Any other ladies 5'4 and 140-145 lbs?



  • HealthyBodySickMind
    HealthyBodySickMind Posts: 1,207 Member
    height: 5' 4.75"

    current weight: 118 lb

    goal weight: anywhere from 110 to 120 lbs; approaching the high end with a little less than a month left on my bulk cycle

    how many calories you eat a day: goal is 2225 on lifting days and 1825 on nonlifting days; actual has been 2218 per day on average since I began a slow bulk on Halloween

    how much you exercise/what types of exercises you do: Monday/Wednesday/Friday are Strong Curves lower body only routine; Tuesdays are overhead press and deadlift; Thursdays are bench and squat

    Life is exercise with a preschooler. The lifting just keeps me in shape to handle it all.
  • robingmurphy
    robingmurphy Posts: 349 Member
    edited January 2018
    height: 5'5"
    current weight: 145
    goal weight: 130
    how many calories you eat a day: 1600-1900. I aim for about 1/2 lb loss a week. I'm into slow, steady, sustainable loss.
    how much you exercise: 40min-60min a day
    what types of exercises you do: Right now, Mon is 45 min bootcamp, Tue and Thur is jog 3 mi, Wed and Sat is 45-60 min workout on Fitness Blender Website, Fri is hot yoga 45 min, Sun is BUTI Yoga 60 min. I try to burn about 300 cal a day through exercise. If I miss a workout one day, I go for a long walk instead.
  • claire52975
    claire52975 Posts: 21 Member
    GW: 119lbs
    Eating 1,200 (very roughly) I'm struggling eating this little, so if I weigh myself this weekend and I've lost more than 1lb this week, I'm going to increase my allowance.
    Not really exercising, I walk to work and walk for a couple of hours at the weekend currently.
    -- Feel free to add! Ideally people who have open access diarys!
  • NickyLosesWeight
    NickyLosesWeight Posts: 9 Member
    height: I'm 5'4 1/2
    current weight: 154 pounds (whoops!)
    goal weight: I want to be 115lbs
    how many calories you eat a day: I try to eat 1200 but with the diet I'm on right now it's closer to 1000, but somedays I slip up and have 2,000 a day. Still working on it.
    how much you exercise: I walk about 5-8 miles a day
    what types of exercises you do: I walk. I work 10 hour days at a desk by I get up and walk while watching videos or reading. The time I'm off work I'm too tired to do anything else sometimes too tire to cook. I want to get back into running like I used to but I'll have to see if that's even doable.
  • roxskow
    roxskow Posts: 29 Member
    **Bikini Competitor**
    Height: 5'5"
    CW: 143lbs CBF%:26%
    GW: ~120lbs GBW%: ~14%
    Calories: carb cycling 1400-2000cals/day
    Exercise Frequency: 5-6x per week
    Training Regimen: Weight training 4x, yoga/active recovery 2x, 1x rest. Cardio only 15-20min 4x per week
  • roxskow
    roxskow Posts: 29 Member
    Also ditch the bf if he is shaming you for getting strong and healthy. I bet your "man legs" put his to shame. LADIES SHOULD BE WEIGHT TRAINING!!!!!!!!