Precision Nutrition

Has anyone here tried Precision Nutrition coaching before?


  • RuNaRoUnDaFiEld
    RuNaRoUnDaFiEld Posts: 5,864 Member
    They just take your money, ask anything you like on here and posters will help you for free.

  • Ann262
    Ann262 Posts: 266 Member
    They just take your money, ask anything you like on here and posters will help you for free.

  • toxikon
    toxikon Posts: 2,383 Member
    They have some decent articles but there's no way in hell I'd pay someone money to tell me what to eat.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    I think it's better to figure out for yourself how to have a good sustainable diet as opposed to having someone else do it for you.
  • cs2thecox
    cs2thecox Posts: 533 Member
    edited January 2018
    I mostly just like their infographics ;)

    But I find my personal trainer SUPER helpful in giving me structure and accountability, despite the fact I totally *could* come up with a weights programme on my own.
    So I guess nutrition coaching could be similar if you're struggling on your own.

    (If nothing else, it might show you what DOESN'T work for you which frankly can be just as useful. I did the Joe Wicks 90 day thing a few years ago, and that was pretty eye opening for me in terms of what I found unsustainable and unpleasant, just as much as showing me a few good things that I've carried forward.)
  • Dnarules
    Dnarules Posts: 2,081 Member
    edited January 2018
    Don't pay to be told what to eat. Most people know what and how much to eat, we are just overwhelmed by tips and advice and rules. Don't feed that monster. Use MFP as it's designed, (pre)log your meals and hit your target(s) every day, that is where the magic starts.

    I am not a PN coach. They do not tell you what to eat. Their lessons are built around building sustainable habits. I've been doing it since September, and not once have they provided a meal plan. There are lessons centered around protein sources, carb sources, fat sources, etc, and there are habits encouraging adding these to your meals.

    I currently combine PN with MFP because I lost weight fine with MFP in 2012/2013. Then I gained it all back. So I am working on the habits part. But I do log calories. It absolutely is not for everyone, and you can get the same thing here with research and consistency, but I am finding it helpful.
  • Katiebear_81
    Katiebear_81 Posts: 719 Member
    I use Black Iron Nutrition coaching services. I like having someone to talk to about what my goal are and how we'll get there. I like that they help me navigate whether I'm feeling too hungry, or whether my training at the gym is suffering or succeeding because I'm fueling myself properly. I like checking in with someone, it helps keep me accountable and keeps me on the right track because I will have to tell someone what my weight/measurements are, and what I've been eating. Value of a coaching service will vary from person to person.

    So if you think you'd find a service like that valuable, OP, then try it. I don't know if the particular service you're looking at has a contract, but you could commit to working the system for 3 months and then decide if it was worth it or not. If it isn't, then stop. If it is worth it, then continue.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    My understanding is that is it nutrition coaching and fitness coaching...not really telling you to eat this or that, but coaching on proper nutrition and development of healthy habits. Given that many people are not at all well versed in nutritional knowledge, I could see this being a good value...much like taking classes to learn something rather than just winging it and trying to learn on your own. If money isn't an issue, it could be a good way to learn.
  • nowine4me
    nowine4me Posts: 3,985 Member
    You might want to check what services your insurance provides. I dug in and learned that I have free counseling with a dietician. My goal was to have someone review my diet and see what I’m missing.

    But, If you are a nutrition novice, it may be helpful to have someone help create meal plans.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    Dnarules wrote: »
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    I think it's better to figure out for yourself how to have a good sustainable diet as opposed to having someone else do it for you.

    But you actually do it yourself in PN. The thing I have found most useful are the daily lessons (every day but Saturday). In the beginning the lessons centered around determining why and when you overeat. We didn't even get to nutrition until several weeks later. There is a worksheet you can use after a really bad eating day (overeating) that helps you pinpoint what circumstances may have lead it. They do encourage keeping a food log short term at one point to help identify which foods/meals may be working for you, and which do not. They encourage you to add good sources of protein, vegetables, and complex carbs to your meals.

    I am not encouraging anyone to spend money on this. I'm just trying to correct what I think are misconceptions. They don't tell you what to eat. They give guidelines.

    First, I totally admit that I am kind of biased on this, and I'm not entirely sure where it's coming from.

    However, I am not assuming hat they give you a specific meal plan (I did think they probably gave you macros or the like or some structure, and if they are encouraging you to add protein, veg, and complex carbs they are -- and wouldn't someone already know to do that?).

    The kinds of things you mention are the things I have worked on on my own, and find important, but in my head -- and again this may not make actual sense -- it seems valuable to figure those things out on one's own (or I should say "on my own") vs. having someone else do it (based on their own preconceptions).

