeling a little mentally sluggish right now. I've been struggling with a bike related (I think) problem and I thought, "I'll have to discuss that with the guys at the bike store when I go get my bike fixed (I broke the stem and can't pump it up)." Then I remembered that I have a wonderful community of cyclers right here that I can talk to. Over the last few weeks, I have been experiencing weakness in my left hand, specifically my thumb. After having blood pressure problems last summer, I was beginning to think that I was having a stoke. Weird, since I have very low blood pressure and am only 29ish. So I googled and came upon a term, Cyclers Palsy. It referrs to weakness or numbness in the hands caused by the wrist compressing the nerves while gripping handle bars. Have any of you experienced this and, if so, how did you treat it?
  • martineyes26
    martineyes26 Posts: 47 Member
    8/2- 14 miles
    8/5- 14 miles
    8/13- 30.5 miles
    8/16- 25 miles
    8/18- 30 miles
    8/20- 22.5 miles
    8/23- 32 miles
    8/25- 16 miles

    Total: 184 miles
    Goal: Anywhere over the 200 miles mark
  • gregsonevans
    gregsonevans Posts: 232 Member
    I think I have the same problem and I find there are a few ways to help yourself
    1. When you ride try to sit a little more upright so you are not putting too much weight on your wrist (maybe even adjust the handlebars so that they are nearer to you).
    2. Try to find a route where the road surface is as smooth as possible.
    3. Fit smooth road tyres (tires) to your bicycle where possible.
    4. Where possible and where it is safe ride one handed for a little while whilst pumping your fist.
    I find by doing all these on my longer rides it helps with the numbness, if you are unable to do any of these actions maybe even something as simple as letting a small amount of air out of the tyres will help to lower the vibrations.
    Hope this is of some help to you x
  • PaulHalicki
    PaulHalicki Posts: 576 Member
    In addition to gregsonevans's suggestions, also try cycling gloves if you haven't been using them. I like the IronMan ones.
  • autumnlily31185
    autumnlily31185 Posts: 279 Member
    Happy Birthday sajeffe!!
  • sajeffe
    sajeffe Posts: 850 Member
    In addition to gregsonevans's suggestions, also try cycling gloves if you haven't been using them. I like the IronMan ones.

    I agree with all of the above. I hate riding without cycling gloves (fingerless, in my case). Got mine off ebay for $8.00.

    I find that I hold on really tight with my left hand for some reason (more so than my right), so I try to remember to let go, wiggle it, fist it several times, etc. I don't ride as far as the rest of you, so I think it's even more important for you to exercise your hands/wrists while riding.
  • sajeffe
    sajeffe Posts: 850 Member
    Happy Birthday :) and congrats on completing your goal
    Happy Birthday sajeffe!!

