Is Keto any good?

DallyWest Posts: 5 Member
edited January 2018 in Health and Weight Loss
Hi anyone
Im using the macros to help lose weight (Ive uped my protein to help supress my appetite) but im wondering if I can use macros with the Keto diet?? Ive heard so many good reviews about Keto, but Im not familar with it. Thanks.


  • youngmomtaz
    youngmomtaz Posts: 1,075 Member
    Sure you can! Actually, you have to track macros in order to be successful on Keto. So, for full on Keto, you set your carb intake to 20-30ish grams of carbs. Set your protein for your body goals(iirc, .8-1.2gm/lb of lean body weight), and fill the rest in with fats. Monitor calorie intake and adjust according to weight loss, weight gain, or maintenance goals.
  • DallyWest
    DallyWest Posts: 5 Member
    This is really helpful. Thankyou both of you. I have a long way to go so this is useful.
  • abbefaria4
    abbefaria4 Posts: 46 Member
    People talk about the calorie deficit with respect to the keto diet, but what is the cause of the deficit. Is it that your appetite is suppressed so one naturally eats less calories? I've read an alternate theory that says it's very hard to find foods with the correct ration of fats to carbs so people just end up eating less. If so, the hunger pangs would likely make this diet hard to maintain. Does anyone have any experience with this diet or know of any research to shed light on this? Thanks.
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    abbefaria4 wrote: »
    People talk about the calorie deficit with respect to the keto diet, but what is the cause of the deficit. Is it that your appetite is suppressed so one naturally eats less calories? I've read an alternate theory that says it's very hard to find foods with the correct ration of fats to carbs so people just end up eating less. If so, the hunger pangs would likely make this diet hard to maintain. Does anyone have any experience with this diet or know of any research to shed light on this? Thanks.
    Choosing the right strategy is important, and I think finding out why things work or don't work, is interesting. Many diets are based on making eating hard or unpleasant (bland food, cutting out food groups, weird meal timing, food combining). I have always heard that keto is supposed to reduce appetite and cravings, and thus make it easier to not eat too much. But all sensible boundaries makes it easier to not eat too much. Reducing eating opportunities can be a sensible strategy, and not being able to eat anytime, anywhere is actually a sensible boundary for most people, not just ketoers. Too much hunger is absolutely a no-no in dieting, but hunger pangs is normal, and not a sign of imminent danger. You can still eat sufficiently on keto, but you have to plan your meals, and keto should make you feel full so you don't feel the urge to eat all the time. (I actually experience this just by sticking to a well-rounded diet.)
  • RuNaRoUnDaFiEld
    RuNaRoUnDaFiEld Posts: 5,864 Member
    It would not be good for me.

    I would be too worried that I wasn't getting enough vitamins and minerals as I don't eat offal except as pate. I also feel full from fibre.

    I just don't see why most people would choose to not eat a wide variety of fruit, veg.

    Each to their own but I don't think it is good.
  • DallyWest
    DallyWest Posts: 5 Member
    edited January 2018
    Hi all
    Thank you for this, although it feels somewhat of a mindfield.
    My previous dieting habits have been Weight Watchers and, ten years ago, I managed to lose 56ib/4 stone, which was great until I slowly started putting it back on, and some.
    I have since tried Weight Watchers (unsuccessful) and Slimming World (again unsuccessful).
    I'd recently contemplated doing Slimming World again (namely for group support) but I thought I would try looking at macros, and kcal intake in the first instance. However a friend of mine suggested Keto which I'm now open to looking at.
    My current situation: Im 5 foot 5. Very sedentary (I use to run a a lot and did crossfit but it's just too painful on my joints at the moment).
    I'm gluten intolerant and now, due to increased weight, have become insulin resistant.
    I'd like to get to a healthy weight before looking at muscle mass, that's the ultimate goal, but for now I need to get my lifestyle in check, which means losing 70ib/5 stone (this will be a journey).
    I fill myself up on carbs so I'm under no illusion that reducing this is probably going to be unsustainable.
    I currently set my macros to 125p 75f and 205c This leaves me just shy of 2000kcal per day (a lot less than my current circa 3500 per day).
    If anyone has any tips then I will be ultimately greatful. As above, this feels like a minefield!

  • DallyWest
    DallyWest Posts: 5 Member
    canhamd wrote: »
    Personally, Keto has been amazing for me. I've always been a binge eater and couldn't stick with most diets I tried. I began Keto in October at 361lbs and now I'm at ~315. I can eat at a huge calorie deficit and can fast with ease. I feel as I have a lot more constant energy and just feel overall better. This isn't necessarily a good thing, as now I have to make sure I consume enough nutrients to keep me healthy, but I'd rather make sure I'm getting the vitamins/minerals my body needs than binge eating high sugary foods.

    There's more than one way to skin a cat, and for me, that was keto. I don't exercise, but I plan to incorporate it soon once the January rush is over at the gym. I personally really enjoy the science behind it all and find it crazy just how much sugar is out there.

    If you have any questions please feel free to shoot me a message or continue on the conversation. I've had great success with it, but like most people, to each there own. This to me is very sustainable and has gave me a lot of control over my food. When I get to my goal weight, who knows, I might move back to a standard diet, but probably not, because my energy and attitude is very comfortable right where I'm at.

    Also, you get to eat a lot of bacon, so that's pretty cool.

    Ive just seen this. Binge eating has been a huge problem for me. The reduction in carbs is my concern
  • ritzvin
    ritzvin Posts: 2,860 Member
    abbefaria4 wrote: »
    People talk about the calorie deficit with respect to the keto diet, but what is the cause of the deficit. Is it that your appetite is suppressed so one naturally eats less calories? I've read an alternate theory that says it's very hard to find foods with the correct ration of fats to carbs so people just end up eating less. If so, the hunger pangs would likely make this diet hard to maintain. Does anyone have any experience with this diet or know of any research to shed light on this? Thanks.

    I think if it does work past the intial water weight whoosh, then a lot of it probably comes down to how awful most people are at portioning out carby/starchy things like pasta, rice, cereal, etc. It's extremely common for people to buy a food scale and then realize that they have been eating 3+ portions of these items without ever realizing it.
  • megs_1985
    megs_1985 Posts: 199 Member
    edited January 2018
  • SueMizzou52
    SueMizzou52 Posts: 31 Member
    There is a group on MFP for people living the low carb lifestyle. It is a private group but if you ask, they will provide access. Low Carb Daily Forum is worth your time.