Roughly 100 lbs GONE no longer type 2 diabetic



  • TravisJHunt
    TravisJHunt Posts: 533 Member
    Kudos, great job!
  • pogiguy05
    pogiguy05 Posts: 1,583 Member
    Awesome results and I always have to ask for comparison reasons how tall are you? I am 5'10" and currently 212lbs and would like to get myself to 170-180lbs.
  • Montco82
    Montco82 Posts: 1 Member
    Awesome stuff! I’m around 315 and recently found out I am T2. So this is super inspiring to say the least.
  • GrokRockStar
    GrokRockStar Posts: 2,938 Member
    @GrokRockStar Thank you very much, your message inspires me too, it truly does. Check out those prescriptions I mentioned, read about them, and see if they might be something that could help and then talk to your doctor. One thing I did along the journey was I went to pretty low carb, high lean proteins, and low to moderate amounts of good fats. But now I dont keep the carbs down at 20grams per day, I have oatmeal for breakfast, and jasmine rice before working out with say some boneless skinless chicken breast, peas n carrots, put in a little garlic and a bit of soy sauce, and then after 2pm or 3pm no carbs other than green veggies. I now stay around 120 ish carbs a day, but back when I was losing and working on making sure my sugar levels were stable and good I was around 20-30 carbs. But I think you could work with more but mainly keep the carbs to green veggies after 3pm, we diabetics just dont process carbs well so we only need them during the day for a bit of energy and hormones to function correctly. I know its hard, but I believe you can beat this. Let it be your WHY and each day wake up and say I WILL BEAT THIS, I WILL NOT FAIL. :)
    Thank you for sharing additional tools and insight, You’ve triggered motivation in me!

    As on Monday, 1/15, I started eating low carb paleo and my carb count is between 25 and 35g. Since then, I have dropped 5 pounds (likely water, but I’ll take it!), and without meds. My Blood Sugar after meals is within a normal range!!! My FBS is about 30 above normal, and I expect it to reach normal soon.
    Today is day 7 of consistently eating clean and healthy. I eat mostly greens and veggies throughout the day, with added fats, and moderate meats.

    I’m so excited to see this through as a lifestyle change. I eat more veggies than I have my entire life!

    I owe my reboot to you and your post, I am truly grateful!!!
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