    Thank you both! I pigged out at Red Lobster. Then got on here and saw that I ate 4000mg of sodium. Ugh!! :smile:
  • sajeffe
    sajeffe Posts: 850 Member
    8/1 - 0
    8/2 - 7.0 miles.
    8/3 - 7.2 miles.
    8/4 - 1.2 miles. I mowed today instead of riding.
    8/5 - 1.0 miles. I finished mowing today instead of riding. Neighbor a couple doors down got hit on his bike Friday (hit & run). He didn't even fall, but wound up with a compound fracture of his left elbow. Be careful out there people. AND WEAR A HELMET.
    8/6 - 5.4 miles outside on a rainy day. Found a farmer's dog dead on the side of the road. Sad.
    8/7 - 6.2 miles.
    8/8 - 5.5 miles. My first ride without my Walkman (external speakers, not earbuds). I require music.
    8/9 - 0 miles. Rest day.
    8/10 - 10.0 miles. That's my longest ever ride. I've done 10 miles before, but split in two. It was also my fastest ride, averaging 11.8mph. It was hard. I am a wimp. That is okay.
    8/11 - 4.4 miles. Had to cut my route short because I was again attacked by dogs. Got my leg pretty good. The really scary thing about it is that since I'd never seen those dogs before on that route, they scared the crap out of me and I turned my bike such that if there had been a car coming from either direction (50 mph speed limit road), I would have been dead. I cannot ride fast enough to out-run the dogs. I almost cried. :(
    8/12 - 6 miles (another new route).
    8/13 - 4.9 miles between storms (barely got home in time).
    8/14 - 7.5 miles (took neighbor with me for the first 2 miles, then on my own).
    8/15 - 3.3 miles (short ride cuz I had to mow too).
    8/16 - 0 miles. Mowed instead. Finally found out that the dog that bit me is up to date on shots.
    8/17 - 0 miles. Too fatigued.
    8/18 - 0 miles. 45 minutes of mowing soggy yard instead.
    8/19 - 2.5 miles in the dark. Way too many bugs at night on rural route. Ewww.
    8/20 - 5.9 miles. I felt sluggish, but the numbers tell me I did okay.
    8/21 - 5.9 miles.
    8/22 - 6.3 miles.
    8/23 - 5.2 miles. Would have liked to go a little more, but I rode faster than usual and it was 92 degrees outside.
    8/24 - 0 miles. Stormy day.
    8/25 - 8.2 miles. Longest ride since the dog bite (still healing). I felt sluggish, but still managed to average 10.3 mph which is satisfactory for me. Saw two dead snakes along the way. Ewww.
    8/26 - 0 miles. Mowed instead.
    8/27 - 1 mile. Haha. I mowed instead.
    8/28 - 0 miles. Happy Birthday, meeeeeeeee.
    8/29 - 6.5 miles.

    Goal = 100 miles.
    Accomplished MTD = 111.1 miles.
    Remaining miles = 0. Goal reached on 8/25.
  • sajeffe
    sajeffe Posts: 850 Member
    Last August I rode for 893 miles which was by far a personal best for me, had quite a few months off my bike over the last year as I suffered a breakdown and only wanted to stay in bed for weeks at a time and I spent a few weeks in and out of hospital after trying to take my life on 4 separate occasions. Two months ago I decided to try riding again to rebuild my self esteem and although I found it difficult at times I started being able to put together a few decent length rides, this month I did my first 100 mile ride and today I went past my goal of 900 miles and for the first in in a year I have something to be proud of. I must say a massive thank you to Cricket Kate for starting these threads every month as it really helps on the wet and windy days to get back in the saddle when all you want to do is curl up in a ball and sleep!! :flowerforyou:
    35 Activities
    917.37 mi
    69:04:53 h:m:s
    Elevation Gain:
    25,177 ft
    Avg Speed:
    13.3 mph
    Avg HR:
    126 bpm
    62,058 C
    Max Distance:
    100.12 mi
    Bring on September :smile:

    You are amazing. That is all.
  • reggiepe
    reggiepe Posts: 146 Member
    8/1 - 8.46 miles
    8/2 - 8.61 miles
    8/3 - 8.41 miles
    8/4 - 9.35 miles
    8/5 - 8.48 miles
    8/6 - 8.41 miles
    8/7 - 14.38 miles
    8/8 - 14.58 miles
    8/9 - 12.84 miles
    8/10 - 0 miles
    8/11 - 13.80 miles
    8/12 - 10.72 miles
    8/13 - 9.12 miles
    8/14 - 9.87 miles
    8/15 - 0.0 miles
    8/16 - 9.12 miles
    8/17 - 9.47 miles
    8/18 - 0.0 miles
    8/19 - 7.39 miles
    8/20 - 9.28 miles
    8/21 - 0.0 miles
    8/22 - 9.3 miles
    8/23 - 7.41 miles
    8/24 - 10.06 miles
    8/25 - 8.42 miles
    8/26 - 10.06 miles
    8/27 - 3.94 miles
    8/27 - 0.0 miles
    8/28 - 10.33 miles

