Slimfast, anyone else doing it?



  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,565 Member
    i was told once when yr running a cal deficit u have to get used to feeling hungary and make friends with that feeling lol

    I never feel hungry on a deficit. I eat the items that satisfy me.

    OP, why not start with the "clean eating" now? And even if you want a soda or a cupcake, just work it into your calories.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    i was told once when yr running a cal deficit u have to get used to feeling hungary and make friends with that feeling lol

    Not really.............

    There is proper nutrition that helps you stay full longer. There is also an appropriate calorie deficit.

    Is it a complete and utter disaster that we feel hunger now & then? No, of course not. But picking an appropriate weight loss goal, and finding the combination of foods that are filling go a long way to mitigate hunger. Slim Fast is poor nutrition. The glass of milk, an apple and a multi vitamin comment from @sijomial was correct. OP can do so much better nutrition wise.
  • shadowofender
    shadowofender Posts: 786 Member
    TeaBea wrote: »
    i was told once when yr running a cal deficit u have to get used to feeling hungary and make friends with that feeling lol

    Not really.............

    There is proper nutrition that helps you stay full longer. There is also an appropriate calorie deficit.

    Is it a complete and utter disaster that we feel hunger now & then? No, of course not. But picking an appropriate weight loss goal, and finding the combination of foods that are filling go a long way to mitigate hunger. Slim Fast is poor nutrition. The glass of milk, an apple and a multi vitamin comment from @sijomial was correct. OP can do so much better nutrition wise.

    I also find there is a big difference between actual hunger and my brain saying "You're hungry you need to eat something now"'s a lot of work for me to figure out true hunger vs wanting to eat. If that makes sense. For me, a shake wouldn't be worth it because if I don't chew my food I have a much harder time sorting out real hunger from brain hunger and it makes me insane.
  • Thr33N1N3
    Thr33N1N3 Posts: 39 Member
    kr31lly615 wrote: »
    Hi, I'm Kelly. I'm 31 & sugary treats/soda are my downfall! I'm on the slim fast diet right now. I just started it. My goal is to use this to train myself not to cheat and to stick with it, then cycle in clean eating to replace the shakes. I'm worried I will fail since there is no accountability for this diet. There is no one to say, "Hey, put that soda down or don't eat that cupcake!". Lol. I was just wondering if anyone else was on this diet and had the same fears.

    Hi Kelly. I only remember my parents putting me on Slim Fast when I was a teen. Oh man I was so hungry I would sneak food in the middle of the night. I don't want to see you put yourself through anything extreme that would waste your time, and make you lose your motivation, so in my opinion I don't think Slim Fast would be a good idea. Have you tried replacing sugary sodas with diets? I had to get used to the taste and finally they taste close to the originals. I started with diet root beer because it hid most of the aftertaste than the others for me. The thing I found that works for me is to keep my fats and proteins high and I get hungry less often. I hope you find what works for you.
  • Barfly57
    Barfly57 Posts: 333 Member
    If you really want a shake, though, try a scoop of chocolate whey protein in 8 oz almond milk: about 160 calories, ~25 grams protein, very low carbs/fat. And it makes a great cafe mocha!
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    i was told once when yr running a cal deficit u have to get used to feeling hungary and make friends with that feeling lol

  • wizzybeth
    wizzybeth Posts: 3,578 Member
    edited January 2018
    Learning to eat properly will be a much better "test" for you. :)

    MFP makes it easy by telling you what goals you should have for various nutrients. When I pay attention, and follow MFP faithfully - I lose weight and I am satisfied ESPECIALLY if I meet my protein and fat goals! (And fiber). However, the "emotional" part of it is the hard part to overcome. No food plan or shakes will overcome that.

    YOU have to face that dragon head on yourself. When you are tempted to "eat" because you feel stressed/sad/lonely/angry - you have to tell yourself - food will not solve this. Are there other methods you can use to deal with that emotional turmoil? Deep breathing, meditating, a hobby, distracting yourself with a glass of water, going for a walk (or pacing a room or marching in place if you can't go outside for whatever reason).

    How are you sleeping? For many people, getting sufficient sleep is helpful to overcoming emotional (and health) issues.

    Sometimes I give in when I "want to" eat something I don't need or will put me over budget. I can adjust my calories the next day for it by exercising more, eating less the next day, etc. But I try to talk myself off that ledge too. Asking myself if the calories are worth it, telling myself to drink a glass of water instead, choosing a low cal snack like sliced apples or some veggies....

    A lot of our food habits are that - HABITS - it's easy to fall back into old habits and HARD to break them with new ones. Slim Fast shakes are only a band aid - you need to re-train your brain to have a healthy relationship with food. I'm trying to do that now - one more time - lol. I had done well before but then I fell off the wagon and did NOT even TRY to get back on until I lost so much time and gained so many pounds. Ugh. It's not the food - it's ME.
  • mutley1971
    mutley1971 Posts: 43 Member
    Ive got 4x1week starter packs to kick start jan, add me as a friend if you like