Wish this was eaiser.



  • mom22dogs
    mom22dogs Posts: 470 Member
    edited January 2018
    ashlee_tx wrote: »
    So, I am a week in, Wed-Sat I lost 3 pounds, From sun-today, nothing. I am eating roughly 1200-1400 calories a day. I am drinking slim fast for breakfast and lunch, I have a 100 calorie snack in the afternoon then I have a larger dinner ( 600-750) I am also limiting diet soda for dinner and drinking about 90 oz of water a day . I am well below my grams for fats, carbs and proteins and even the percentage that MyFitnessPal wants. So I am not understanding what I am doing wrong. Is my dinner too many calories? I've tried eating lunch and my slim fast for dinner and just cant do it.
    By the time I get home I am hungry, but again I am calculating everything and I'm still not losing. According to myfitness pal I should be losing 2 pounds by just eating 1450.
    I have been walking during my lunch so I am burning around 200 calories or so. I may start working out at home to get a better calorie burned..but other than that?

    Fats, Carbs and protein grams given by MFP is what you need to be eating - they are minimums generally. You need to make sure you are eating what it tells you for fat, protein and carbs, or more, as long as you are still at your calorie goal, it's fine. That will help with satiety.
  • SolotoCEO
    SolotoCEO Posts: 293 Member
    You've lost 3 lbs in a week. That means you've exceeded the goal of 2 lbs. Weight loss is not linear. My trainer has to remind me that if I eat healthy (and at a deficit), get my exercise in, the weight will come off. Sometimes at .5 lbs a week, sometimes at 3 lbs. a week. This is a long-haul lifestyle. You can't gauge your success on a week.
  • KelGen02
    KelGen02 Posts: 668 Member
    while I am much older than you (48), I started at 260lbs like you...I ate like crap and was a couch potato. In the first 9 months I lost 72lbs... it was slow and steady, some weeks i didn't lose, others I gained but for the most part it was a steady loss. I have been on every diet known to man over the years, lose the weight gain it right back because "diets: are not sustainable. You want to lose weight and keep it off, you have to change your lifestyle all together. I changed what we ate, how I cooked, started exercising (that in itself was like a slow death to me because I have 2 herniated disk in my neck and 4 in my lower back as well as permanent joint damage) I started by making small changes every couple weeks until it just became part of my routine. Like me, you did not gain all that weight overnight or in a week or even over a few months you are not going to lose it overnight. There are no good or bad foods, there are simply foods and you can eat them all if you want to, just in moderation. You will find what is "worth" the calories to you and what's not, it differs for everyone. Do you plan on drinking two of your meals for the rest of your life? I would hope not... Like the above poster said, sustainability is key. losing weight is not a sprint, it is a marathon, a life long commitment. Patience and forgiveness goes a long way in a lifestyle change. I gained some weight over the holidays and that forgiveness is exactly the reason why I didn't give up all together... Good luck!
  • maybe1pe
    maybe1pe Posts: 529 Member
    I'm going to reiterate what others have said. Have patience.

    I lost 110 lbs in just under 3 years. Did I want it to go faster? of course I did. was it frustrating? heck yes it was. was the time going to pass by either way? yup.

    like others have said; focus on eating things you like, weighing everything, remember that lots of things can cause water retention.

    I personally started by walking a few times a week and eating the same things I always did just less. Over time my eating changed to manage my hunger levels.

    Really focus on making sustainable and long haul choices; one at a time, don't overhaul your life in a week. I can tell you from experience it likely won't last. For example: I can't vow to give up cake because I know that's not going to lead me to success I'm going to eat cake. BUT I CAN vow to eat cake less often, only a small slice for my birthday or my nieces birthdays. Something like that is more sustainable for me.
  • Ekoth1017
    Ekoth1017 Posts: 100 Member
    edited January 2018
    Seems like you’re doing good so far. It took me well over a month to lose 5 pounds.

    I’ve been trying to keep in mind that it took me 4 years to get as fat as I am now and that it’ll take as long to get it off and a lifetime to keep it off..
  • steveko89
    steveko89 Posts: 2,222 Member
    toxikon wrote: »
    The key here is to manage your expectations and create sustainable habits.

    ^Took the words right off my keyboard.

    As far as your weight loss rate, one week is not long enough to be concerned, weight loss won't be linear due to fluctuations in hydration, hormones, sodium intake, and other factors. If you elect to weigh yourself daily, use a trend app like Libra to analyze the data over time, not focus on day-to-day loss. As long as the trend is moving in the right direction, you're on the right track. Personally, I weigh myself daily and see routine peaks and valleys +/- 2lbs or more over my weekly averages. Definitely look at the sustainability of your nutrition and lifestyle choices since you're targeting to lose over 100lbs; though this goal is very achievable (there are numerous posts in the forums of people successfully losing this amount of weight), it will take time. Even if you're lucky/diligent enough to sustain a 2lb/week loss rate for the duration of weight loss (unlikely, especially as you get closer to your goal weight), it will still take a year to reach your target of 150. You need to gear your choices to a system to which you can adhere. Focusing on building healthy habits will also help you maintain your reduced weight and healthier lifestyle. Specifically regarding the slimfast shakes, some find that consuming liquid meals lack in satiety, which could be contributing to your hunger before dinner. Others (myself included) find that increasing protein and fat percentages over the MFP defaults improves satiety. All that said, it does come down to consistently eating at a caloric deficit, which you certainly have a grasp of. Keep hitting that calorie goal, make nutritional adjustments you can live with and you'll get where you want to be!

