Having an issue at work, could use some advice!



  • CandelLife
    CandelLife Posts: 127 Member
    Zumba is dance exercise... there should only be 5 - 10 minutes needed to be able to be there before the students arrive and leave after they do. Perhaps she is just wanting to warm up alone before they get there? Have you ever "spied" to see what she is using that time for? LOL...
  • amberrea82
    amberrea82 Posts: 232 Member
    Fight to the death! But seriously, talk to the boss. Just bring it up as casually as possible.
  • justlistening
    justlistening Posts: 249 Member
    I would suggest moving whatever items you will be using that evening to the empty room (and of course back again). Zumba won't be using any of that stuff. If you can get a pm class together then I would bring it up to the boss because then several people will need that equipment.
  • labeachgirl
    labeachgirl Posts: 158 Member
    If the PM is a high traffic time and those "toys" are what sets them apart from another gym (I don't remember seeing tires in my gym), not having access to the toys in the PM could be a turn off. And not everyone is vocal, they just vocalize it going to another gym.
  • jensen1226
    I would have your clients complain about it cause for one they are paying money for training and if you can't use equipment that you use for the training then they aren't getting there money worth for training.
  • SPNLuver83
    SPNLuver83 Posts: 2,050 Member
    Thank you everyone so much for the insight and advice!
  • jayrae87
    jayrae87 Posts: 36 Member
    If they're not using the equipment in that room, then why is that room so special to her? Just because it was remodeled?

    I would say go directly to her. Going to talk with her husband about it "behind her back" as she would probably see it (you said she was aggressive) would probably make things uncomfortable. Is it possible to get the equipment you need moved to another space?
  • jayrae87
    jayrae87 Posts: 36 Member
    If you DO talk to her, express that you're getting negative feedback from your clients on the situation and that as a new professional, it's important that they are comfortable with you. This situation reflects directly upon you. Hopefully she understands.
  • MyJourney1960
    MyJourney1960 Posts: 1,133 Member
    i find that what bosses like are when you come up with a creative solution, not just a problem. and first - the boss should know about this. whether he is afraid of his wife or not.

    figure out a number of possible solutions - move the tractor tires to another room (=cost?), rennovate the room where the zumba class is being held now so that it is to the instructor's liking (=cost?), split the time, etc. - and present it to the boss in that way.