    Goal - 200 miles
    MTD - 231.71 miles
    YTD - 554.12 miles
  • m1xm0d3
    m1xm0d3 Posts: 1,576 Member
    8/01 - 12.57
    8/02 - 12.40
    8/03 - 12.11
    8/04 - 13.08 (AM)
    8/04 - 06.71 (PM)
    8/05 - 23.10
    8/06 - 12.06 [42:52 @ 16.9 mph]
    8/07 - 06.18 [22:51 @ 16.2 mph] (AM)
    8/07 - 10.18 [36:59 @ 16.5 mph] (Noon)
    8/07 - 12.03 [43:59 @ 16.4 mph] (PM)
    8/08 - 06.24 [26:21 @ 14.2 mph] (AM)
    8/08 - 10.24 [37:06 @ 16.6 mph] (Noon)
    8/09 - 12.02 [43:19 @ 16.7 mph]
    8/12 - 06.18 [23:11 @ 16.0 mph] (AM)
    8/12 - 09.74 [36:28 @ 16.0 mph] (Noon)
    8/12 - 12.07 [43:59 @ 16.5 mph] (PM)
    8/13 - 06.22 [25:00 @ 14.9 mph] (AM)
    8/13 - 10.12 [38:32 @ 15.8 mph] (Noon)
    8/14 - 06.18 [21:15 @ 17.5 mph] (AM)
    8/14 - 10.15 [39:06 @ 15.6 mph] (Noon)
    8/14 - 12.12 [43:09 @ 16.8 mph] (PM)
    8/16 - 8/24 ***VACATION***
    8/25 - 08.34 [33:27 @ 15.0 mph] (PM)
    8/26 - 12.09 [43:27 @ 16.7 mph] (PM)
    8/27 - 06.15 [23:00 @ 16.1 mph] (AM)
    8/27 - 10.12 [38:11 @ 15.9 mph] (Noon)
    8/27 - 07.24 [27:00 @ 16.0 mph] (PM)
    8/28 - 12.09 [42:25 @ 17.1 mph] (Noon)
    8/28 - 08.17 [28:42 @ 17.1 mph] (PM)
    8/29 - 12.04 [45:28 @ 15.9 mph] (PM)

    MTD - 297.94
    GOAL - 300
  • IronPhyllida
    IronPhyllida Posts: 533 Member
    1st Aug - 34.72 miles
    2nd Aug - 21.12 miles
    3rd Aug - day off
    4th Aug - day off
    5th Aug - 34.61 miles
    6th Aug - 34.78 miles
    7th Aug - 34.66 miles
    8th Aug - 34.80 miles
    9th Aug - 34.67 miles
    10th Aug - day off
    11th Aug - day off
    12th Aug - 34.65 miles
    13th Aug - 34.68 miles
    14th Aug - 34.72 miles
    15th Aug - run 10k
    16th Aug - run 5k
    17th Aug - swim 1.5k
    18th Aug - swim 1.75k
    19th Aug - 34.73 miles
    20th Aug - 34.77 miles
    21st Aug - 34.66 miles
    22nd Aug - run 10k
    23rd Aug - REST
    24th Aug - Gym
    25th Aug - Swim
    26th Aug - REST
    27th Aug - 34.69 miles + 1750m swim
    28th Aug - run
    29th Aug - 34.67 miles
    30th Aug - 17.39 miles

    Total: 524.62 miles
    Target: 500 miles
    Remaining: +24.62 miles *** target reached 29th Aug somewhere on my way home ***

    Well I never thought I'd be doing that many miles, this Challenge is great!! Don't think I'll get to this mileage again but I'll come back to it and tell my grandchildren all about it.... With Violins playing in the background and a tear in my eye.... OK OK OK a bit over the top.... Woop woop....
  • IronPhyllida
    IronPhyllida Posts: 533 Member
    Happy Birthday :) and congrats on completing your goal
    Happy Birthday sajeffe!!