    For example, I think structure is important for eating, and figured out that for me eating three meals, not snacking, seems to work. I sort of intuitively realized that eating meals structured around protein, vegetables, and some starch (but that can vary a lot based on calorie goal) plus some healthy fat as accent works well. Someone else telling me how to structure a meal is something I react against, it seems like I wouldn't learn that way but just do it without understanding why it works, the underlying point.

    Same with things like seeing how foods work or not -- good advice, but isn't that what one does with MFP, normally? Look at how things go and make changes?

    When I first started MFP, I journaled about eating and stopped and I should probably go back to it (it was helpful for a while and I've been struggling with emotional eating again).

    For some reason those things seem sensible and good, but as soon as they become someone else telling me what to do it feels like it would be "one size fits all" and substituting someone else's judgment for my own.

    Like I said, this may not make sense, as I have no issue with the idea of following a preset strength training program as a starting point or being taught how to structure my own from someone else vs. figuring it all out from the beginning. I really am not sure why the idea of selling "how to plan your diet" seems so wrong to me, except that that basics do strike me as really simple and the rest needs to be personal (IMO) to be workable.

    Some do better following plans, probably, whereas other people's plans often make me feel rebellious (even if my own plan is really conventional and similar to standard nutrition advice, heh).
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    edited January 2018
    Anyway, because I am sorry to derail this, I think whether it is valuable would depend on what you have tried and what you are seeking. IMO, many people may do better focusing on learning it for themselves, but there probably are those who would find it helpful, either because they find it a more efficient way to learn things or need accountability to another person.

    I do think at least trying to work it out for yourself can be really valuable and people shouldn't assume they need someone else to tell them how to eat, and that's my fear, that people think it's harder than it is and that services like PN make money from that assumption (but I think the personal trainer example was a good one so I'm trying not to be quite so biased against it).
  • Dnarules
    Dnarules Posts: 2,081 Member
    edited January 2018
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    Dnarules wrote: »
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    I think it's better to figure out for yourself how to have a good sustainable diet as opposed to having someone else do it for you.

    But you actually do it yourself in PN. The thing I have found most useful are the daily lessons (every day but Saturday). In the beginning the lessons centered around determining why and when you overeat. We didn't even get to nutrition until several weeks later. There is a worksheet you can use after a really bad eating day (overeating) that helps you pinpoint what circumstances may have lead it. They do encourage keeping a food log short term at one point to help identify which foods/meals may be working for you, and which do not. They encourage you to add good sources of protein, vegetables, and complex carbs to your meals.

    I am not encouraging anyone to spend money on this. I'm just trying to correct what I think are misconceptions. They don't tell you what to eat. They give guidelines.

    First, I totally admit that I am kind of biased on this, and I'm not entirely sure where it's coming from.

    However, I am not assuming hat they give you a specific meal plan (I did think they probably gave you macros or the like or some structure, and if they are encouraging you to add protein, veg, and complex carbs they are -- and wouldn't someone already know to do that?).

    The kinds of things you mention are the things I have worked on on my own, and find important, but in my head -- and again this may not make actual sense -- it seems valuable to figure those things out on one's own (or I should say "on my own") vs. having someone else do it (based on their own preconceptions).

    For example, I think structure is important for eating, and figured out that for me eating three meals, not snacking, seems to work. I sort of intuitively realized that eating meals structured around protein, vegetables, and some starch (but that can vary a lot based on calorie goal) plus some healthy fat as accent works well. Someone else telling me how to structure a meal is something I react against, it seems like I wouldn't learn that way but just do it without understanding why it works, the underlying point.

    Same with things like seeing how foods work or not -- good advice, but isn't that what one does with MFP, normally? Look at how things go and make changes?

    When I first started MFP, I journaled about eating and stopped and I should probably go back to it (it was helpful for a while and I've been struggling with emotional eating again).

    For some reason those things seem sensible and good, but as soon as they become someone else telling me what to do it feels like it would be "one size fits all" and substituting someone else's judgment for my own.

    Like I said, this may not make sense, as I have no issue with the idea of following a preset strength training program as a starting point or being taught how to structure my own from someone else vs. figuring it all out from the beginning. I really am not sure why the idea of selling "how to plan your diet" seems so wrong to me, except that that basics do strike me as really simple and the rest needs to be personal (IMO) to be workable.

    Some do better following plans, probably, whereas other people's plans often make me feel rebellious (even if my own plan is really conventional and similar to standard nutrition advice, heh).

    I feel like you're saying that the fact that this program is helping me means I am a sheep and I don't feel like figuring out myself. Nothing could be further from the truth. I learned a lot in 2012/2013 when I used mfp to lose weight. But I still ended up failing. So I'm trying this program with mfp to help solidify habits. The program has forced me to answer questions I hadn't even considered. I'm still doing the work.

    You're in these forums as much as I am, if not more. People struggle and have problems figuring things out all the time.

    And this isn't a preset eating plan. I don't know where people are getting that idea.