Two piece bathing suits (bikinis) on women with stretch marks...



  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,626 Member
    wear what you feel good in. regardless of what a random rebel circus article on facebook says :/ i have stretch marks, i wear bikinis. in fact, nearly EVERY woman has stretch marks SOMEWHERE.
  • frankiesgirlie
    frankiesgirlie Posts: 669 Member
    edited January 2018
    Who decides this *kitten*? First off, beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. Confidence is a sexy thing. I wish I had that confidence when I was 19 with a perfect body who wore a darn towel around my waist at the pool or beach. Waste of effort & time. Be happy with you & forget what some idiot on the internet thinks.
    Oops. Aren’t we on the internet??
  • svel713
    svel713 Posts: 141 Member
    I'm at an athletic body fat % and I still have stretch marks. Hasn't stopped me from bikini wear.

    I've never been told anything to my face negative about it.

    Just do what you want. Stretch marks may fade a bit with weight loss, but they never go away.
  • wizzybeth
    wizzybeth Posts: 3,578 Member
    I was honestly shocked at some of the responses. I’m only 20, but I have pretty bad stretch marks from my first pregnancy. They’ll never go away, and I’m okay with that. I just didn’t realize so many people thought they were disgusting. It’s pretty unfortunate. I never questioned wearing a bikini until I saw that post.

    Why does an opinion of random strangers on the internet bother you?

    Because to many people, that translates into "This is what people on the beach will think of me if I wear a bikini this summer."

    Just like the people on the "gym" threads say they won't every go to a gym because of the judgmental attitudes they see from the posters (who are, to be fair, mocking someone they saw at the gym in some way or other).

    It's like a survey - a random sampling of a small subset of people somehow "speaks" for "most people".
  • elisa123gal
    elisa123gal Posts: 4,321 Member
    Fashion is personal ... it is a statement. When a fat woman wears a bikini and lets it all hang out She's telling the world who she is.. when a fat woman wears a black full one piece with good support and wears a sarong. She's telling the world who she is.
    my mom was fat...she never went anywhere, she never went to a beach...she never dressed up for a party. She never got the chance to tell the world who she was.

    Wear what the f you want. ..and live your life.
  • whosshe
    whosshe Posts: 597 Member
    edited January 2018
    jemhh wrote: »
    Literally every full grown woman will have a stretch mark or two. This is stupid.

    I think most full grown men do too. At least from what I've seen. They just tend to have hair that camouflage the marks a bit.

    People can wear what they want and it doesn't bother me as long as it's appropriate attire for the venue. I have a really hard time with swimsuits (literal tears nearly every time I have to wear one.) If somebody has one that she likes and feels good wearing, I am absolutely thrilled for her.

    I don't see many men wearing two-piece bathing suits tho lol so apparently they are safe from judgement.
  • BetterInTheFall
    BetterInTheFall Posts: 16 Member
    Sometimes people suck. Rock the bikini.
  • justkeeprunning91
    justkeeprunning91 Posts: 96 Member
    I spent the first 25 years of my life being overweight or obese and never "could" wear a bikini like all the other girls my age growing up (I put could in quotes because I realize now that I could have, but for various reasons felt it wasn't allowed). So, last summer, when I was finally at a healthy weight, I wore a bikini on the beach, stretch marks, excess skin, and all. I fought to lose 90 lbs and nobody will take that away from me. No, my body doesn't look like it would if I had been a healthy weight growing up and as a young adult, but that's not my story. And in a way I'm glad that's not my story because I've been forced to grow and change and fight for what I wanted. Wearing that bikini was a big moment for me, and I'm sure there were people who thought I shouldn't be wearing it. Their problem, not mine.

    As a side note, to the moms who have stretch marks from pregnancies, you are all awesome and your stretch marks are nothing to be ashamed of. Your body literally made another human life and that's insanely cool.
  • daniip_la
    daniip_la Posts: 678 Member
    Before the stretch marks came along from being overweight, I had (and obviously still have) stretch marks on my the insides of my elbows, knees, and even on the tops of my shoulders. I grew ridiculously fast as a kid, and didn’t stop until I hit 6’. I have to wonder if those people would expect those marks to be covered all the time.

    Let people think what they want. You do you and ignore them.