Why Does Pizza Tempt Me?

I get cravings for pizza occasionally(usually when I see someone on tv eating it lol) but anytime I get it, it lives down to expectations... So whhhyyy do I still want it?


  • ritchiedrama
    ritchiedrama Posts: 1,304 Member
    I get cravings for pizza occasionally(usually when I see someone on tv eating it lol) but anytime I get it, it lives down to expectations... So whhhyyy do I still want it?

    Why don't you just eat it and make it fit your targets then? Or alternatively, make your own pizzas, it is fun and you can control how much you put on them.
  • jwdieter
    jwdieter Posts: 2,582 Member
    Sounds like you're half-assing it. Get some good pizza.
  • iheartmy1dog
    Why don't you just eat it and make it fit your targets then? Or alternatively, make your own pizzas, it is fun and you can control how much you put on them.
    I'm too lazy to make my own.. And then on top have to calculate the nutrition stuff.
    Sounds like you're half-assing it. Get some good pizza.

    Lol no, I get decent pizza when I get it.. It's just not the same as I imagine it
  • ritchiedrama
    ritchiedrama Posts: 1,304 Member
    Why don't you just eat it and make it fit your targets then? Or alternatively, make your own pizzas, it is fun and you can control how much you put on them.
    I'm too lazy to make my own.. And then on top have to calculate the nutrition stuff.
    Sounds like you're half-assing it. Get some good pizza.

    Lol no, I get decent pizza when I get it.. It's just not the same as I imagine it

    So you're lazy? No sympathy. You want something in life go get it, simple as that.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Then just remember how much of a letdown it is and don't order it.

    It's very rare I'm disappointed in pizza, but I do sometimes feel that way about McDonalds. It never lives up to my childhood memories. So I don't get it. Unless I'm on the road, 100 miles from home, it's the only option, and I'm starving.
  • iheartmy1dog
    Why don't you just eat it and make it fit your targets then? Or alternatively, make your own pizzas, it is fun and you can control how much you put on them.
    I'm too lazy to make my own.. And then on top have to calculate the nutrition stuff.
    Sounds like you're half-assing it. Get some good pizza.

    Lol no, I get decent pizza when I get it.. It's just not the same as I imagine it

    So you're lazy? No sympathy. You want something in life go get it, simple as that.

    The lazy was sarcasm. Never said anything about looking for sympathy. Pizza isn't something I want to "go get"... It's not a major life goal like that comment sounds lol
  • babyluthi
    babyluthi Posts: 285 Member

    1st GOAL: 100kg (set on 6JUN13)
    14kg lost / 21.4 to go until next goal.
  • iheartmy1dog
    Then just remember how much of a letdown it is and don't order it.

    It's very rare I'm disappointed in pizza, but I do sometimes feel that way about McDonalds. It never lives up to my childhood memories. So I don't get it. Unless I'm on the road, 100 miles from home, it's the only option, and I'm starving.

    I usually try to do that.. It always seems to still tempt me tho.. It always looks sooo good when I see ppl on tv enjoying it! It always looks cheesier on tv too lol
  • scookiemonster
    scookiemonster Posts: 175 Member
    Then just remember how much of a letdown it is and don't order it.

    It's very rare I'm disappointed in pizza, but I do sometimes feel that way about McDonalds. It never lives up to my childhood memories. So I don't get it. Unless I'm on the road, 100 miles from home, it's the only option, and I'm starving.

    Yeah, that's why I just don't bother with McDonald's (and its hamburger joint cousins) anymore. After years of not eating it, I thought I'd treat myself one day... imagine my surprise and disappointment to find that it just tasted like salty grease. No thanks.

    For the pizza... wish I could help you. I'd pretty much kill to be able to eat a slice of real NY pizza again, but doing so would probably mean a week of stomach aches (I'm gluten sensitive). Either you learn after the first let down or two, you find better pizza, or you just keep letting yourself down!

    (edited for grammar)
  • EmilyEmpowered
    EmilyEmpowered Posts: 650 Member
    Pizza is always better than I expect it to be... I say, "OK we'll order pizza but only let me have two pieces" and then I end up out eating my BF haha. It is a serious trigger for me.

    Tomorrow I made room for half a pizza (8 slices total LOL) in my macros, I am so excited! LOL My coworker and I split, and I eat it a little at a time over the second half of my ten hour shift. :smokin:
  • SwitzEngine
    SwitzEngine Posts: 3,418 Member
    I think is a thing of modeation. Get ur pizza but with less cheese or whatever.

    Best thing, as mentioned above, make your own pizza. You can choose the toppings that fit in your diet.

    Listen to Italian songs and you feel like in a real "pizzeria"
  • cmcollins001
    cmcollins001 Posts: 3,472 Member
    Now I want pizza.
  • zacherybinx
    zacherybinx Posts: 215 Member

    1st GOAL: 100kg (set on 6JUN13)
    14kg lost / 21.4 to go until next goal.

    Read my mind. At a more basic level, we're just programmed to desire these things. I'd say if as a whole we were able to figure out how to get away from processed salts/sugars the majority of the World wouldn't be so out of shape to begin with, These are addictions we must break with time.
  • iheartmy1dog
    I've always wanted to try NY pizza! Maybe I should visit NY to try it.. Maybe it wouldn't be a let down then! :)

    Reading everyone's comments is making me more tempted lol
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Then just remember how much of a letdown it is and don't order it.

    It's very rare I'm disappointed in pizza, but I do sometimes feel that way about McDonalds. It never lives up to my childhood memories. So I don't get it. Unless I'm on the road, 100 miles from home, it's the only option, and I'm starving.

    I was a sad panda the last time I bought fudge striped cookies. I LOVED those things as a kid, so I bought some and worked them into my goal, and then they just didn't taste as good as I remembered.
  • pawprints86
    pawprints86 Posts: 59 Member
    CRAP, now I'm craving pizza, too. :P

    I agree though, most of my cravings these days turn out to be a bit of a letdown. Which is a disappointment to me. :( Ah, well!
  • EmilyEmpowered
    EmilyEmpowered Posts: 650 Member
    Then just remember how much of a letdown it is and don't order it.

    It's very rare I'm disappointed in pizza, but I do sometimes feel that way about McDonalds. It never lives up to my childhood memories. So I don't get it. Unless I'm on the road, 100 miles from home, it's the only option, and I'm starving.

    I was a sad panda the last time I bought fudge striped cookies. I LOVED those things as a kid, so I bought some and worked them into my goal, and then they just didn't taste as good as I remembered.

    I did the same thing recently!! I figured out they didnt taste sa good because they no longer fit around my finger, which was my preferred method of holding them while eating as a child :laugh:
  • spoiledpuppies
    spoiledpuppies Posts: 675 Member
    Mmmm...my husband is eating pizza next to me as I type. I need to get my own dinner together asap!
  • melindafritz1976
    melindafritz1976 Posts: 329 Member
    EAT IT
  • klaff411
    klaff411 Posts: 169 Member
    I make pizza out of almond meal...and then throw some cheese on it with toppings...a little bacon too...****en delicous...low carb..low cal...