I need some advice on lifting and what to eat!

sgallagherxo Posts: 89 Member

I started weight loss journey last year and lost 20lbs then fell pregnant and had my baby in December! I got back to prepregnancy weight 4 weeks pp and I've lost a further 5lbs since then (2 weeks) with eating mostly healthy and trying to get out walks (ended up with a c section)

Now I'm planning for in a few months to go back to the gym but everything online is confusing me with lifting. I've read some places carbs are what you need, others it's protein.

So I've a few questions, what actually works? Whats your macros % ratio?
What exercises should I focus on? I really want to improve my arms/booty/abs but I understand doing compound exercises can be the most effective? What ones do you do?



  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    To maintain your current weight you will want to get familiar with recomping


    This link provides a list of beginner programs and information for beginner lifters.


    I look at my macros per lean body mass or your goal weight.
    Protein: 0.8 to 1g
    Fats: 0.35 to 0.6g
    Carbs: The rest
  • SimonNTaylor
    SimonNTaylor Posts: 4 Member
    Asking "what actually works" is an impossible question, as results are completely dependent on the individual. Some respond well to low carbs, others do not. It's all about trial and error, and seeing what works better for you.

    Does low carbs effect your ability to stay consistent with your training? If so, then make sure you keep your carbs high. It's frustrating, I know.. But taking the time to dial in what works for you will benefit you greatly in the long run.

    As for training. Compound movements are king. Especially if time in the gym is limited due to life commitments. If it's a booty you want, then SQUAT SQUAT SQUAT.

    Hope this helps. Feel free to contact me for any further advice :) And congratulations on getting back down to pre-pregnancy weight so quickly.
  • fb47
    fb47 Posts: 1,058 Member
    You're better off reading a few articles on that, explaining to you in the forum is long and tedious.