  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,423 Member
    Give it more time.
    I would generally say to wait a couple of weeks after making a change before evaluating how things are going- unless you are doing extreme things or experiencing negative health as a result of what you are doing.
    Be patient.

  • angmarie28
    angmarie28 Posts: 2,858 Member
    I agree to ditch the Slim Fast. A salad with some shrimp, chicken, or avocado will do a heck of a lot more to fill you up and it will give you much better nutrition. Plus, a real lunch may help you keep dinner to a more reasonable size, especially if you keep your afternoon snack in there.

    You're only a week in, and already frustrated. I'd say you need to revise your take on this. Sounds like you're going overboard with the changes, which means at some point, you won't be able to stick with them, and then you will probably gain back everything (if not more) than you've lost. Choose a couple smaller things to change, and start doing things you can keep up long term (Slim Fast is not a long term solution). Maybe substituting sparkling water for soda the first week. Then switch from ranch to balsamic vinaigrette the next week on your salad. Start measuring everything the following week. After that, start measuring and tracking everything.

    Smaller steps may not make things magically fall away at a too-fast rate, but they WILL help you get where you want to go and stay there.

    Start with some smaller changes, and give your body time to adjust.

    Also, when you are tracking, be sure to include things like sauces, dressings, cooking oils, toppings, or other things that are "added" to your food. I've had some sauces that could literally double the calories in a meal while adding very little substance.


    ditch the slim fast, are you going to drink slim fast for breakfast and lunch everyday for the rest of your life? doubt it, so dont. Now I used to drink it for breakfast, but that was on and off my diet, I likes it and it had some nutritional things in it I was lacking, and im not a breakfast eater, but it didnt work for me, so ive played around with some things and found what works well for me is this.

    I dont eat breakfast, it makes me more hungry, I occasionally have a light 100-150 calorie snack at 10, but usually not. I wait til noon, eat a lunch of about 400 calories, an afternoon snack of 100-200 calories and the rest at dinner.

    I made little changes to my meals like today I had chili and skipped the cornbread and cheese. sometimes I will have a salad and skip the croutons and use light ranch instead of regular. I no longer put creamer in my coffee. Making small changes in your regular eating habits can have a huge impact.

    And as everyone else said, be patient, weight fluctuates day to day. Friday I was 156.4, Monday I was 157.6, and Tuesday I was 156.6 and that was at the same time each day right after I got up.
  • lturner1120
    lturner1120 Posts: 6 Member
    Take before and after photos. They speak louder than numbers on the scale.
    also take measurements once a month, seeing visually that you’ve lost a half inch or an inch is also super rewarding.
    As long as you know your putting in the effort and not doing anything wrong. Staying within macros, and putting in some effort to exercise. Ditch the scale till maybe once a month weigh ins. My highest I was 230, it was a horrible process taking months. And gaining and losing after two babies. It’ll come, trust the process and be honest with yourself xoxo
  • wizzybeth
    wizzybeth Posts: 3,578 Member
    ashlee_tx wrote: »
    Perhaps I am being a little inpatient, No everything is measured and calculated according the labels. I am logging everything down to my gum and still..no difference. Maybe it just takes a little longer to see some sort of result. I just want to know that what I am doing is working.

    What do you mean, "no difference?" YOU LOST 3 LBS!!!

    I've been doing this steady for 15 days. I have lost 7 lbs (first week was mostly water weight, 2nd week was more modest at 2lbs loss.) I weigh myself daily and I have weighed the same for the past 3 days. I know that by the end of the week I will see a loss. Maybe not 2lbs though. Maybe it will just be 1 lb, and the following week I will lose 2.5 or 3.

    Just relax, keep logging and tracking - and I strongly suggest you ditch the slim fast and eat real food. Real, yummy food.

    My diary is open. I unfortunately eat a lot of the same crap over and over because I like it, it's predictable, it's easy - but I could just as easily mix things up more. In fact on Sunday I did - I had fruity pebbles instead of my usual plain greek yogurt and total cereal. LOL
  • wizzybeth
    wizzybeth Posts: 3,578 Member
    And please please do your best to MEET your minimum fat, protein, and fiber goals, and don't be afraid of carbs. DO NOT LISTEN to all the BS diet advice telling you carbs/fat/sugar is the enemy. The only enemy is depravation of the things you love.

    If you eat foods that satiate you (personally I try to have a minimum of 20g of protein at each meal) you will NOT feel deprived. I promise. You have to find the sweet spot that works for you.
  • CSARdiver
    CSARdiver Posts: 6,252 Member
    What's the hurry? You are only 1 week in and depending on how much weight you have to lose, losing at a fast rate is detrimental and unhealthy.

    Using slim fast or other supplements is a bad idea for long term success. You never allow yourself the ability to learn the habits associated with successful weight management.

    It is going to take you over a year to get to your goal weight. Give yourself the time and learn patience in this process.

    Nothing worth having is acquired easily.
  • WhereIsPJSoles
    WhereIsPJSoles Posts: 622 Member
    You should work on your patience now because weight doesn’t come off any quicker the more you lose. It slows a lot when you get closer to your goal and you have to pretty much be a monk to get through it. I’m 6 lbs from goal and, provided I do everything right, I won’t be there for 3 freakin months.