    Thank you both! I pigged out at Red Lobster. Then got on here and saw that I ate 4000mg of sodium. Ugh!! :smile:
    Who cares about Sodium......?! It was the enjoyment of eating the Lobster that matters :love: :flowerforyou: :drinker:
  • IronPhyllida
    IronPhyllida Posts: 533 Member
    Feeling a little mentally sluggish right now. I've been struggling with a bike related (I think) problem and I thought, "I'll have to discuss that with the guys at the bike store when I go get my bike fixed (I broke the stem and can't pump it up)." Then I remembered that I have a wonderful community of cyclers right here that I can talk to. Over the last few weeks, I have been experiencing weakness in my left hand, specifically my thumb. After having blood pressure problems last summer, I was beginning to think that I was having a stoke. Weird, since I have very low blood pressure and am only 29ish. So I googled and came upon a term, Cyclers Palsy. It referrs to weakness or numbness in the hands caused by the wrist compressing the nerves while gripping handle bars. Have any of you experienced this and, if so, how did you treat it?
    I always wear gloves, used not to but it definitely helps with the palms of your hand re pressure etc. Worth getting some. Mine are a bit smelly by now (I do wash them!), but wouldnt ride without them. For winter I've got some mega uber padded ones which should have heaters in each finger but they've got padding for the palms as well, LOVELY....
  • IronPhyllida
    IronPhyllida Posts: 533 Member
    In addition to gregsonevans's suggestions, also try cycling gloves if you haven't been using them. I like the IronMan ones.
    Have you done an IM or did you just buy the gloves........?!
  • IronPhyllida
    IronPhyllida Posts: 533 Member
    Monday I started to cycle to work 10km one way and back, one way took me 30 minuites. Tuesday and Wednessday the same.
    Today I had free and drove by bike to my boyfriend it took me 70 minuites and now I am feeling pretty good and I am proud of myself. You can do it.

    Riding to work is what got me cycling again after about 20 years away from it. I had about the same commute- 7 miles- and it was perfect. Then my office moved and it's 17 miles each way, so not so good. I'm still riding but not to work very often. It's a great way to fit exercise into your day though.
    Cycling to work is definitely the way forward. It makes me cycle and think that it's an hour of free exercise of me racing against myself (and the squirrels trying to race me). And the smug look on my face when I get to the station where the fat suits are waiting for the train... I've got a 13mile ride each way with another 3 miles in London, it was an eye opener and hope to keep it up with the cold months coming up.
    Well done all :drinker: :glasses:
  • Yogi_Carl
    Yogi_Carl Posts: 1,906 Member
    Riding to work here as well - an 8 mile one way on country lanes. Early morning I hardly ever see traffic - a great way to start the day.
  • TRD66
    TRD66 Posts: 310 Member
    I use mine for cycling to work and back, five days a week. It's a 10 and a half mile round trip, less then 20 on the way in and just over on the way back ('coz of the hills!!).

    It's nice and quiet in the morning - I leave the house about 5.45 - and i enjoy it at that time. The way back is a bit more frantic, I'm in and about the city centre so lights, taxis and buses make it all interesting.

    Now if I could just get the bike to work properly........seriously, it's jinxed :sad:
  • IronPhyllida
    IronPhyllida Posts: 533 Member
    I use mine for cycling to work and back, five days a week. It's a 10 and a half mile round trip, less then 20 on the way in and just over on the way back ('coz of the hills!!).

    It's nice and quiet in the morning - I leave the house about 5.45 - and i enjoy it at that time. The way back is a bit more frantic, I'm in and about the city centre so lights, taxis and buses make it all interesting.

    Now if I could just get the bike to work properly........seriously, it's jinxed :sad:
    So it's the bike that isnt working properly... Or......?!:noway: :laugh: :tongue: :bigsmile: